Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 452 Anchoring And Sailing

In the waters of Yuyu Island, Qiong 106 fished.

Zhan Hui watched as the island country ships picked up the dozen or so islanders on their boats, with a look of schadenfreude on his face.

In fact, when he heard the news of the volcanic eruption just now, he was also terrified, and even he had already made plans to kill the islanders on the boat and pull them into the water together, but when he saw the look on the other side's face, he looked like a mother. After the expression, he immediately guessed the crux of the problem.

These people are afraid that they want to play with flowers and live well, but they play themselves in it.

According to the follow-up news announcement, the situation is just as imagined. The erupting volcano will not affect Huaxia at all, but will cause great losses to the island country.

Isn't this a pure cycle of causation and unpleasant retribution?

Zhan Hui didn't know how many times he said "Thank you Mazu" in his heart, he couldn't help thinking, it seems that the boss is right, Mazu does things one by one, saving people is one thing, but after saving people, Just blowing up their home, that's another story.

This is probably the position of the Chinese gods?

With his low level of education, he could only think of such an explanation.

Otherwise, how should it be explained? Obviously the other party planned so much, obviously they paid such a huge price, even at the expense of blowing up a fishing boat, but the final result was asking for trouble?

Of course, there may be some inevitability in this. For example, if the aircraft carrier formation 002 hadn't entered the field strongly, the other party's plan would not have been carried out so hastily; There may be more room for manoeuvre; for example, if the ugly people hadn't been pushed back, they wouldn't have to do so at all...  

But in the final analysis, things happened in such an incredible way, and all the nearby Huaxia fishermen also recklessly contributed their laughing voices because of this result.

"Sayonara! Sayonara!"

Standing on the side of the boat, Zhan Hui cheerfully waved goodbye to the departing island ships. He secretly thought to himself that the other party's boat blew up when he said "Sayanara" last time. Will the ship also blow up?

However, it was obvious that his cultivation of the weapon of causality had not reached the level of that man. The island ship had safely left his sight and was heading in an unknown direction.

He looked away reluctantly, looked at Tan Min beside him, and said:

"Boss, should we evacuate too? I heard the above, the volcanic ash from the east is coming soon, and now our ships are retreating."

For himself, the biggest excitement of this voyage has been finished, and he has also played a big role in this excitement. According to the previous meaning, after returning this time, he must send a message to everyone in 106 Fishing. Some bonuses, some subsidies, at that time, this is the capital for him to brag with his little lover.

Therefore, he no longer has too much nostalgia for this sea----the opponents have already left, and the fish has already finished, so what are you still doing here?

However, what he didn't expect was that Tan Min, who was beside him, shook his head and said:

"No, we can't go yet, we still have tasks."

"Task? What task?"

Looking at Tan Min's expression, Zhan Hui instantly became interested. He knew that it was definitely not an easy thing to make such a cautious and steady captain say "I can't go yet".

Tan Min smiled slightly, suppressed the same ups and downs in his heart, and pretended to say casually:

"It's not a special mission...just...see that island? We'll go up there in a while."


Two hours later, a small boat docked at the shoal on the west side of Yuyu Island. Zhan Hui and Tan Min, under the escort of a distant helicopter, ended their more than one-month floating at sea, followed by a man in casual clothes. Together with the staff, they set foot on solid land for the first time.

"It's finally here."

Zhan Hui's voice trembled a little, he held the thing in his hand tightly, and the blue veins burst on the back of his hand.

"Yeah, we didn't expect it to be that fast..."

The staff member named Lu Haifeng said with emotion.

"According to the plan, it would take us at least a month or two to really get close to the island, and then it would take another half a year to actually land on the island. Unexpectedly, these small actions they made this time turned into help us."

"This time you've done a lot of credit. If you didn't control those people, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

"Wait a while when you climb the mountain, you should pay a little attention to your image. We must have taken pictures this time for publicity. It will not look good when it is taken, and it will be embarrassing for your family to see it in the newspaper."

Hearing his words, Zhan Hui smiled and replied:

"Leader, you can rest assured that although I am a careless person, I am absolutely reliable at critical moments, especially in such a major event, I have never gone wrong!"

"If you have made a mistake, can people still let you come up? Wait a while and don't talk nonsense! I heard that there are still islanders on this island!"

Tan Min on the side glared at Zhan Hui and scolded Zhan Hui. The latter was still in front of Lu Haifeng, but after hearing his lesson, he adjusted his stance and even walked. All with their heads held high.

Lu Haifeng saw it interesting, so he asked:

"What's the matter with you? Why do I feel like it's not just the captain and crew?"

"... Leader, this kid is half my son-in-law. Let's not talk about this, what are we going to do in a while? We won't meet the islanders again, will we?"

Lu Haifeng shook his head and replied:

"There are no islanders. Although an airport and a lighthouse have been built on this island, no one has landed on the island since 12 years ago. It's not just them. Before last year, we didn't dare to do anything to this island. ."

