Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 468: The Law Of The Pump

After more than 6 hours of flight, the Kunpeng-3 that Ye Zhou and Lin Ling took finally landed at a base in Lop Nur. According to the plan, Ye Zhou was going to visit the nearby photovoltaic melting tower power station on the next day, so this One night, the two stayed at the base.

At this time, the Lop Nur base was no longer what it looked like decades ago. Although the base was still closed in the depths of the no-man’s land, due to its super delivery capability, some of the fruit after dinner for the two of them had just been airlifted from Lingnan. of lychees.

Lin Lingyi was not willing to take it at first—she probably thought that it was not easy to transport a batch of lychees, and she wanted to leave more for the soldiers here. When the lychees were bumped and damaged during the transportation, she ran to the freezer in the cafeteria and grabbed a pot of frozen lychees, ran to the yard in the middle of the camp, and sat with Ye Zhou to enjoy the shade.

There is a large temperature difference between day and night in the desert, but there are a large number of photovoltaic power generation devices near this base. After more than ten years of operation, the whole base has formed a small oasis. Therefore, although the evening wind is very cool, it is not too cold. Bitterly cold.

The two sat quietly in the yard. Most of the lights in the base had been extinguished. In this vast desert, Starlight became the protagonist again.

"Should we . . . talk about something?"

Lin Ling asked tentatively while eating lychees.

Hearing her words, Ye Zhou vaguely felt a little funny, but for a while he didn't know where the funny was. After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and replied:

"If you want to talk, you can talk, but that's what you asked... This time I brought you out to relax, not for a blind date."

There was a bit of embarrassment on Lin Ling's face. She really hadn't thought about this, but after thinking about it, what she just said was really a bit misleading.

"I didn't mean it that way... President Chen told me before that he would let me get in touch with you, and then let you enlighten me. He said that you are growing very fast, and you should be very experienced. "

"I think what he said makes a lot of sense. You are only one year older than me, but you are much more mature in thinking than me... Is this also a talent?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It's not really a talent, it's just that after a few things, you'll mature automatically, or if you have to."

"As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. When you start to really take responsibility, it's time to grow."

Lin Ling hummed thoughtfully, paused for a moment and asked:

"Have you been through a lot?"

"That's too much...but I can't even tell you."

"I know, I won't ask about confidential things... But thank you anyway, what you showed me today is more effective than all the treatments those psychiatrists have done in the past month."

"My situation is too small that I trap myself. In the future, I should study some astrophysics and broaden my horizons---- always engage in microcosm Physics, it's really easy to get to the bottom of things."

After she finished speaking, she put down the half-pot of lychees that she had not finished eating, walked back relaxedly, and sat back on the chair.

This was the first time in more than a month that she felt so relaxed, and this kind of ease even made her feel a little puzzled.

She always thought that her mental problems came from a huge sense of crisis, but after today she found out that the root of the problem was not a sense of crisis, but a sense of powerlessness.

The powerlessness of not knowing what to do or what to do.

Ye Zhou didn't answer her, and the two remained silent until Lin Ling felt that she was about to fall asleep when Ye Zhou's voice suddenly came from her ear.

"What does the universe look like in your eyes?"


Lin Ling was stunned for a moment, and then replied:

"If it's subjective, it's probably the same as everyone who studies physics...empty, cold, and a little romantic."

"I remember telling you when I first saw you, I think the universe is a very lonely concept, there are so many planets in this space, there are so many possible civilizations, but in my In this life, I may not see even one."

"The universe is probably a... dark forest for us humans? I actually agree with this concept. Whatever the purpose, probably those civilizations more advanced than us are hiding from us."

Hearing her words, Ye Zhou shook his head and said:

"I think you still don't really understand the meaning of the adjacent dimension. If you can really understand the adjacent dimension, then you will not utter the term 'dark forest'."


Lin Ling's expression was a little puzzled.

Ye Zhou sat up straight from the chair, and then said:

"To discuss this, first we need to identify a few basic principles."

"The first point is that adjacent dimensions exist, and there are many of them, and different civilizations will be born in each adjacent dimension."

"Second point, there are differences in the technological level of civilizations, but they are all constantly developing, and the purpose of development is to survive."

