Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 470 The Golden Crow Wind Tunnel Experiment Completed

Chuanshu Mountains.

A peregrine falcon was gliding silently in the air, its eyes warily scanning the glade below, waiting for today's lunch to appear.

This peregrine falcon is a member of the extremely rare subspecies in China. It has a body length of 60 cm and a wingspan of an astonishing 120 cm. Although this size is not large among birds of prey in the world, it is more than 300 kilometers long. With the blessing of the extreme flight speed, it still easily climbed to the very top of the Raptor list.

It is September now. According to the peregrine falcon's habits, at this time it should have set off to fly to Yangcheng, thousands of miles away, for the winter, but it has no intention of leaving at all. Instead, it is flying in the cold wind that has gradually turned cold. Circle after circle, quietly waiting for a certain moment to come.

Yes, it is a wise bird.

After chasing the target and flying into this mountain by chance, after months of observation, it has gradually discovered the difference between this mountain and other peaks it has flown.

Here, most of the mountains are bare - if not bare, there are only trees that have just grown and are not tall.

In contrast, the prey in this forest is extremely numerous and stupid. Unlike the cunning prey it has chased, the crows here, the pheasants here, the voles and rabbits here are just As if they had never learned how to survive, they would always swarm out of the woods at a certain point in time, exposed to their own claws.

And such times are often the time to feast on yourself.

It doesn't know what caused all this. After all, it lives in the air all the year round and walks through the turbulent currents. It can't feel the abnormality felt by the prey. It only knows that such a riot will happen again soon. .

Time passed by, as the sun rose higher and higher, and the wind became a little hot. Just when it was about to lose patience, the leaves on the ground suddenly trembled slightly for no reason.

Then, countless birds flew up from the forest, and the voles and rabbits rushed out of their burrows. The peregrine falcon folded its wings and roared down with the wind, and the fattest one Before the rabbit came back to his senses, a shadow passed by.

Afterwards, the hare slumped to the ground, and its head had been completely shattered by the peregrine falcon's claws.

A few seconds later, the peregrine falcon landed leisurely and began to enjoy this effortless lunch.

And this scene was seen by the two people who were also standing leisurely on the top of the mountain.


This is the Chuanshu jf-22 large-scale wind tunnel experimental base. Wang Rui and Su Guan just finished the morning experiment. When they walked out of the experimental base to let out the wind, they happened to see the peregrine falcon hunting.

"It's so fast... My eyes can't keep up with its movements. This should be the fastest bird in nature, right?"

Su Guan sighed and said that he regretted not taking out his mobile phone when he noticed the peregrine falcon, and missed the most exciting hunting process.

Wang Rui on the side nodded and replied:

"It is indeed the fastest bird in the world - it is also the national bird of Arabia. But this kind of bird is very rare in our country, it is a little more common in the southeast and north, and it is good to see it here. omen."

"I heard from other colleagues that this peregrine falcon has been here since two months ago. It seems to have learned some rules. As soon as our wind tunnel was opened, the noise and vibration came out, and other animals were frightened. When it was running, it came out to hunt."

"If you want to take pictures, you should watch it early next time. In another month, if the temperature continues to get cold, it will definitely leave. No matter how much food, it will not be able to withstand the heavy snow."

"Is it still snowing here?"

Su Guan asked curiously.

"Isn't it snowing... The altitude here is high, and it is more dependent on the quilt. Every year, there will be one or two snowfalls in the cave. When the conditions were poor, we were sent out to remove the snow--- - To remove snow from the mountains, can you believe it?"

"I don't know who said it. After the snow seeps into the stratum, it will affect the stability of the wind tunnel. Then the leader at that time was also a fool. He believed what he said. , humming, running outside to shovel snow."

"At that time, the place was still desolate, and large-scale equipment could not come in. It was all manual work. We shoveled while the sky was going down."

"It's absurd to think about it now. Now that more than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, it's interesting to look back on it."

"At that time, there were still many living creatures in the snow. We caught a yellow-skinned man—you know what? The yellow-skinned man will change his skin in winter. The fur is snow-white and snow-white, not to mention how cute. "

Su Guan on the side nodded slightly and replied:

"I've seen this in the video. The yellow skin is of the mustelidae, and the mustelidae are basically cute."

