Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 449: Detonating The Volcano

In the cabin, Zhan Hui has completed the report to the coast guard ship, and his report was immediately transferred to the nearest aircraft carrier No. 002. The intelligence system that has entered the state of alert will naturally not let this obviously abnormal. After the explosion, after a simple confirmation, according to the order of the commander-in-chief of the formation, a helicopter scrambled into the air, carrying several marines and professional translators, and flew in the direction of Qiong 106 fishing.

In the rest cabin, several islanders have gathered together, and whispered some secrets that cannot be seen.

"Inoue-san, we should take action now. If we wait until their navy sends someone over, then we will lose our last chance..."

"We've taken such a big risk and now that the ship is down and the equipment is in place, if it doesn't start, all our efforts will be in vain."

Opposite him, the man he called Inoue frowned slightly and replied:

"Yamada-kun, I also understand our current situation, but the problem is, we have no chance."

"All the equipment is on the lifeboat, and suddenly running out now will arouse their suspicion. My opinion is that it is better to wait for their official personnel to come and negotiate with them before leaving normally."

"They couldn't have searched our lifeboats -- and even if they had, they wouldn't have known what those devices did?"

Yamada slowly shook his head and said:

"It's really impossible for them to know those devices, but the problem is, they don't need to know them at all. As long as they keep it, they will figure it out sooner or later!"

"As you know, Huaxia is a sensitive and cautious nation. In this case, they have no reason to let us leave at will."

"Their no sailing order has just been issued, and our ship has an accident. This is too coincidental, as if we deliberately left the ship here!"

Having said that, he sighed lightly and continued:

"We shouldn't be in such a hurry... It would be nice if we could seek advice from above. In our capacity, making such a decision would be too hasty after all."

"If we decided to turn in and leave here first, and then return to the arrangement when the time is right, I am afraid we would not have encountered such a dilemma."

"But that's the way to go."

Hearing his words, the opposite Inoue retorted:

"The order we received is to let us decide on our own, otherwise as long as we contact the top, there will be a risk of leaks."

"Now that we've made the ruling, we've made the right decision in every way."

"We can't wait any longer. You also know what the purpose of this operation is. If you can't act immediately and let them land on the island, then everything we have done will be meaningless."

"Yamada-kun, the important thing is not the earthquake, not the volcano, nor the Yuyu Island, but the South Island!"

"If we can't keep the South Island as promised, how could the Ugly people deliver such technology to us..."

Yamada took a long sigh, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked:

"Inoue-san, you are the commander-in-chief of this operation and the person who knows the most about technology. I want to ask you... Is such technology really credible?"

"I mean, triggering an underwater volcano with a seismic bomb, and.... the same way to prevent Mount Fuji from erupting, is this technology really within the reach of humans?"

"......I don't have an answer to your latter question either, but the former..."

After a short pause, Inoue sat up a little, then drew a map of the Yuyu Islands with a few strokes on the dusty ground.

Seeing this hand, Yamada's eyes lit up.

He had always been skeptical of Inoue's ability before, but now, it was a remarkable thing that the other party could memorize the complicated map of the archipelago in his heart.

"Yamada-kun, look, this island is Yuyu Island. There are other small islands around it, such as Huangwei Island, South Island, North Island, etc., which are collectively called Yuyu Islands."

"Actually, all of these islands are volcanic islands. They are all land left over from ancient underwater volcanic eruptions, and Yuyu Island itself is actually a volcanic island."

"They were all formed by Quaternary volcanic eruptions. At that time, magma that penetrated the Tertiary strata erupted due to huge pressure, forming this series of volcanic islands in their infancy, but now, this The volcano has stopped erupting."

"But that doesn't mean it's an extinct volcano, it's a dormant volcano to be precise."

"Mt. Fuji was also once a dormant volcano, and it became active because a series of geological changes affected the internal balance of the magma pool, preventing the pressure in it from being released."

"Similarly, if we can break the balance of the magma pool of Yuyudao volcano through external force, it will also transform from a dormant volcano to an active volcano."