"The third point is that there can be energy exchange between adjacent dimensions, but not matter exchange."

"The fourth point, all known civilizations are based on matter, and there is no civilization in the form of pure energy."

"These four points are the basis of all our inferences after that."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Ling thought for a moment, then nodded.

"From the current evidence, the four principles you said are accurate."

"Okay, then, we can continue our inference."

"The inference process is very simple, and there is no complicated game, suspicion, etc. To sum up, there is only one sentence."

"When a civilization in any dimension develops to control the energy exchange across dimensions, they will give priority to absorbing the energy of the adjacent dimension at all costs, until all civilizations in the adjacent dimension perish due to energy suffocation."

"Why? They don't need to do this...According to the information you gave me before, the energy absorbed from the adjacent dimension is actually far inferior to the energy obtained directly from the stars - even if it is How about making a Dyson sphere? Wouldn't that be better than laboriously draining energy from adjacent dimensions?"

"They don't need to… wait."

Having said that, a thunderstorm suddenly flashed in Lin Ling's mind.

She suddenly understood the relationship between the four principles Ye Zhou said.

In the physical world, the so-called "adjacent" is actually a broad concept. One dimension is adjacent to another dimension, which does not mean that the two dimensions are in a sequence relationship. On the contrary, it is a full-scale Adjacent, any one of the dimensions can touch all the dimensions in this "aggregate of adjacent dimensions".

Therefore, in the case of differences in technological development, a dimension with advanced civilization must have the ability to draw energy from any dimension with only backward civilization.

Then came the most crucial factor.

Material exchange is not feasible between dimensions, but civilization is again based on matter.

Therefore, it is impossible for any civilization to enter another dimension. For them, another dimension is always just their energy reservoir.

So, on a certain day, when a civilization invents the water pump, what are they going to do?

Drain the cistern next door at all costs.

The reason is very simple, because civilization also exists in this cistern, and this civilization will definitely pump water from its own cistern at any cost after clicking on the "water pump" technology tree!

Who cares about the life and death of another cistern? Who will protect a place that he will never reach?

The first need of all civilizations is to survive, and any so-called "bad things" they do are reasonable as long as their survival is not threatened!

So, the answer has been revealed.

As long as these four basic principles are not broken, the behavior of "pumping" between dimensions and civilizations will never stop.

Seeing Lin Ling's expression, Ye Zhou sighed deeply, he knew that the other party had understood.

"So I say, your view of the universe is wrong."

"In the same universe, no civilization will deliberately avoid other civilizations. On the contrary, all civilizations are like us, looking for allies all the time."

"Under the war between dimensions, the civilization in the same dimension is actually a whole. Only by forming an alliance can we build a pump at the fastest speed and have the ability to fight back."

"But the problem is that an enemy from another dimension will not give us this chance."

"They are already one step ahead of us, and this step is... the difference between life and death."

"This is what you said, the truth of the loneliness of the universe."

"We don't know how far the so-called 'water pump' technology is from us, but it is clear that we are at least hundreds of years away from this technology. However, after 20 years, the other party will start strangling us."

"Do you know what that means?"

Lin Ling's expression became more and more serious, she is a smart person, how could she not understand what Ye Zhou meant?

After a full minute of silence, she said:

"This means.... the strangulation of our universe by neighboring dimensions has basically entered the end stage."

"Those civilizations that were a great threat to them have already perished, and now they are starting to free up their hands to deal with civilizations like us who only 'have the opportunity' to build a water pump."

"The remaining civilizations in this universe...I am afraid that there are not many. We are now only 20 years away from the most advanced civilization."


"The quantum ghost, or quantum probability cloud, sees future outcomes."

"That is to say, on this timeline, adjacent dimensions will inevitably attack us, which means that the civilization that is 20 years ahead of us will be destroyed in 20 years."

"At that time, we will be the most advanced civilization in the entire universe."


Ye Zhou lay back on the chair again, staring at the starry sky above his head without blinking, as if to take in all the stars that have been twinkling since hundreds of millions of years ago.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"Twenty years from now, we're not just the most advanced civilization in the universe."

"And it is very likely that we are still this universe, the only hope."

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