Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 456 Beacon Fire Project

Ye Zhou followed Lin Wen through the path in the field and returned to the road. Then, he entered the living area of ​​the National Energy Tuning Device Research Institute. When he arrived at this area, Ye Zhou finally saw the details of the buildings around him. A bit of a shadow of the future.

The layout of these buildings is extremely compact. Each house shares the same wall with the adjacent houses, and the wall is covered with solar panels. Compared with residential areas, such buildings are more like factory buildings.

And after opening the door and entering the interior of the dormitory, Ye Zhou suddenly felt like he was back in his student days.

The dormitories are distributed on both sides of the corridor, and there is a sensor light at intervals. It only lights up when someone walks by. The light source used is also an energy-saving light source with extremely low brightness. It can be seen from the details that the human beings living in this era have achieved a level of energy utilization.

After returning to his room, Lin Wen put down the bag in his hand and walked to the kitchen with ease, and then opened the induction cooker on the stove and said:

"Ye Gong, I guess your furnace is also a problem with UPS. Recently, the entropy increase curve in our area is very unstable, and the attenuation of many batteries has jumped. I don't know what happened... .."

"Look, sure enough, the ups capacity has dropped to 30%. No wonder you said the furnace is not hot."

"I said, Ye Gong, your stove is dirty enough. I think you have to find a wife. You're in your 30s. It's really impossible not to get married—you and Su Shu are about to become friends, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"Don't worry about this... 30 years old is still young. Is there any news outside recently? Tell me, I haven't watched the news much recently, and I feel like I've been closed."

Lin Wen removed the scrapped UPS battery, wiped his sweat and stood up, then said:

"Aren't you in a hurry when you are in your thirties? Ye Gong, this is not the generation of our parents. Now the function decline curve is getting steeper and faster. After the age of 30, it will age rapidly."

"I see that you really haven't paid much attention to the outside news. Haven't you read the bill just passed two days ago? The marriage age has been lowered to 16 years old.... Some countries are even more exaggerated and simply cancel it at all. The age of marriage is restricted."

Ye Zhou opened his mouth in astonishment, and then asked:

"Won't this cause a socio-ethical issue?"

"It's been these years, and ethics is a fart.... Not all countries can maintain the same order as us at this time. Think about it for yourself, since the invasion of adjacent dimensions 40 years ago, the world The population has plummeted by 30%, and many countries have simply collapsed."

"Isn't there news a couple of days ago? In order to pursue the fertility rate, the island country has begun to advocate returning to the matrilineal system to engage in mixed marriages... Hey, there is no way out."

"Well, you sit here for a while. I'll go to the spare parts warehouse to help you find a new ups. You can watch the news for yourself."

Ye Zhou nodded, took the tablet that Lin Wen threw over, walked back to the living room and sat on the sofa.

The thickness of this tablet is much thicker than the pads of his own era, and most of the volume is probably used in the battery to offset the problem of battery capacity reduction caused by energy dissipation.

He clicked on an app on the desktop that looked like a search software. After thinking for a while, he entered the first keyword that appeared in his mind.


Then, hundreds of millions of news jumped out. Ye Zhou sorted the news in reverse chronological order, and on a website dedicated to archiving historical news, he saw the development of the communication industry in this world.

A large number of energy-intensive technologies have been abandoned, and quantum communication has also been banned from large-scale use because of its impact on adjacent dimensional channels. Human communication technology is actually showing a backward trend - such as now, Ye Zhou The wireless network used, in fact, has reached the level of 4G on its own timeline at most.

After reading the communication-related content, Ye Zhou searched for keywords such as energy, materials science, agriculture, heavy industry, etc. After simply scanning a long list of news, he found that starting from the invasion of adjacent dimensions, due to energy The exponential decline, in fact, the technology of the entire human society presents an extremely contradictory state.

Theoretical research continues to achieve breakthroughs, but applied technology is constantly regressing.

This is a forced choice. In the process, human beings are trying to bet everything on their own to seek the possibility of breaking through the blockade of "energy suffocation".

And the key node of this possibility is the super-large nuclear fusion device.

After reading the content in the technical field, Ye Zhou searched for relevant social news. As expected, those hypocritical Westerners really began to be controlled by the white left, and a large number of people resisted the official scheduling of social resources, even ignoring the future generations. Life and death have set off a wave of "carnival", which is called "carnival movement" by the world.

