Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 455 Energy Suffocation, Lighting A Bonfire

Ye Zhou opened his eyes and found himself in a vast golden rice field with a sickle in his hand.

Looking around, this golden yellow fills almost every corner of Ye Zhou's sight, and at the end of the golden yellow is a huge mountain-shaped structure that is cast from steel and full of industrial beauty.

From the shape of the structure, it can be seen that it should be an enlarged version of the nuclear fusion device, but its volume is much larger than any device Ye Zhou has seen in reality.

Even at a distance of several kilometers, Ye Zhou could feel the oppression conveyed by that device.

Could this be... a planetary engine?

What kind of plot is this?

Farmland, rice, primitive working methods, and the fusion device full of technology in the distance, all of which are unreasonable, but give people a harmonious beauty of the perfect integration of ecology and technology, which has great visual impact.

The only problem was that he couldn't figure out why these elements were grouped together in this area.

Ye Zhou lowered his head to check his body, and found that the clothes he was wearing were a little strange, and it didn't seem to belong to any kind of material he knew.

It is very light and thin, but it covers the whole body, and the warmth is very good. Even if the bare skin on the face has already felt a little cool, the place wrapped by the clothes is still extremely warm.

----and many more.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou suddenly found a trace of dissonance.

Do you feel cold when the rice is harvested?

According to his understanding, even if it is the latest rice planted, the harvest time is probably around September to October. At this time, it often catches up with the season of "autumn tigers" as the older generation calls it. Under such fierce sunshine , it is absolutely impossible to feel the cold.

what's going on?

Ye Zhou shook his head, the flow of information was slowly coming in, he straightened up a little and looked around, and found that not far from him, there were many farmers working in the fields just like him.

Ye Zhou carried the sickle in confusion and walked to the peasant who was working on the side. He was about to speak, but when he bumped into the other side, he also straightened up and rested.

Seeing Ye Zhou approaching, the other party breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked:

"Ye Gong, are you tired? Go and rest for a while. You have been in poor health recently, so you should avoid such high-intensity labor."

Ye Zhou opened his mouth, the other party's information had already appeared in his mind, but after receiving this information, his doubts not only did not resolve, but became deeper.

The other party's name is Lin Wen. Like himself, he is an employee called the "National Energy Tuning Device Research Institute" not far away. Logically speaking, this is an extremely high-end position, and it can even be said that he has already stood in the scientific research food chain. The top of the field, but why do researchers like them work in the fields?

Ye Zhou nodded blankly and replied:

"I'm a little tired...I'll go to the side and have a rest."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Wen frowned and thought for a moment, then said:

"Forget it, I'll take you back with me. I just went to see your furnace. Didn't I say last time that it didn't work? I'll change the battery for you."

Ye Zhou nodded again, and then he walked out of the paddy field behind Lin Wen and came to a field road that was exactly the same as the country road in his memory.

A three-wheeled motorcycle with a retro shape was parked on the side of the not-so-wide road, which once again made Ye Zhou feel a strong sense of disobedience.

Especially after Lin Wen started the motorcycle and billowing black smoke came out of the exhaust from the rear of the motorcycle, his mouth widened in shock.

"You... your motorcycle, is it burning water to wash coal?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Wen laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha...Ye Gong, you are very humorous today. No way, the tram is too expensive now. After the tuning device is ignited, I will change the tram for myself."

"The tram is too expensive? What do you mean?"

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ye Zhou with some doubts and asked:

"Ye Gong, what's wrong with you today? Why do you feel that your thinking is a little bit out of tune... Wouldn't you also enter the function decline curve? No, wasn't your physical examination result last month very good? "

Ye Zhou shook his head, stepped onto Lin Wen's three jumpers and sat down, then motioned for him to drive directly.

"Functional decline curve..."

While repeating the word silently in his heart, he listened to Lin Wen's rants.

"Hey, Ye Gong, if there is really a problem, you have to report it to your superiors immediately. Our institute has two this month."

"It's been a good day... Fortunately, the tuning device will be activated soon, and I don't know how much a tuning device of this scale will affect the Szilard enrichment effect."

"If the effect is not good, it is estimated that we have to build a larger tuning device - but at least, in the vicinity of Tuning No. 1, the abnormal increase in our entropy is not so obvious. I heard that in the north On the other hand, the energy dissipation has reached more than 30%..."

