Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 467 Tongtian River

"The Tongtianhe Project...what is it?"

Hearing Lin Ling's question, Ye Zhou did not answer directly, but asked:

"Do you know what is the biggest impact on us from the invasion of adjacent dimensions?"

"Energy escape?"

Ye Zhou nodded slightly and replied:

"Yes and no."

"Energy escape is its immediate effect, but not its ultimate effect. Now we have a basic understanding that the channels opened by the intrusion of adjacent dimensions can steal our energy, but our escaping energy will cause us What kind of loss?"

"Lower global temperatures, weaker gravity, lower air pressure, lower air density, lower material durability, lower food yields...and so on."

"These are the effects that we can infer directly, and are a second layer of the effects of intrusion into adjacent dimensions."

"Further reasoning, the collapse of social order, the outbreak of war, and the extinction of human beings are its third and final effects."

"Obviously, we can't stop the first-layer impact when it occurs, because we don't have the ability to close the adjacent dimension channel, and we don't have the ability to kill the energy-stealing goblin."

"Equally, we cannot afford the consequences of a third-tier influence."

"So, the only effective strategy is to use our own methods to prevent its spread when the influence develops to the second layer!"

"To stop the spread, we must find the key point of the second-layer influence. Now tell me, what is the key point?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Ling pondered for a moment, then answered:

"Energy....and food."

After speaking, her eyes lit up.

"I understand, so the so-called 'Fenghuo project' solves the problem of energy. We need to develop controllable nuclear fusion technology on a large scale, and simultaneously solve the Szilard enrichment effect you mentioned to me before, as well as our own energy needs!”

"Then, in terms of food, we are developing improved varieties on a large scale, and gene editing technology will play a big role... But what does this have to do with the Tongtianhe Project?"

As soon as the words fell, a light suddenly flashed in Lin Ling's mind, and then, her expression instantly became more shocking than when she thought that the Himalayas were going to explode.

"Tongtianhe... You mean, you want the water of the Brahmaputra to cross the plateau??"

"Are you going to introduce water into the northwest desert?"

Ye Zhou smiled with satisfaction, saying that at this step, the other party finally grasped the key point.

He nodded slightly and replied:

"Yes, what we have to do is to introduce the water of the Brahmaputra to the northwest."

As he spoke, he took the aviation pda from the co-pilot, clicked on the map, and continued to explain:

"The Tongtian River Project starts from the main stream of Nanga Bawa Peak near Tanggula Mountain, detours for 700 kilometers, and joins the Nujiang River through Meili Snow Mountain."

"After that, through the Nujiang River, at the Hengduan Mountains, an artificial super-grand canal combined with a large number of tunnels traverses the Nujiang River, the Lancang River, the Jinsha River, and the Yalong River, integrating the four major water systems."

"At this time, due to the influence of the injection of the Yarlung Zangbo River, the average annual flow of the four major river systems will increase by 80 billion tons, and the water volume of the Yalong River will reach the critical value of the river's carrying capacity."

"At this time, we have to go a step further and let these huge amounts of river water rush through the Daxue Mountain and flow into the Dadu River."

"After that, the river water passed through the Minshan Mountains, rushed into the Bailong River, then merged into the Wei River, accumulated in the Liujiaxia Reservoir, and finally returned to the Yellow River."

"These water resources will completely change the current year-on-year decline in the Yellow River's water volume -- and may even cause flooding."

"So, its footsteps can't stop yet."

"We will open up a 600-kilometer open canal, divert the river water around the Wushao Ridge to the Hexi Corridor, along the eastern plain of the Qilian Mountains through Wuwei, Chang, Zhangye, Jiuquan, and Jyg to reach the gate, and then along the Aer ????, the former plain of Kunlun Mountains, through the Kumtag Desert and the southern edge of the Taklimah Desert to reach He??, ks."

"So far, the water of the Brahmaputra has officially entered the desert."

"The artificial channels will continue to expand, and we will start from Yumen and radiate the irrigation network to the entire northwest."

"Combining the experience of the Altash water conservancy project, we will build large-scale glacier meltwater reservoirs, and combine these reservoirs with the Tongtian River to form a new water pattern."

"The Tengger Desert will disappear first, followed by the Kumta Desert, and further west, a large amount of fresh water will be washed into Lop Nur and the salinized soil will be washed away. Combined with the corresponding afforestation and greening projects, in 10 to 15 years, the At least 40% of the deserts in the Tarim Basin have been turned into oases."

"Then, the Yeerqiang River, the Tarim River, and the Tongtian River join together to surround the Taklimakan Desert. It will take another 20 years to completely eliminate this desert!"

"Since then, the ultimate goal of this project has been achieved."

"It is conservatively estimated that this work will bring us at least 300,000 square kilometers of arable land, and transform the uninhabitable area of ​​more than 900,000 square kilometers, allowing us to double the population or reduce the production of food crops by half. The current per capita food level can still be maintained.”

"And with the greening of the desert, even one day, even this atmospheric circulation will change!"

"It's a virtuous will completely cancel out the biggest impact of the invasion of adjacent dimensions - once this project is completed, we will never have to go to war hungry."

After speaking, Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief and did not speak any further.

And Lin Ling, who was opposite him, was completely immersed in the shock of this incomparably grand project.

A Tongtian River originates from the top of the plateau, spans a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, and transports more than half of the water to the desert.

On this long road, the Tongtian River reflects the snow-capped mountains with peaks, and the glaciers that span thousands of miles. It caresses the rich purple soil of the Chuan-Shu Basin, and also washes over the Hexi Corridor. Pale sandstone.

It flows through river valleys, rushes through tunnels, pauses briefly in reservoirs, and trudges onwards.

In its blood, the breath of almost all the water systems in this country is gathered.

A snowflake on the Nanga Bawa Peak, a fallen leaf under the Hengduan Mountains, a slanting sun on the golden top of Mount Emei... These things fell into the Tongtian River, have they ever thought that one day, they will be because of the Chinese people. A crazy, wild, majestic plan, and forced to go see that piece of land of yellow sand?

And all of this is just to fight the coming terrifying enemy that may end the entire human civilization.

Lin Ling looked out of the window. The snow-capped mountains were gradually receding. They were following the planned path of the "Tongtianhe", taking pictures and mapping with the surveying and mapping pods already mounted on the plane.

Next, they are about to fly over the Hengduan Mountains to see the four great rivers that will be connected in the future.

After a long silence, she asked:

"How many people does this plan... need?"

In Lin Ling's opinion, such a super-large project has completely exceeded her imagination of the "man-made project" volume. Comparing the most similar Hongqi Canal project, even if it is completely incomparable in scale, it still costs 10 Over the years, more than 100,000 people have been invested.

And Tongtianhe?

It is conceivable that the resources and manpower required for this project will be an extremely terrifying figure.

Ye Zhou on the opposite side shook his head and replied:

"The specific calculation results have not been completed, but as you can imagine, the human investment involved in it will reach a historical peak."

"It is conservatively estimated that more than one million people will directly or indirectly participate in this project, and our entire country, and even the whole world, will undergo tremendous changes because of the launch of this project."

After a pause, Ye Zhou continued:

"So, that's what I want you to see."

"It's not just you who carry the burden, but thousands of people."

"They won't let monsters from another dimension destroy the civilization we built. In the face of such a crisis, no one will back down."

"So, take it easy."

"Don't let that 'strong looking' enemy be your nightmare - we'll be their worst nightmare for expansion."

"Besides, neither you nor me nor all those heroes and leaders are great."

"So there is no need to burden yourself with the so-called 'savior'."

"You and I are not the savior... All the Chinese people gather together to be the savior."

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