Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 466 The Giant Project Starts

According to Ye Zhou's intention, Chen Hao rejected Lin Ling's so-called "shock therapy" plan through the General Technical Office, and asked her to meet directly in Rongcheng.

Although the latter is still emotionally unstable, for her, the order from the General Technical Office is an order that cannot be disobeyed, so she did not raise any questions.

But even so, she still needs a day or two to tidy up, and during this time, Ye Zhou just planned to chat with Ye Lan to see if she could give something effective and special. It is an effective solution for girls.

However, he had just sent the message to Ye Lan when a sudden meeting notice pulled him out of his brief calm.

The scope of this conference is small, but the specifications are ridiculously high, and it can even be said that it has reached the ceiling level of this country's industry conference.

Because the content discussed at this meeting will completely change the entire China.

Literally, change the entire China.

Ye Zhou participated in the discussion of this meeting as a "Fui Ren", and at the same time received his own task at the meeting. After he saw the whole picture of the plan, there was only one word left in his heart that echoed repeatedly:


After the two-day meeting ended, he saw Lin Ling who came from qhd, and the first time he saw the haggard face of the other party, an idea suddenly popped into Ye Zhou's mind:

Maybe, she doesn't need comfort, but instead, she needs a belief.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou felt suddenly enlightened.

She and she can be said to be the same "chosen person", but, unlike her, her field of contact is too narrow and her field of vision is too closed, so she can't understand the most profound things about this country and this nation. That "sense of belief", or "sense of mission", was the source of her confusion.

And the way to solve this problem is also very simple, that is, let her temporarily break away from pure theoretical work and really participate in a gigantic project that can see changes.

And now, I have such a project in my hands.


The day after seeing Lin Ling, Ye Zhou took her to a military airport and boarded a refitted Kunpeng-3 military transport plane.

The modified large aircraft has a range of more than 17,000 kilometers, a maximum take-off weight of 810 tons, a wingspan of 96 meters, and a body length of 91 meters, directly surpassing the An-225 and becoming the world's largest transport aircraft.

This plane is not just as simple as a transport plane. In fact, it belongs to one of the pre-validation models of the "Golden Crow". It is mainly to verify the strength of the fuselage material and the aerodynamic layout, and the actual effect is far superior. researchers' expectations.

However, this information was unfamiliar to Lin Ling. When Ye Zhou sighed and touched every corner of the plane, she just got into the cockpit curiously, pointed to the complicated instruments and asked if stop.

Before taking off, she was still asking the pilot if the plane could take off in 10 seconds like the video circulating on the Internet----and in the case of complete empty, the pilot didn't hide his shame and gave her directly. Performed a big plane plucking onions on dry land, and the super strong back feeling pushed everyone down on the seats.

Half an hour later, the plane entered a state of level flight, and she recovered from the novelty of flying in such a large plane for the first time, and asked Ye Zhou:

"Where are we going?"

Ye Zhou smiled slightly and replied:

"To investigate a project, and by the way, I will show you the great rivers and mountains of the motherland."

Lin Ling nodded thoughtfully, turned his head to look out the window at the city that was gradually receding, and the snow-capped mountains in front of the plane that pierced into the sky like a sharp blade.

This is probably the limit that the organization can do for itself, right?

Although the method of "seeing the great rivers and mountains" can't really solve your dilemma, it is always good to come out and relax...

The only bad thing is that the more beautiful things you see, the more pessimistic you will be about your situation in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Ling sighed involuntarily.

In this short one week, her life can be said to have undergone great changes. Although she had known before that she was likely to be related to the so-called quantum ghost, she was really confirmed and introduced the adjacent dimension invasion such a grand and heavy After the background, she immediately felt that things were beyond her control.

It's like a spring that is about to be crushed.

Seeing Lin Ling's expression, Ye Zhou planned to have a chat with her while she hadn't reached her destination, to lay the groundwork for her future plans.

"Still worried about quantum ghosts?"

He asked bluntly.

The opposite Lin Ling was stunned for a moment, vaguely feeling that the other party said something nonsense.

Didn't you come here because of this?

After hesitating for a moment, she answered:

"Yes. I think it's a bit... unbelievable that this matter falls on my head. In fact, I'm not such a good person, and my psychological quality is not high, so it seems a little bit difficult to assign such a significant task to me. too......"

