Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 454 Beyond Entropy Increase

(According to the usual practice, the sleep time on Thursday, the remaining 7000 words will be updated later today, and there is no charge for this sentence)

Rongcheng, in the office of Huawuyuan.

Ye Zhou and Chen Hao sat opposite each other, and as usual, after a day's work, they gathered together to review the progress of all matters.

"So, where did the geological structure map in your hands come from?"

Looking at the structure diagram in his hand, Ye Zhou asked curiously.

He couldn't understand how he could have such a detailed geological structure map in his own hands, not to mention that the area belongs to the high-risk control area of ​​the ugly country, and non-core researchers cannot enter at all, even if Huaxia really uses some means Entering that area, it is impossible to carry out survey activities on a large scale.

On the other hand, that area can be regarded as one of the areas with the most complex terrain and the most difficult surveying on the earth. According to the information obtained by Huaxia from the rsa decryption system before, the exploration of that area, even if it is Chou Guo himself has done very limited work, and the information obtained is only an outline. At best, it is only a topographic map. It is absolutely impossible to not only analyze the layered structure like the Institute of Geology, but also mark the structure. vulnerable point.

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao smiled slightly and did not answer immediately, but instead asked:

"You just believe that this picture is real?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then asked subconsciously:

"Isn't it? What does this mean? You made a fake map and sent it over?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he immediately realized the crux of the problem.

Even the authorities who know the most about Huaxia's technological strength can't confirm the authenticity of the picture, and it is even more impossible for the ugly people to confirm.

This is just an empty city plan - anyway, Huaxia has no plans to attack that area at all, so in fact, as long as a chapter "looks very real" picture is thrown, it is enough to achieve the purpose of deterrence.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou laughed involuntarily, and then said:

"You guys are too thieves... How do you know that the intelligence department of the other party will take this picture seriously?"

Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"It's not a chicken thief, and this picture is not completely made up. In fact, after we extracted the geological information that they did not isolate through RSA technology, we combined the satellite mapping data to reasonably infer the structure map."

"The strength of the Institute of Geology is very strong. Even if the weak points of the structure they mark can't be completely hit, they can at least hit more than 50%. If you want to confirm the authenticity, the other party must organize the actual survey, and the survey is It takes time."

"In this way, isn't our goal achieved? Anyway, they want to hold us back, and we want to hold them back, it's all the same."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, such a strategy does have enough deterrent effect, because in the current situation, the information held by both parties is asymmetric.

It can be said that Huaxia knows everything about the technological development of the ugly country, but the other party can't see what Huaxia is still holding.

Therefore, this half-covered deterrence can play the biggest role instead.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother about this "picture sending incident", but continued to chat with Chen Hao about the development of the current events. It was not until the sunset completely set that Chen Hao got up and left.

After he left, Ye Zhou leaned back on the chair by himself and started to sort out the current situation item by item.

The island incident was basically over, and Ye Zhou did not intend to pay more attention to the situation on the island country, because he knew in his heart that although this incident might be very loud, it was absolutely impossible to cause a devastating impact on it. influences.

The reason is very simple. The progress of human social organization is accompanied by the progress of science and technology. Maybe they could not deal with such a disaster 300 years ago, but after 300 years, even if they cannot do it well, they can guarantee that they will not be too much. Big fork.

In the final analysis, the Fudgang Nuoba submarine volcano is still too far away from their native land. The most lethal magma and toxic gases are basically unable to cause any impact. If it is just volcanic ash, the trouble it can cause is actually limited.

If you want to give them a devastating blow, you have to rely on Fujiyama.

Once this mountain erupts, 50 million people in the entire metropolitan area are likely to experience another unforgettable Li Mei BBQ.

Ye Zhou is not an extremist in his heart, and he doesn't want to see innocent people suffer, but as long as he thinks of that summer when the streets were full of acquaintances, he can't help but feel relieved.

After all, the emperor once said that forgiving the enemy is what God has to do, and what they have to do is to send the enemy to see God.

Now, the other party obviously hasn't made a move that can completely let go of their hatred, so naturally they don't have to try to convince themselves to obey humanitarianism and forgive the so-called friendly people who have not even thoroughly reflected on themselves.

It's still the same sentence, mountains and rivers are exotic, and they are inseparable.

----Of course, if one day they can fulfill all the conditions listed in their hearts one by one, the two sides actually have a chance to reconcile, but it will take some time.

The end of reconciliation is still far away, but the magma of Mount Fuji is close.

This can't be blamed on Ye Zhou, nor can it be blamed on the Chinese people -- they all made it themselves anyway.

At the same time, when the other side is in a huge crisis, preparations for the nine-in-one general election on the South Island have also been fully rolled out. According to the plan, the Cross-Strait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is still active there, will do its best to Trying hard to achieve a satisfactory ending for everyone, of course, does not require Ye Zhou to do any extra actions.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to focus on the work at hand, promote the development of nuclear fusion technology as soon as possible, and promote the manufacturing process of the Golden Crow as soon as possible.

Now, the manufacturing of the large-scale fiber laser "Xihe" has entered a stable stage, the production tasks of various equipment and components have been dispatched to thousands of enterprises, and international cooperation has also been initially put on the agenda. Ye Zhou's own work It has begun to decrease, so he decided to immediately start the simulation of the next plot.

After cleaning up his desk, Ye Zhou returned to his residence. He brewed a cup of hot tea for himself as usual, and while drinking tea, he rested and sorted out his thoughts. After adjusting his state to the best, he entered the simulation. in the device.

[The stars are forever, the human race is forever prosperous]

Seeing the familiar title emerge, Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief.

He clicked on the plot simulation interface, selected the "Little Sun" plot, and then selected the "Fusion Armor" plot of the three-stage simulation.

The pre-introduction of the plot is very simple, but it just said some technical explanations about the material of the first wall of nuclear fusion. As he judged before, the technological rewards of this simulation are related to high temperature resistance, metal activation resistance, and neutron radiation resistance. material, and this material is also the key to ensuring the stable operation of nuclear fusion reactors.

But there is no explanation for the background of the simulated plot, and the "beyond entropy increase" in the plot title makes him even more puzzled.

The so-called entropy increase is actually a concept strongly related to the second law of thermodynamics, which means that in an isolated system, if there is no external force to do work, its total chaos will continue to increase.

The universe is a typical isolated system. Its entropy increase has lasted for tens of billions of years. During this process, the energy of stars will be exhausted, heat will disappear, gravity will weaken, and the density of matter will also decrease. In the final stage, the universe will become a plate of icy cold loose sand, and it is a loose sand that can't be colder and can't be scattered any more.

This is called heat death.

Such a process is actually irreversible. In the absence of external work input, the outcome of this isolated system is actually predestined.

But now, the title of this plot simulation is actually "Beyond Entropy Increase".

How to surpass? Bringing in energy from extra dimensions? Or let the speed of human technology development exceed the speed of entropy increase?

Considering that this simulation was related to nuclear fusion, Ye Zhou felt that the latter was relatively more credible.

But it is obviously a technology of materials science, how is it related to entropy increase?

Ye Zhou frowned and thought for a moment, but finally gave up.

Instead of wasting time guessing and guessing here, it's better to go directly into the plot simulation and take a look.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou directly clicked on the plot simulation, and after a while, a line of large characters appeared in front of his eyes.

[Little Sun's three-stage plot simulation--beyond entropy increase]

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