"Its location is too sensitive, not just geographically, but also in the hearts of countries."

"These are all public information, and you know that at that time, our confrontation with the ugly people was still fierce - of course, it is also fierce now, but it's not a matter of life and death."

"At that time, Yuyu Island, like Nandao, was a bargaining chip they used to check and balance us at sea. What they wanted was to maintain the ambiguous situation of this island and maintain the balance of power between us and the island country in this sea area, thereby dragging the Hold our energies so we can't go all out against them."

"We've tried to get to the island many times, but we haven't been successful - there are too many problems involved."

"How embarrassed we were at that time, it was obviously our own island, but we could only watch, not approach!"

"Don't look at that time, we always had all kinds of ships coming to cruise, and scientific research ships to survey and map, but in fact, as long as we break through the boundaries a little bit, those ugly countrymen will use their force to intimidate us. ."

"What's even more extreme is that not only the ugly people, but even those island people dare to clamor to organize a 3,000-strong island seizure force to take this island back from our hands."

"3,000 people, what does it mean to us? But they dare to shout like that."

"At that time, the news was all about these things. I don't know if you have seen it. Anyway, many people think that we are going to lose this island... Forget it, let's not talk about this."

Looking at Lu Haifeng, who kept his mouth shut, Tan Min and Tan Min also knew that there might be many stories that were inconvenient for them to know, so they didn't ask questions, but just followed him silently, step by step toward the highest point on the island. Climb away.

The area of ​​this island is not large, and the length from north to south is only more than 3,000 meters, but the altitude reaches hundreds of meters. Even with the simple roads built by the islanders when they landed on the island, it is quite laborious to climb.

Along the way, the three of them did not speak, but as their positions gradually increased, the emotions in their hearts became more and more complicated.

What kind of feeling is this?

It is difficult for Zhan Hui to describe his state at this time. Maybe it is the excitement of witnessing history, maybe it is the nervousness of being a part of history, maybe it is the uneasiness about joining the torrent, but no matter what, he knows better than anyone that from Since he set foot on this island, there is no turning back.

In fact, it's not just him, since the three of them set foot on this island, Huaxia has also taken a step that will shock the world.

If it is said that before this, all of Huaxia's operations and efforts were to keep what they had, then from now on, the goal of all Huaxia people is to recover what they have lost.

And this island is just the first step.

It is like the anchor of a giant ship into the deep sea. When it is pulled up, the giant ship will go to the wider deep sea.

The climb of more than an hour finally ended. The three stood on the top of the highest peak of Yuyu Island. Looking at the blue water in the distance and the volcanic ash from the volcanic eruption floating in the sky, Lu Haifeng suddenly felt that he Emotions are a bit uncontrollable.

Fifteen years in the army and fifteen years at sea, he has waited for this moment for too long.

For him, this island is definitely not just an island. In many cases, this is a witness to the humiliating history of the entire navy and even the entire China.

On April 17, 1895, the defeated Huaxia was forced to sign an unequal jump. The treaty stipulated that Huaxia would cede the South Island and its affiliated islands to the island country. Island as a haven for fishermen.

How did the fishermen react at that time? Ming and Ming ancestors have been fishing here for generations. Mingming’s own fathers once took him to build a fire on this island, sheltered from the wind, and watched the morning and sunset on this island, but suddenly, it is no longer here. belong to yourself.

There is no way to protest, because in the era they were in, China's international power had fallen to the lowest point.

Who cares about the ownership of this faraway island? Wars are raging on the mainland, and the people and the country are already in a precarious situation!

So, if you lose it, you will lose it. In any case, this is just a fishing ground.

There are still many fishing grounds in Huaxia, right?

And so, after that, the island, along with the larger island, was ruled by a country of small balls for a full 50 years.

That was 50 years of humiliation and people were inferior to dogs.

Until 1945, when the island country was defeated, the island returned to the embrace of China in name, but that was only "in name".

The island country at that time did not admit their failure at all, and refused to hand over the island, but handed it over to the people of the ugly country on the grounds that the island was under the jurisdiction of the so-called Okinawa.

Compared to Huaxia, which was still in the midst of war at the time, they were more willing to use this island to please that real powerful country, even if the other party never cherished it at all, even if they just used this island as a training range!

It sounds like a joke, what you value as a treasure is just an insignificant toy in the hands of the enemy, but he just doesn't want to give it back to you, and you don't even have the right to protest.

Even this is not the final outcome. What is even more infuriating is that this enemy has handed over the island to the once defeated country after 20 years!

What an irony this is, a defeated country, just relying on such a servile attitude, can take back what did not belong to them, and it is absolutely right both morally and legally The Chinese people who take a stand can only make their weak voices heard through protests and the "Island Protection Movement" again and again.