"Too embarrassing? I remember when you first met me, you said that one day you would sit in the same conference room with me and ask my name openly. Isn't that also true now?"

"But it was not achieved by my own efforts."

"It doesn't matter how it is achieved. In short, the matter falls on your head, and there is no way to complain. Come on, let's have a good discussion. What are you most worried about now?"

Before Lin Ling could answer, Ye Zhou continued talking on his own.

"Actually, it's nothing more than two points. I'll say it first. Listen to me and see if I'm right."

"The first point, the fear of death; the second point, the pointless fear of death. Right?"

Lin Ling nodded solemnly, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

As expected of a person who has come through the storm, in some respects, his judgment of his own problems is much more accurate than those of psychiatrists.

Isn't that what I've been worrying about all along?

I am afraid of death, especially to become something that I can't even understand. The fear has risen by more than one level, but at the same time, I am even more afraid that my death will be silent.

Nothing is left, nothing can change - it consumes a lot of resources invested in yourself.

Seeing Lin Ling's actions, Ye Zhou smiled and said:

"Actually, the two problems you're facing now, a lot of people have faced -- especially people who really want to do something and have to sacrifice in order to do it."

"But they don't get caught up in this emotion when they can really get things done. Do you know why?"

"Because...they're stronger than me, aren't they?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It's wrong because they have more faith than you. They can jump out of the perspective of the individual and look at the overall situation from a higher and farther place. They can recognize their own limitations and insignificance, and they can also see the strength of the collective."

"They know that some things can't be forced, but they also know that it's up to people."

"It's never been achieved by personal heroism - the reason you are so miserable is actually just one reason."

"You take yourself too seriously."

"Actually, it's quite interesting. This sentence was told to me not long ago."

"So, if you want to solve your problem, the first thing you have to do is to let you have the same vision as theirs. You must first let go of your own 'individual' obsession, and try to examine your own on a larger scale. question."

After hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Ling's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again.

It's not that she hasn't tried to think like Ye Zhou said, but the problem is, those things are too far away from her.

What kind of universe, starry sky, dimensions... Although I do research in this area, most of the time, these things only stay on paper and only in data.

How can something that is invisible and intangible bring belief to oneself?

----No, it may be possible, the greatest scholars and scientists in the world, they can obtain power from these purely rational knowledge, but unfortunately, they are not them.

Compared to them, he is just a... ordinary person?

Thinking of this, she said:

"Ye Gong, I understand what you mean, but the problem is... I can't see it."

"Yes, you can't see it. So, I'm going to show you now, apart from you, what we are doing and will do soon to deal with the crisis of 'adjacent dimension invasion' that you are most worried about matter."

"Now, look out the window and tell me, what did you see?"

Lin Ling was stunned for a while, then turned his head to look out the window.

At this time, the plane has come to the plateau, the endless snow-capped mountains in front of the plane, and the surging Brahmaputra on the left.

The longest river on the plateau, which has nurtured countless people, runs through the southern part of the entire plateau from west to east. Among the more than 2,000 kilometers of main river sections, more than three-quarters of the river sections have an average altitude of 3,000. Above meters, such a height characteristic is unique in the whole world.

It is like a Hada falling from the sky, and it is even called "Tianhe".

"I saw... plateaus, snow-capped mountains, and the Brahmaputra, and the Himalayas."

"Yes, that's what I'm going to show you. But before I get to the point, I have to ask you if you've heard that joke."

"Blow up the Himalayas, introduce the moist water vapor of the Indian Ocean into the plateau and the northwest, and turn the plateau and the northwest into a land of fish and rice with abundant aquatic plants..."

A look of astonishment appeared on Lin Ling's face. She looked at Ye Zhou in disbelief and asked:

"You really want to blow up the Himalayas??"

Ye Zhou gave her a funny look and replied:

"How is it possible... How can the atmospheric circulation be changed so easily? In fact, if we really want to change the climate of the entire western region, it is not enough to blow up the Himalayas, but at least blow up the entire plateau."

"I just said this to give you a reference example, because what we are going to do is similar to blowing up the Himalayas - fundamentally speaking, it is the field of environmental engineering and climate engineering."

After a pause, Ye Zhou asked:

"You know, the Hongqi River Project?"

"No, now the project has a new name."

"It's now called the Tongtianhe Project."

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