Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 453 Give You A Gift

"Huaxia landed on Fish Island, and the two fleets have masts like forests!"

On the second day after Zhan Hui and the three of them landed on Yuyu Island, a piece of news from the media detonated the entire international public opinion.

Different from any previous time, the shooting technology of the propaganda department has made a qualitative leap, not only fully revealing the body shape of the battleship, but also handling the light and shadow effects in the environment at that time extremely professionally, in this photographer's work. Under the camera, the sense of oppression and combat effectiveness of the two aircraft carrier formations are fully revealed.

So much so that when netizens saw this group of photos, they almost forgot that the small island was the protagonist.

"Damn it, is this the Bureau of War Terrorism starting to take over the propaganda department? This photo was taken, like a galactic battleship, the sense of oppression is too strong!"

"It's outrageous, I don't even dare to open it to see it, I have committed phobia of giants."

"Is 002 really that big? It's 60,000 tons? You tell me it's 60,000 tons?"

"Although, 60,000 tons is really not too small. Think about how you put down a building with dozens of floors... I have visited before, standing under the bow of the ship, it is really even angry. Can't breathe."

"So who is the photographer this time? Does this not give him a promotion and a raise?"

"Is it useful? Look at the signature, this is the one who shot j-20h last time... They are professional."

"Wait ---- the main body of this news, isn't it Yuyu Island?"

However, the discussion that has been deviated has not been pulled back because of this comment. Everyone is constantly discussing when 004 will go into the water, whether 005 can take off, and whether the bird is the same as the sky and the sky, completely ignoring the one that once made countless people An island of heartbreak and humiliation.

Some people may think this is a kind of forgetting, but it is not.

They will still silently save the picture of the red flag on the news to their mobile phones after discussing the 002 formation, and they will still share the story of this island with people around them who don’t understand the military, and even more so when others ask about it. time, proudly say "now it's ours".

They just don't look back.

The people of this nation have witnessed too much glory, so such glory is no longer enough to stop them, and their eyes are always farther away.

The island of only a few dozen square kilometers is still too small. The next step should be the big island of 36,000 square kilometers.


For some countries, after the failure of the volcano plan, Huaxia's actions on Yuyu Island have been completely within their expectations, but when it does happen, the impact is still huge.

Birmingham National Laboratory, Headquarters of the Healey Organization.

Aldo's face was ashen, and in front of him sat the core researchers of the Halp Project, and those researchers inevitably had a bit of embarrassment on their faces.

This is really a huge mistake, obviously less than a month ago, they also confidently assured Aldo that they are more familiar with the Pacific Ocean floor topography and address structure than their own lawn, as long as they designate If you drop an earthquake bomb at the location, it will definitely trigger the corresponding effect.

But the result?

The volcano did explode, but the one that exploded was not the one they expected.

This time, not only did not slow down the opponent's movements, but instead slapped a handful of his allies—one and two.

The island country has completely lost the right to exist on Yuyu Island and the surrounding waters. The mainland is about to be attacked by a huge amount of volcanic ash. You don’t have to think about it. a disaster.

And what about the South Island?

After seeing Huaxia take over Yuyu Island effortlessly, how much confidence can their executives have?

Judging from the current public opinion, the voice of support for Huaxia on the island has risen from wave to wave, and even in the upcoming nine-in-one election, a large number of grassroots candidates have already used support for Huaxia as a selling point.

And this selling point is obviously really popular, because their support rate is indeed soaring.

"...So, your so-called geological model is the result? We have invested tens of billions of funds in the Halp plan to come up with such an unbelievable thing?"

Hearing his words, one of the researchers raised his head and said somewhat unconvinced:

"Our theoretical research is successful. After all, this is the first practical application. It is normal to have differences. It's just the loss of an earthquake bomb, and the cost is only more than 200 million. What's the big deal..."

"Earthquake bombs? Earthquake bombs are bullshit! Do you really understand or fake it?"

Aldo slapped the table angrily. He really didn't understand whether the researcher opposite was a real nerd, or whether he deliberately pretended to be like this to avoid responsibility.

Is the core of the problem an earthquake bomb?

Yes, that earthquake bomb is indeed very advanced, but compared with the subsequent losses caused by the failure of the plan, what is more than 200 million knives?

The key is the two islands!

After losing those two islands, the domino effect will occur immediately, and all surrounding countries and regions will see this signal, and will reconsider the number of bets on their side and China.

Obviously, they will definitely fall to Huaxia, because the other party is the real dominant party now.

Thinking of this, Aldo took a few deep breaths and continued:

"This is not the time to discuss responsibility, things have happened, and I can understand the difference between purely theoretical techniques and applications, but I need a clear answer now, can your Halp plan produce useful results? "

"If not, then we will terminate this program immediately and never restart it again!"

"We need a lot of money and resources now, and we must not waste resources on meaningless things!"

The researcher frowned, looked at Aldo with sharp eyes, and then asked:

"What is a meaningless thing? What is a useful result? Science can only have results through continuous exploration. This is the most basic law!"

"...But your exploration should not pose a threat to our grand strategy!"

"We have warned about the risks before!"

"But what you said was, 'It must be detonated successfully'!"

"Then you say it exploded or not!"


Aldo has absolutely nothing to say. Although he is the top leader of this organization and has the power to mobilize any resources within the country, the Halp plan is completely an independent plan, and he has no direct leadership over these researchers. relationship, the other party is not afraid of their own power at all.

Even in the eyes of Congress, the other party is only a pure researcher. Now that there is a problem with the technology, it is not them who are to blame, but themselves as decision makers.

Looking at Aldo's distressed expression, the researcher finally felt a little guilty.

After a few seconds of silence, he said:

"Well, I admit that our technology does have imperfections, and this incident is indeed a sad accident, but as I said, the emergence of a new technology will always face various twists and turns. "

"Mr. Aldo, I'm afraid you can't understand what this technology means to us. We can control the movement of the earth's crust and cause man-made geological disasters!"

"This is a more deterrent technology than nuclear bombs, and if one day perfected, we will be able to regain our deterrent status against the enemy."

"Isn't that exactly what you want?"

"In a word, the bad news is that our attempt failed this time, but the good news is that we are far ahead of the enemy, and as far as I know, the other party has not yet done so..."

However, before he could finish his words, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and an intelligence officer rushed to Aldo in a hurry and handed a brief piece of information into his hands.

Aldo read the information with a solemn expression. After a full five minutes, he put down the thin piece of paper in his hand, and then raised his head to look around, his eyes gloomy.

He didn't speak, but just pushed the information to the front of the researcher who spoke before. After the latter picked up the information suspiciously and read it, he slumped on his chair as if struck by lightning.

"This...I don't believe it."

"You don't believe it? This is the information they voluntarily provided to us. Isn't it obvious what they mean? This is a serious warning!"

"Didn't you say they don't have this technology? Then tell me, what is in my hand?!"

In the face of Aldo's murderous look, no one in the entire conference room dared to speak again. Everyone sitting around the conference table quietly stretched their necks, and then they neatly retracted their chairs.

They finally felt the fear for the first time, the oppressive feeling of being seen through and being dominated by others.

There was only one picture on that piece of paper, and on the title of the paper, a line was written in an extremely prominent font:

"Analysis of the structure of the geologically active area of ​​Huangshi Volcano----Gift from Huaxia Academy of Geological Sciences."

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