"So all these islanders are big dicks? Bomb the Mariana Trench? Thankfully they figured it out!"

"The geological structure of that area is inherently unstable, and trying to truly infer the laws of geological activity is similar to predicting earthquakes on a global scale."

"Let's not say that the huge amount of computation and complex computing models required in it cannot even be achieved by our current quantum computers. Just talking about surveying, such a big ocean trench, how can they believe that the people of the ugly country can completely survey it, and then come to the correct conclusion conclusion?"

Looking at the report in his hand, Ye Zhou's helplessness had reached an uncontrollable level.

From the report, he has basically understood the plan of the islanders this time, which is nothing more than blowing up the weak points of the geological structure of the fold belt, and then using the domino effect to trigger a chain reaction, thereby activating the submarine volcanoes near the fish fish island, even if it is not directly. By sinking Yuyu Island, a large amount of volcanic ash and magma can also be used to organize the Chinese side to land on the island, thereby slowing down the progress of the South Island.

This plan should logically make sense, and if it can be realized, it can indeed achieve good results, but the only problem is that this plan has been wrong from the first step.

It shouldn't even start.

Trying to use technology far beyond the current level of human technology to affect the natural world is the biggest mistake.

Although Chinese people often say that fighting with the sky is endless fun, but this kind of struggle is based on rationality and objectivity and a clear understanding of their own power. yy on the next gram.

Therefore, Ye Zhou was speechless when he saw that the whole picture of the other party's plan was like this.

For a while, he couldn't understand whether the island country was fooled by the ugly country, or whether the ugly people themselves were fooled by the so-called Harp plan.

---- Of course, from another point of view, they did cause earthquakes, which is at least a useful experience. If the data of the explosion point can be collected by deep-dive detectors later, it will be very important for the marine geology after China. Research work will also be of great help.

Speaking of which, Jiaolong No. 2 should also be launched, right?

At that time, whether to explore the Mariana Trench or the South Island Trench first, this is a question...

Chen Hao on the opposite side did not go as far as Ye Zhou thought. He just felt that although the other party's plan ended in such a nonsensical way this time, in some respects, it did reveal his side's preparations for the battle. of insufficiency.

The RSA decryption technology alone is no longer enough to deter opponents. They are learning very fast. It is estimated that it will take a long time to come up with asymmetric countermeasures with more tricks and greater threats.

And we should be prepared for this earlier.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"It's hard to say what consensus they have reached in this incident, but at least they have exposed their joint attitude."

"So, even the emperors of the previous dynasty said that they were the most capricious country. What does that sentence say.... They are very humble, they don't know there is kindness in the world, and they are only blindly intimidated by Wuwei, Therefore, you must not have a little good color for it."

"Now this sentence has come true again. In the first two months, he was grovelling like a dog in front of us. It was only a long time ago that he didn't clean up them, and he immediately started making small moves behind his back."

"I really can't give them a good face... This time the volcano is bombed, what will it be next time? The deterrence is still not strong enough."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It's useless, the national character of their nation is like this, no matter how strong the deterrence is, they will not be convinced."

"I've heard a saying in a movie before, that being an undercover agent is addicting, and you'll enjoy the feeling that both parties treat you as an ally, but you don't take each other seriously at all."

"The island country is such a country. You can tell from their art works, what ntr, squatting, bad morals, shame..."

"Etc., etc!"

Chen Hao interrupted him quickly and asked suspiciously:

"The kind of art you're talking about...is it serious art?"

"...I'm really serious."

Ye Zhou spread his hands helplessly and continued:

"Their whole society is built on such a cultural foundation, which stems from the inferiority complex they have accumulated over thousands of years as a vassal state -- or, rather, a slave mentality?"

"I always think about rebelling against the master, but when I really get out of the control of one master, I can't wait to find the next master."

"...It's a bit too far. In short, for such a country, you can't completely convince them through high-intensity coercion. The only effective means is...you know. ."

Chen Hao nodded slightly and said:

"It doesn't need to be said... But then again, will this volcanic eruption have a big impact on them and us?"

"...You really take me as an omniscient? This question should be asked by a professional geographer."

"However, I checked some information myself, and I think the impact on us is actually limited."

"The closest eruption to Yuyu Island is the Suwa-no-Island volcano. The eruption height is about 5,000 meters. It does form a certain amount of volcanic ash, but it can cause an impact of ten days and a half months at most. Now, we can still go back to Fish Fish Island."

"On the contrary, the eruption of Fukuoka Noba has a great impact on them. Affected by the atmospheric circulation and the monsoon, the volcanic ash will quickly spread to their mainland, and then be blocked by the land air flow and start northward, which should basically cover the entire island country. "

"I don't know how catastrophic the coverage will be, but at least the effects of acid rain, cooling, and air quality are certain."

"So, I think they are simply shooting themselves in the foot this time. I also answered that sentence, the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who will the heaven forgive?"

After listening to Ye Zhou's explanation, Chen Hao smiled and said:

"Didn't you say it professionally... But you said that the vicinity of Yuyu Island will still be affected, so should we withdraw?"

"It's just cramming for a while. We must retreat. If we don't retreat, will our fishermen eat ashes there? However, if we want to retreat, they will also retreat. I think that before we leave, we should Do what you haven't done before..."

"for example?"

Chen Hao looked at the mysterious Ye Zhou curiously.

He could probably guess what Ye Zhou wanted to do. In fact, such an action was already in the plan of the decision-making level.

The volcanic eruption of the archipelago is indeed an unexpected situation, but this does not mean that such a situation is unfavorable for oneself.

Not to mention the impact of the volcanic ash on the enemy's homeland that Ye Zhou mentioned earlier, just the temporary impact of the volcanic ash from the archipelago volcano on Yuyu Island created excellent conditions for the party to officially regain control.

As Ye Zhou said, if you want to withdraw from that area, the enemy should also withdraw. In this way, a short vacuum window will be formed there.

During this period of time, no force will try to swear its rights, and whoever can maintain his existence at the last moment before the window period, whoever can declare himself to this area at all times after that of possession.

So in the final analysis, this is a "train game" between the two countries.

Standing on the high-speed train, facing the oncoming tunnel, whoever bows his head at a later time will win the contest.

Perhaps even the islanders did not expect that this time they were supposed to consolidate the balance of power in Yuyu Island, but instead it would accelerate the change of the situation.

Looking at Chen Hao's color, Ye Zhou coughed and said with a smile:

"For example, since it's called Yuyu Island, it shouldn't be too much for our fishermen to go fishing, right?"

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