Yamada nodded slightly, and asked while Inoue was taking a breather:

"However, to achieve this level, the external force we need is huge, right? I heard that the hairy bear country has tried to activate the volcano with a nuclear bomb before, but it was unsuccessful..."

"Yes, it is difficult. In fact, the depth of the fire surface to the magma pool must be at least 50 kilometers, and to reach this level, even a high-yield hydrogen bomb cannot do it."

"However, Yuyu Island is a special case. The Yuyu Islands are located on the Yuyu Island-South Island fold belt, which is a typical folded uplift structural area, and it also has a structure called Yuyu Island-South Island on the east side. The fracture terrain of the Great Rupture, on its eastern side, there is also the Okinawa Trough Great Rupture."

"Because of this structure, this area is called the most unstable area in the entire Pacific geology, and it only takes a few small disturbances to cause a strong chain reaction."

"Actually, such a reaction is not purely theoretical speculation. During the years when we occupied this sea area, we have carried out a lot of researches in conjunction with the Chou Kingdom - the purpose of which is to obtain the information on the seabed of Yuyu Island. oil and gas resources.”

"We conducted seafloor surveys, drilling, blasting... These actions did not allow us to obtain oil, but they proved one thing: the volcano of Yuyu Island is actually extremely unstable."

"As long as a relatively small impact force is applied at a certain point, a chain of earthquakes can occur in this area, and after these earthquakes are transmitted to the Yuyu Island magma pool through the two major faults, it is very likely to activate this area. A volcano!"

"So, that's what we really want to do...we're going to do God's work with human strength."

After saying these words, Inoue let out a long sigh of relief.

He had never explained these technical details to his teammates before, but when the situation developed to this point, he felt that if he didn't speak out, the teammates might not be able to continue to complete the task with determination.

Looking at the convincing eyes of others, he continued:

"So, we have to speed up. It takes time for the bomb to detonate and the transmission of geological movements. If it is delayed, our detonation system is likely to fail due to water pressure, and the originally calculated geological weak points will also occur. Change, when that time comes, we won't have the opportunity to complete the task."

Hearing this, the others nodded, Yamada stretched out his hand to wipe off the traces on the ground, and then said firmly:

"In that case, Inoue-san, please give an order!"

"What to do next, everything depends on you!"

Inoue nodded solemnly, and after pondering for a while, he said:

"The most important thing for us is to retrieve the equipment on the lifeboat first - or go back to the lifeboat to use the equipment."

"It takes at least 10 minutes to activate the bombs. I need you to help me hold them back. No matter what the method is, even if it is to create chaos, you must buy me 10 minutes."

"After completing the operation, I will immediately sink the lifeboat to the bottom of the water. I also need a reliable reason here that will not reveal obvious flaws. Do you have any suggestions?"

"...Maybe there's a fire as an excuse? Or just drop the equipment in the water?"

"No, the action is too big, this can only be used as a last resort. A fire is a good reason, but I'm afraid that time is too late. If they find out, they will choose to put out the fire as soon as possible. Is there any other way? "

"It would be fine if the fishing boats were in motion, but they are now at anchor...I can't think of any other way."

"Then let's take a step by step, it's too late, let's act now!"

After speaking, Inoue suddenly stood up, and the others also stood up together. After a few simple exchanges, one after another shouts rang out in the cabin.

Due to their different languages, they don't care about the specific content at all, they just keep making noise.

The crew of Qiong 106 were quickly attracted by the shouts, and a conflict broke out soon after they were provocative.

Tan Min was surrounded by the crowd. He had discovered the crisis hidden in this inexplicable conflict, so he squeezed hard to Zhan Hui's side and shouted at him:

"Don't crowd around here, you can't speak the language, you can't speak! Go to the door to guard, and don't let anyone out!"


Zhan Hui suddenly pushed the two chattering islanders away, but when he stood by the door, a dark shadow just turned over the side of the boat and jumped onto the lifeboat.

At this time, the helicopter sent from the 002 aircraft carrier has just taken off, and it will take at least 15 minutes of search and flight to reach the position of Qiong 106 fishing.

In the lifeboat, the detonation of the underwater seismic bomb has already begun.

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