"Give time to civilization, not time to civilization."

The long-forgotten slogan was revived, and many became its followers, however, their optimism was unrewarded, and within a decade of the rave movement, the entire Western world nearly collapsed, and the official grip Forces are reduced to a minimum, high-end theoretical research has almost stalled, and many major projects that have the potential to break the blockade have been shut down, and people there are really entering a pre-apocalyptic carnival.

The rate of entropy growth is still increasing, the trend of energy escaping into adjacent dimensions is unstoppable, and everyone is trying their best to grab more resources and enjoy the greatest entertainment before going to hell.

In this crazy world, Huaxia became the only fortress.

The strong organizational ability played a role once again. Although the carnival movement also had a certain impact on the social order, it was quickly subsided. The people here did not pay any attention to the Western comments like "Is it all worth it?" After questioning, he resolutely launched the plan of the national energy tuning device, codenamed Beacon.

And the base where Ye Zhou is located is the Beacon No. 1 base.

After initially understanding the details that the information flow did not convey, Ye Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief.

He did not expect that one day in the future, the world would actually develop to such an extent, and he did not expect that even after so many lessons, those Westerners would still be embarrassed.

"Give time to civilization"?

give a shit!

The crisis faced by this world exceeds the sum of all the crises faced in human history. Under such circumstances, no matter what manners, what civilizations, and what etiquettes are extremely extravagant things, only by moving forward and moving forward desperately can we win that little bit The chances are slim to almost invisible.

This nation has risen from a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and from the moment she was born, it has faced never-ending crises, whether from nature, from the enemy, or from within itself.

But every time, she crushed all obstacles with her paranoid and almost crazy strong will, and this time, it was just another bigger challenge.

Judging from the information on the Internet, Huaxia's efforts to break through energy suffocation are definitely not limited to the Fenghuo project. Large-scale promotion of high-yield food to cope with the food crisis, regardless of the so-called ethical doubts, forced gene enhancement technology to improve the life expectancy of the population. Land reclamation within the range, oxygen generation to cope with the drop in oxygen concentration due to reduced gravity, promotion of photovoltaic projects at any cost to make up for the gap in energy dissipation...

All of these actions, even if they are taken out at random, are enough to go down in history, and China in this era has launched dozens of super-large projects by itself.

It's not just against this world, it's even... against another dimension, another universe.

When everyone is slowly suffocated in a solid room that is completely closed and almost impossible to open, when others choose to sleep and die in peace, these Chinese people are doing their last bit of strength, wanting to put that Indestructible walls to break.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Compared with those Westerners, Ye Zhou admires the islanders even more. Although their ideas of solving problems are very strange, at least they are making some attempts, rather than completely ruining them.

He suddenly understood the meaning of "beyond entropy increase" written on the simulation plot.

Yes, Huaxia is fighting with another civilization from an adjacent dimension. What they have to do is to push the technology of this world to a level that is enough to obliterate the goblin guarding the passage before the energy dissipation reaches a critical value. Its own civilization seeks a way of life.

This is a race, the most important and life-threatening race in human history.

And the beacon project he participated in is the key to the victory in this race.

Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief, put down the pad in his hand and walked out of the room, wanting to go directly to the Fiberhome Lab indicated in the information stream to see the latest progress of the project.

According to the information guide, tomorrow is the time when the FiberHome project will be ignited for the first time. All the testing work has been completed, and what needs to wait is just a perfect time window. This is also the reason why the institute will let them and these researchers go to the rice fields to harvest rice. , on the one hand, this paddy field belonging to the research institute is indeed a source of food to feed these researchers, and someone always needs to harvest it; on the other hand, it is also to reduce the stress level of researchers through manual labor. .

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou suddenly felt a little funny----this is in line with the consistent style of the organization he belongs to.

He stepped out of the room and was about to walk in the direction of the laboratory, but suddenly found a trace of abnormality.

It's been a full hour since he left, does it take that long to go to the spare parts store to get a UPS battery?

There was an ominous premonition in Ye Zhou's heart, he turned around and rushed back to the dormitory, and ran quickly to the spare parts warehouse in his memory.

As he expected, the moment he pushed open the door of the spare parts warehouse, what appeared in front of him was an extremely terrifying scene.

Lin Wen was suspended in the air, and his body.... was disintegrating!

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