Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 457 Ignition Failure

The spare parts warehouse was silent, and Lin Wen, who was suspended in the air, could not make any sound, but Ye Zhou immediately understood the reason for the scene in front of him.

In this small area, the adjacent dimensional channels are infinitely expanded, and a violent jump in entropy is taking place. Almost all the energy in the space is drained, and even the gravitational force between particles no longer exists.

Obviously, Lin Wen is no longer able to survive.

The moment he was enveloped in this space, the atp energy in his body had been drained, and even if this entropy increase and jump disappeared immediately, he would die of suffocation because the metabolic energy could not support muscle contraction.

But even if he died that way, his body would at least remain intact, and now...

Lin Wen's body was still decomposing, and the already frail body was undergoing a terrifying transformation.

The clothes on his body were first decomposed, followed by the skin. The bright red muscles were exposed to the air, and in just a few seconds, they turned into a pile of red clouds suspended in the air like gas.

Immediately afterwards, the cloud continued to expand, the red in it was getting deeper and deeper, and the white bones began to disintegrate. The indescribable cloud was quietly suspended in the air like a strange ghost.

Ye Zhou's heart was full of fear, this series of changes happened in just ten seconds, and he couldn't do anything at all.

----No, what can be done now is not to find a way to save him, from the moment he stepped into the jumping area, he had no hope.

What should be done now is to report the situation to the superior immediately, block the entire area, and let professionals handle this jump channel.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou gave "Lin Wen" a painful last look, and then closed the door of the spare parts warehouse.

The person who stood alive in front of him an hour ago is gone.

If you don't want to find a battery for yourself, or even if you talk to him a few more words, this result can be completely avoided, because the duration of the entropy increase and jump at the same position is often only a few minutes, as long as you cross these few minutes, such a result will not happen.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions and ran to the room quickly, and reported his findings to his superiors through the communicator. In just five minutes, the accommodation area was completely emptied, and several staff members carried a The huge burning device walked into the spare parts warehouse, the entire spare parts warehouse was burned by the flames, and the entropy-increasing jump channel that devoured everything also disappeared.

This is the most effective way for humans to deal with entropy jumps. By injecting a huge amount of energy into the jump region, the path of the energy channel is broken, so that the adjacent dimensional channels enriched by the Szilard effect are temporarily closed. .

The design principle of FiberHome No. 1 is also the same as this operation.

Ye Zhou stared blankly at the flame that briefly overflowed and disappeared from the spare parts warehouse window. Suddenly, a strong sense of sadness and powerlessness surged up.

He turned his head silently towards the direction of the institute, but before he took a few steps, he felt someone tap his shoulder behind him.

He turned his head suspiciously, and caught sight of the face of a young woman also full of sadness.

"Are you okay? I heard Brother Wen was with you before?"

Ye Zhou nodded, he recognized the identity of the girl in front of him.

Su Shu, like himself, is a materials researcher in charge of the design of the first wall of FiberHome No. 1.

"I'm fine... It's just a short time, I can't accept it."

"Well, it's normal."

Su Su's eyes were sad, she took two steps to walk side by side with Ye Zhou, and then continued:

"This kind of thing, in fact, my master warned me on the first day I entered here, the probability of entropy jumping near the energy tuning device is greater than anywhere in the world, caused by the Szilard effect. Channel enrichment in adjacent dimensions is no joke."

"He kept reminding me to be careful, and taught me how to identify the jumping area that has appeared, but in the end he didn't hide himself."

"So, just get used to it. We are living in a minefield, and no one knows who will be the next to step on the mine."

"Actually, Brother Wen is already lucky. At least the entropy increase rate of the jump area he encountered is very high, and he walked without pain. My master... He struggled for two months, and finally it was because of metabolism. The chaos is gone."

Hearing her words, Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"I know these things, but it's still not so easy to accept watching things happen... Forget it, let's not talk about this, don't you think the recent jumps have happened a little too frequently?"

According to Lin Wen's statement and the information brought in by the information flow, Ye Zhou noticed that within two months, similar entropy jumps with different intensities had already occurred within the range of the Fenghuo-1 device. More than three times, such a frequency has far exceeded the general rule.

"It's normal."

Su Shu on the side replied:

"What we are facing is not a disorderly natural disaster. The channel is guarded by intelligent life forms created by an extremely advanced civilization. They will naturally filter the scope of energy extraction. Now, the energy gathered near the Fenghuo No. 1 project is The endowment is the highest, and it is normal to have frequent jumps.”