They are facing the most powerful country in the world, and their weapons are only the pen in their hand and the microphone in their mouth.

Do protests like this work?

It may be useful, after all, it really aroused the public's attention to the island, and also aroused everyone's feelings of hatred and hatred.

However, it is useless.

In front of the opponent's strong ships and sharp guns, in front of the opponent's giant aircraft carrier, and in front of the opponent's supersonic fighter jets that come and go without a trace, this sound is like a drop of water thrown into the sea, and it can't cause a wave of waves.

Even those with lofty ideals who organize such movements will be ridiculed and pressured from everywhere because of their voices.

"What's the point of you doing this? Can you get the Fish Island back just by shouting?"

"It's so awesome, why don't you just sail to the island directly?"

"It's just grandstanding..."

At that time, people would suffer because of such a voice, right? But no matter how painful it was, they couldn't stop speaking up.

Because once it stops, no one really cares about this island.

---- All these changes happened in 2012.

At that time, the island country strongly promoted the purchase of the island, trying to confirm the ownership of the island from the perspective of international law, and those Westerners who watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal naturally fully supported this. The one-man show has risen directly to a deterministic matter at the national level.

But what they didn't expect was that Huaxia at this time was no longer the Huaxia it was 30 years ago.

At the most dangerous moment of the island-purchasing farce, the eight ships of the State Oceanic Administration directly entered the 12-nautical-mile range of Yuyu Island, demonstrating Huaxia's attitude with practical actions. In front of the 10,000-ton-level warship, he could only retreat in despair.

Lu Haifeng remembered that he joined the navy at that time. At that time, he had only been on the ship for less than 3 months, but on a seemingly peaceful night, he was asked to write the first suicide note in his life.

More than 100 combat ships gathered in this sea area, guns were loaded, fighter planes were touring, submarines disappeared, and even df-21 was ready to go.

The ammunition was distributed to the company, while he sat on the narrow bunk, facing the cold light, carefully pressing the bullets into the magazines one by one.

At that time, I really thought that it would be the last battle.

However, in the end nothing happened.

Since then, the situation in this sea area, including Yuyu Island, has undergone an all-round reversal.

Large-scale private fishing operations have been organized, and fishermen have begun to conduct normal operations in this area, declaring their determination to retake their homeland.

The four marine surveillance departments were merged and the State Oceanic Administration was established. The number of Shanghai police vessels over 500 tons was replenished to more than 200, and the number of thousand-ton vessels reached nearly 100.

A large number of decommissioned naval ships were included, and the 10,000-ton-class coast guard ships represented by 3901 were included, patrolling its territory like a giant beast.

At this time, the maintenance of this maritime order actually no longer requires the participation of the troops to which he belongs.

However, just as they said to Zhan Hui before, Huaxia's control of Yuyudao at this time is actually just maintaining a balance of power.

It is absolutely impossible to land on the island. It is absolutely impossible to completely drive the opponent out of this sea area. All you can do is show your strongest combat power and deter the coveted one like the tip of a knife dancing. enemy.

This is not a pleasant experience. Lu Haifeng can't remember how many times he has been awakened from a dream, nor how many times he looked at the highest part of the island while cruising through the island. mountain peak.

And now, this so-called mountain is at his feet.

----It seems, it's not that high?

His line of sight gradually pulled away. On the sea in front of him, the black cloud had gradually approached the island, and under the black cloud, there were two different ship formations doing diametrically opposite things.

The formation with red and white flags was running away from the swept black clouds at full speed, and the stern of the boat slipped out of pale waves, just like some kind of symbol.

On the other hand, the large formation headed by the two giant aircraft carriers was heading towards the direction of the dark clouds. The noon sunlight formed beams of light through the clouds, as if they were actually splashed on the decks of those ships.

Clouds of lead were about to fall, gusts of wind were blowing in all directions, and the cold and hard steel crushed the rough sea. This fleet was like a beast that had been dormant for a long time and suddenly came out of its cage.

Zhan Hui and Tan Min beside Lu Haifeng were also shocked by this scene and speechless. At a certain moment, Zhan Hui even had an illusion:

These ships, they are not floating on the sea, but flying in the sky.

It wasn't until the fleet approached the island, and when the three of them could see the flag on the boat with the naked eye, that Tan Min discovered that his Qiong 106 fisherman was also in that fleet.

Of course, not only his boat, but also more ordinary fishing boats that fought alongside him on this sea, also surrounded the periphery of this huge fleet, "escorting" their flagship like stars.

"Time is up."

Lu Haifeng said in a low voice.

Zhan Hui was shocked, raised the flagpole in his hand, and slammed into the ground beneath his feet.

Then, the ferocious sea breeze rushes past, rolling up a dazzling red.

He took two steps back, glanced at the sky, then at the sea, then opened his mouth involuntarily, and shouted at the fleet in the distance:

"The wind and the waves broke, and the anchor was lifted!!"

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