Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 458: Misfortunes Do Not Come Alone

"Increase the power of the 'lighthouse', fast!"

The commander-in-chief in the main control room calmly gave orders. On the screen, the lighthouses that surrounded the Fenghuo No. 1 device in a semicircle suddenly lit up, and a considerable part of the space passages were attracted by the energy they dissipated. For the fusion core of Fiberhome No. 1 surrounded by massively enriched space channels, it is still a drop in the bucket.

The light of the fusion core did not turn on again, even if the power of the surrounding lasers had been increased to the limit, even if the core temperature monitored by the system had fully reached the standard for triggering a continuous fusion reaction.

"No, the speed of channel enrichment did not exceed our expectations. The redundant energy should be enough to support fusion."

"Check the working conditions of various parts of Fiberhome No. 1!"

Following the commander's order, all departments began to conduct data self-checks. After a few seconds, the answering sound rang one after another.

"The laser works fine! The energy output is fine!"

"The plasma confinement is normal, and the energy export is normal!"

"Fuel properties... fuel properties are normal!"

Ye Zhou and Su Shu are also checking the materials of the first wall they are responsible for, but from the data alone, the working condition of the first wall is completely normal.

The material's reflection of neutron radiation has reached the most perfect level, and there is no problem with sealing. From the scanning results, the structural changes of the first wall are also within normal values.

In this case, the temperature of the fusion core wrapped by the first wall should be in a state of continuous rise, and it is absolutely impossible to reduce it to such a level that even the fusion reaction cannot be maintained.

"The first wall is working fine....all components are working fine."

"Is there a problem with the sensor? Perform a sensor self-test!"

"Sensor self-test problem!"

Hearing this answer, the commander-in-chief had a heavy expression on his face.

According to the data detection situation, the entropy increase rate around the fusion core has reached more than 90%. Compared with the common rate of about 15% in other regions of the world, this rate has almost reached the level that can be achieved by adjacent dimensional channels. limit.

This phenomenon proves that their calculation of energy dissipation is correct and that the reserved redundant energy is sufficient.

In addition, the components of Fiberhome No. 1 are now in a completely normal working state, and this large-scale fusion device should not be "turned off" at all.

After eliminating all the impossible factors, the only possibility is the one that seems to be the most unlikely:

There must be something wrong with the sensor, and it is necessary to manually approach the core area of ​​the device for close inspection and troubleshooting.

It's an extremely dangerous job, but right now they have no choice.

The super huge amount of laser energy has gathered a large number of space channels near Fenghuo No. 1. If the energy output cannot be completed in time, these enriched channels will spread at an extremely fast speed until it devours the entire base!


He had just opened his mouth, and before the remaining half of the sentence was finished, everyone in the control room had already stood up.

"Leader, needless to say, we'll go right away."

Time was extremely limited, these researchers did not hesitate, grabbed the equipment that had been prepared by the seat and rushed out of the main control room, Ye Zhou and Su Shu were also in the crowd.

"What do you think is the situation?"

Ye Zhou asked in a very fast voice as he walked.

"The most likely possibility is a crack in the weld brittleness of the first wall, which can cause a sharp drop in the temperature of the reaction core, which we have encountered in our tests before."

"It's very difficult to handle, and if that's the case, the heat treatment is too difficult, and there may be downtime."

Su Shu reached out and put the protective mask on his face, then continued:

"There is also a possibility that if we are unlucky, there may be an entropy-increasing jump region that runs through the inside and outside of the first wall, which will cause the energy inside the first wall to directly penetrate the first wall and conduct to the outside. ."

"In this way, the internal energy will not only escape to adjacent dimensions, but also into our own space. The originally calculated redundant energy will definitely be consumed in large quantities. After the temperature drops, the fusion reaction cannot continue. It's normal."

Hearing his words, Ye Zhou frowned and shouted:

"But if that's the case, fusion wouldn't stop that fast."

The voices of the two of them came out through the protective masks, and they seemed to be a little loud. In addition to the noise of the large machinery around, they could only shout at the top of their throats to ensure that the other party could hear their words clearly.

"Yes! So what we have encountered is probably the most serious situation - the jumping area through the first wall promotes the attenuation of material properties, causing the damage of the first wall."

"If that's the case, then there's probably really nothing we can do about it."

Running out of the command tower where the main control room was located, Ye Zhou and Su Shu quickly ran towards the main tower where the fusion core was sitting. At this moment, the whole picture of this huge device was finally revealed.

Four main support columns stand in the four directions of the core, and huge platforms are built on each support column. On those platforms, more than 60 giant laser generators are arranged, like 60 dragon heads, guarding the central one. A "Dragon Ball".

The fast-running researchers have already climbed the spiral ladder of the support column. Under this device that is as high as 200 meters, their climbing figures are extremely small.

"Come on, climb up!"

Ye Zhou took a deep breath, stepped up the steps and started to climb up.

Because of the particularity of the device, there are no lifts that need to be powered by electricity on the main tower, and the road leading to the top is only the stairs under their feet.

The height of the stairs is equivalent to a full 60 floors. According to the speed of normal people, it takes at least 20 minutes to climb to the top, but the time they have left is obviously not much.

The two did not exchange any more words, Ye Zhou silently entered the subconscious sea of ​​thinking programming, and pushed his body functions to the limit in a short period of time by inspiring the talent of "courage".

This bought him a lot of time. When he climbed to the 30th floor, Su Shu was already behind.

"Leave me alone, you crawl! I'll follow!"

Su Shu shouted loudly from below.

"I know! The temperature above is rising! Tell others to evacuate, the first wall is the problem!"

After speaking, Ye Zhou continued to climb upwards, he could already clearly feel the temperature rise, and now he was still hundreds of meters away from the reaction core.

This temperature has completely exceeded the normal range of the temperature around the reaction core. If the first wall is still intact, the heat should be completely confined within the reaction core, and it is absolutely impossible for such an abnormal rise in ambient temperature to occur.

Therefore, the first wall has definitely been damaged, and this problem can only be handled by oneself, and there is no need for anyone else to make unnecessary sacrifices.

He took a breath, and Su Shu below had already started to contact various maintenance personnel to evacuate. After a short rest, Ye Zhou began to climb upwards again.

After 5 minutes, he finally reached the closest distance to the reaction core. According to the reality of the monitor on the wrist, the current ambient temperature has reached an astonishing 110 degrees Celsius.

If it weren't for the protection of the protective suit, in just a few seconds, his skin would be completely burned.

Through the air distorted by the rolling heat wave, Ye Zhou saw the reaction core more than ten meters away, and then he sighed deeply.

The good news is that there is only a very thin crack on the reaction core. Even with the high temperature escaping nearby, the robotic arm is enough to repair the crack in a short time.

The bad news is that, as Su Shu had expected, the worst of both situations happened at the same time.

The entropy-increasing jump region spans the first wall, enveloping the entire rift, and now, unless fusion continues, this extremely fast jump region due to Szilard enrichment is simply impossible disappear in a short time.

If the jump area does not disappear, the robotic arm cannot enter the operation, the crack cannot be repaired, and the crack cannot be repaired, and the fusion reaction cannot continue.

If the fusion reaction cannot proceed, the jump region is even less likely to disappear.

This is a paradox.

To break this paradox, the only chance is to introduce a new energy source, a higher energy source than the fusion reaction, where to find it? ?

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