"After all, even if it's a bandit, when they want to rob, they will choose a wealthy place to start, right?"

"That's the truth."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, then continued:

"However, we have to figure out a way to deal with this situation as soon as possible. This unpredictable jump has too much impact on us. If the jump occurs in the core area of ​​​​the Beacon No. 1 device... The whole project will fall into Danger."

"That's why the 'lighthouse' has to be set up. The lighthouse will be lit tonight, and most of the space passages will be attracted by then, and the scene will be... spectacular."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment. He searched for the memory of the lighthouse in his mind, and it took a while to recall that it was to ensure the smooth ignition of the small fusion reactor set up at the periphery of the beacon No. 1. The purpose was to fill up all the nearby The energy escape channel, thereby creating ignition conditions for Fiberhome No. 1.

Those "lighthouse" devices are like bait specially designed to attract beasts, and from the beginning of their design, they are destined to be sacrificed in a tragic ending.

However, even so, the safety of the ignition of Fenghuo No. 1 is still not guaranteed. As Su Shu said before, the so-called spatial channel enrichment caused by the Szilard effect is no joke. , the faster the space channel can draw energy.

If such channel enrichment reaches a critical value, the likely result is that the entropy jumping area is completely out of control, covering the entire scope of the National Energy Tuning Device Research Institute. Impossible to survive.

This is a big gamble, and the stake is everyone's life, including Ye Zhou.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Zhou asked:

"You said, is the price we paid really too high?"

Lin Wen's accident had a huge impact on Ye Zhou, but the bigger impact was the calm and almost indifferent attitude of the personnel in this base when facing this incident.

They face the death of their comrades indifferently, just as they also face indifferently their own upcoming fate, which no one can determine.

Of course Ye Zhou will not shake his will to move forward because of this matter, but it is undeniable that he is really thinking about whether there will be a better way to balance the boundaries between "sacrifice" and "reap" .

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Su Shu shook his head and replied:

"There is no price to pay between life and death."

"Actually, our current situation is pretty good. At most, we just have to take the risk of some sacrifices."

"In addition to us, there are many people who are also working hard and making sacrifices."

After a moment's pause, she continued:

"Look, is the paddy field at our base growing well? But you must know that this is the best paddy field in the country and even in the world. In other places, due to lack of fertility, even if it is used It is the seedling with the highest yield, and the output of grain is only barely meeting the per capita demand standard.”

"In this case, a large amount of food was sent to key projects. We can say that ordinary people are feeding us on a hungry stomach."

"You also know how much effort we have put in when Fenghuo No. 1 is established. Tens of thousands of people have entered this minefield one after another. The mountains are moved here, and the sea is reclaimed here. When the power of large-scale machinery is insufficient, many The giant steel structure was even carried on the shoulders by people, and many ordinary migrant workers died of respiratory failure due to functional decline in the process.”

"Also, not only our project, those surveyors who are trying to find a suitable entropy-increasing valley for survival in the no-man's land of the Great Gobi, those volunteers who received the first batch of genetic modification in order to combat the function decline curve, those who go deep Workers who go to the bottom of the ocean to extract oil... What is the price for them?"

"Ye Zhou, we really don't have the right to talk about the price. Life is the biggest and the smallest price we can pay. For our ultimate goal, it's nothing."

Having said this, Su Shu reached out and held Ye Zhou's hand, and then said softly:

"Tonight is the last night before we meet the ending. How is it? Are there any arrangements?"

"Yes, I'm going to check the first wall one last time. How about you?"

"I'll accompany you."


In the next 16 hours, Ye Zhou and Su Shu completed all inspections of the first wall of the Fenghuo No. 1 device. There was no time jump in the simulator. Ye Zhou step by step checked all the materials used in the first wall. All the characteristics were recorded in his mind, and all the prefabricated parameters related to the materials were adjusted. After doing all this, he and Su Shu sat in the main control room and quietly looked at the fusion core not far away.

All the staff were already in place. A few minutes later, as the commander-in-chief pressed the start button, as the sun rose, dozens of laser beams shot into the fusion core. Almost instantly, the fusion core burst out enough to cover the sun. of light.

---- However, such light only lasted for a few seconds.

The terrifying power of the Szilard effect has officially appeared, and the fusion energy generated by the Beacon No. 1 has just appeared, and it was immediately swallowed up.

And the residual energy is simply not enough to support fusion to continue.

Before the beacon was lit, it was forcibly extinguished.

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