Lin Wen's words reached Ye Zhou's ears one by one. As those keywords entered his mind one by one, the inflow of information suddenly accelerated. After a brief headache, Ye Zhou's face showed a look of astonishment. expression.

He knew why the world presented such a distorted and contradictory appearance.

Why is the internal combustion engine still used on a large scale, why is agricultural labor still in this primitive way, why does the nuclear fusion device need to be so big, and.... What does the so-called tuning device mean?

This is a world after the invasion of adjacent dimensions!

In this world, the spatial boundaries between the adjacent dimension and the current dimension have completely collapsed, and energy has begun to flow between the two dimensions. Although the flow of matter is still impossible, the problem is that the exchange of energy alone has caused extremely serious s consequence!

There is no mysterious resurgence, no otherworldly coming, but the dilemma that people face is definitely no less than these two situations that only exist in fantasy novels.

At the beginning, people first found that the upper limit of the temperature that certain substances can burn began to decrease. For example, the temperature of a candle dropped from about 800 degrees to about 700 degrees.

Immediately afterwards, the combustion efficiency of all substances begins to decrease, and the energy produced by combustion also decreases.

After that, this drop in energy spread to other domains, such as kinetic energy, radiant energy, and even potential energy—in a short period of time, the gravitational force of a considerable part was reduced by more than 5%.

At this time, all scientific researchers began to be vigilant, and as the research deepened, they finally came to a conclusion:

The energy of this world has been stolen.

Or to put it another way, the rate of entropy increase in this world has suddenly increased due to some external force.

This seems like an almost impossible conclusion, but with the introduction of adjacent dimension theory, everything makes sense, because the reason for this is simple, that is, the isolated system of the universe - or the Earth The entropy-increasing isolated system of this space is broken.

As early as the 19th century, the physicist Maxwell had already imagined such an experiment: There was a box divided in two by a board with a trap door, guarded by a little elf caught from Mount Hyjal as a coolie. .

This little elf can measure the speed of gas molecules. For the molecules from the right, if the speed is fast, he will open the door to let it pass, and if the speed is slow, he will close the door to prevent it from passing. For the molecules from the left, the slow ones are allowed to pass, and the fast ones are not allowed to pass.

After a while, the molecules on the left side of the box will be fast and the right side will be slow, which means that the disorder of the box is reduced and the entropy is reduced.

And the situation facing this world is that the box on the right is separated by the elf.

The energy is stolen and taken to the adjacent dimension of the box on the left.

And the consequences of this are definitely much more terrifying than interstellar wars and monster invasions, because this not only locks the technological development of mankind, but even directly locks the origin of human existence!

After that, the resistance and strength of the material began to weaken, the energy dissipation rate of the energy storage system increased, the efficiency of energy conversion decreased, the production of agricultural products dropped sharply, and even the rate of human aging was greatly accelerated!

Humanity has almost seen its doomsday----this is a process of slow death. If no intervention is taken, then all human beings in this space will die from the "energy suffocation" caused by the high rate of entropy increase!

There is only one solution to this problem, and that is to kill the elf guarding the adjacent dimension passage.

But the problem is, with the current level of human technology, it is impossible to do this, but if we want to further improve technology, energy, or energy, is the top priority.

This is a paradox.

Ye Zhou deeply felt the oppression from higher civilization.

They won't play against you at all - will the 21st century army play queuing and shoot with the 18th century army?

No, they just throw a missile at each other's head, and those soldiers who gather together won't even know where the attack is coming from!

And now, this is the situation that human beings face.

They're not even after destruction, he's just moving forward.

And in such progress, human beings are only part of the price.

Therefore, if you want to resist, there is only one choice left in front of mankind:

Create more energy in a limited area and enrich this energy at key nodes, thereby temporarily slowing down the rate of entropy increase in other areas and buying humans more time.

This is a very simple logic. When you are in a house with leaks everywhere, if you can't block the broken windows, you can only overdraw all the resources to raise a more prosperous fire!

The National Energy Tuning Device, that fire.

In the confrontation with that mighty and almost indescribable enemy, the Chinese people want to light a bonfire for this world and for the entire human race.

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