Simulation: Great Power Technology

The Four Hundred And Sixtieth Chapters Are Confused People

The strategy of the nine-in-one election has been fully rolled out, and in the near future, perhaps the long-awaited ending will be achieved, and everything seems to be going well.

The giant ship Huaxia has begun to sail into the deep sea. Everyone knows what they have to do and plays their due role in their positions. In this country, the confusion that existed not long ago seems to have been swept away. And empty - except for one person.

Lin zero.

She had already learned from Chen Hao that both the quantum ghost and the neighboring dimension goblin had something to do with her. From that moment on, she fell into an extremely chaotic mood.

fear? disturbed? Anxious? Confuse?

She didn't know which word to use to describe her feeling, maybe every one had it.

How did you become a quantum ghost, and in what way?

What does the world in adjacent dimensions look like? What did you see from there?

What can you bring to this country? If it fails, what are the consequences?

If you say 2045 is the time when you transform into a quantum ghost, does that mean.... when you are 45 years old, you will die?

Even more frightening, if according to the information deduced by Ye Zhou, every observation will lead to a collapse of the quantum probability cloud, but after each collapse, the probability cloud is reshaped again, does that mean that your own death may be Also...more than once?

Lin Ling didn't dare to think about it any more. This kind of desperate guess came out of her head uncontrollably again and again, and each time she was scared to the point of trembling.

What suffocated her even more was that she couldn't tell anyone at all.

----Chen Hao did indeed send her a professional psychological consultant, but the problem is that psychological problems at this scale cannot be solved by a consultant who has no concept of quantum physics.

Those counselors would only enlighten her from the perspectives of her family of origin, work pressure, and fear of the unknown. Everyone is trying to tell her that the country will arrange everything for her, and the organization will help her solve it. All the difficulties, but these things, for myself, have no consoling effect.

After all, she is still a 25-year-old young girl who has not completely escaped the ivory tower, and now the pressure on her shoulders has exceeded the limit she can bear.

After waking up from a nightmare again, she was acutely aware of the abnormality of her mental state, and clearly realized that if she did not interfere with herself effectively, her spirit might collapse step by step.

This is definitely not the result that I want to see, nor can it be the result that the official wants to see.

However, what else can be done when psychological counseling has proved to be ineffective?

The solution she thought of was very simple, go to sleep.

When in trouble, sleep well.

However, to fall asleep under such pressure, and to ensure the quality of sleep, only with the help of drugs.

So she went directly to the doctor in the cepc institute and put forward her demand for sleeping pills - and this demand was fed back to the general technical office who had taken over the quantum disturbance monitoring project after 10 minutes. After that, Chen Hao Within 5 minutes, he informed Ye Zhou of this information.

"So, why do you think I can do something about this situation? I think she came up with this... Well, shock therapy is pretty good."

"There's nothing that can't be solved with a good night's sleep. If it really doesn't work, just get some more sleep."

"Besides, the world is about to be destroyed. It's normal to be a little stressed. She has to learn to grow under pressure, right?"

Opposite Chen Hao helplessly spread his hands and replied:

"Why do I say it's best to leave this matter to you, you know better than me."

"The three messages sent by the quantum ghost before, both of which are related to you, can you guarantee 100% that you have nothing to do with the formation of this quantum ghost?"

"It is not my personal opinion to keep you in contact with her to a certain extent, nor is it a layman's blind command, it is a decision made by Gao Neng after research."

"They think that your contact with her may have a positive impact on the formation of the probability cloud later - aren't you worried that the quantum ghost will fall to the opposite side because it is beyond human feelings? What they want to solve is this question."

"Ye Zhou, this is not a trivial matter, don't think it's comforting an emotional little girl when I tell her to enlighten her."

"She is very likely to be a key role in fighting against the invasion of adjacent dimensions in the future, and also a key point in the fate of the entire China. Now our attention to her is only one level lower than yours."

After listening to Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou also understood that what he said was right, and also knew the significance of Lin Ling in the whole layout, but the problem was that he really couldn't think of how to solve this problem.

After hesitating for a moment, he said:

"Can't you really just give her a bottle of sleeping pills? I think it's quite useful..."

".......You have eaten?"

"I do not have."

"Then you say it's useful?"

Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"I think it's at least a little more useful than letting me handle it...I don't have any experience with that."

Hearing this, Chen Hao frowned slightly.

"No, have you never been under pressure? It's only been four years since you graduated. We all have seen the speed of your growth. Now you say you have no way to deal with pressure?"

"I can't believe it!"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao speechlessly, he couldn't tell the other party that his character was trained by death again and again in the simulator, right?

In fact, at least 50% of the speed of my growth is attributable to the simulator. Under the shock of extremely real death, after experiencing major crises one after another, most of the setbacks in reality and Difficulties, for me, are nothing but clouds.

However, this method is inapplicable to other people---I have no way to pull Lin Ling into the simulator, nor can I let her have such a death experience.

In particular, I still have "resistors" and "principles" plus the three talents of thinking programming to protect my mental health. In fact, to put it bluntly, my emotions can always be kept within a stable range, and most of them do not rely on it. What a good way to self-resolve, but to hang up.

The two were relatively speechless for half a minute. Under Chen Hao's firm gaze, Ye Zhou finally chose to compromise.

"...Well, I will participate in moderation, but mainly rely on your professional team."

"Of course, I don't want to take up too much of your energy - I just want you to chat with her."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, then said:

"Since we want to chat, then send her directly."

"It's useless for her to stay in qhd for the time being. It's better to let her come out to relax like you did before."

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