"But then again, does snow really affect the wind tunnel? We are now in a critical period for testing. Don't have a snow that affects the accuracy of the data, then it's over."

Wang Rui shook his head and replied:

"There is the impact of a hammer. Besides, it doesn't matter if it has an impact. After the last experiment is completed this afternoon, the wind tunnel experiment of Jinwu has been completed. After this big project is over, we will definitely take a long vacation."

"The next time such a high-intensity test is expected to wait until the spring of next year."

"What about the pressure difference of the variable wings? Don't care? I remember in the last meeting that if the pressure difference could not be solved, the high-pressure airflow would probably blow the wingtips apart during the unfolding of the wings."

Su Guan looked a little puzzled. He is a relatively peripheral member of the Jinwu project's pneumatic team, and he doesn't know much about some core information, but major issues like this will not be kept secret. After the problem was discovered at that time, he and him The other team members worked overtime for 3 overnights together, and the final proposal was not satisfactory.

According to his understanding, the new solution can barely solve some of the problems, but at high altitude and high speed, the pressure coefficient change caused by the unfolding and retracting of the wings is still greater than the critical value. , and even the entire plane was shredded.

Seeing his puzzled expression, Wang Rui answered:

"We have studied it, and the aerodynamic layout can't solve this problem. Jinwu's body is too big, and it is a circle larger than Maozi's Figure 160. They have no experience in this field, and they can rely on purely theoretical data."

"Except your group, we have a total of 6 groups working on plans, and all of them were rejected in the end."

"Then you said that the afternoon was the last experiment? You wouldn't tell me that Jinwu wouldn't do it, would you?"

Su Guan's eyes widened in surprise. He devoted three years to this project. If he finally gave up because of such a reason, he probably would not be reconciled in his life.

No, not just giving up, even changing the current design, he felt unacceptable.

In his mind, the Golden Crow with variable wings, capable of hypersonic cruise, and a maximum speed of Mach 2.7 is the complete Golden Crow. If the variable wings and high performance are given up for stability, it can only be regarded as a sparrow!

And the sparrow, the ugly country already has it, and he doesn't want to make something that others have already made.

"...I want to say that we really gave up the variable wings. Would you rush to the chief engineer's office and give him a hammer?"

"...Don't make such a joke, I might actually be able to do it."

Wang Rui stared at Su Guan's eyes tightly, trying to maintain his serious expression, but after staring at each other for a few seconds, he finally couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha...Xiao Su, you are too cola."

"What are you thinking? The design of this plane has already been finalized. The variable wing is the key structure, so how can it be changed at will. Our principles of Shu Fei are different from those of Feng Fei. If we want to do it, we can do things that others dare not do. …”

"The reason why this is the last experiment is not because we want to ignore the problem, but on the contrary, because the problem is solved."

Hearing this, Su Guan's eyes lit up, and then he asked:

"How to solve it? Is there a new model?"

"There is a model of a hammer... This thing can't be solved by optimizing the aerodynamic layout. We have simulated it countless times in the matrix, and the conclusion is the same."

"There is only one way to solve the problem, to strengthen the material."

"You're not from the materials group, so you don't know that two weeks ago, a new material plan, anr-ht09, was sent from the Sanchi Research Institute."

"I heard that this material was originally intended to be used in nuclear fusion reactors. Later, people there found that after modifying the composition ratio of antineutron radiation, the strength, heat resistance and toughness of the material were improved----- It can be used on the wings of the Golden Crow."

"After replacing the titanium alloy we are using now with this material, although the weight has increased by about 3%, it does not affect the overall design."

"Also, the wing strength is much stronger than our previous design, and the pressure difference problem of the variable wing that we can't solve is not a big deal in the face of this material."

After listening to Wang Rui's explanation, Su Guan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was also a little curious, who are the people at the Sanchi Research Institute? It has only been established for less than 5 years, and the achievements made can almost be said to monopolize the advanced materials field of the entire China.

From aerospace, to large machinery, to deep diving equipment, to nuclear fusion, to clothing, electronics, and even food packaging, they seem to have their presence.

Under the leadership of this institute, the field of Huaxia materials is making great strides. In just a few short years, it seems to have completed the road of others for decades.

If it goes on like this, in the next step, won't the space elevator also be launched?

Su Guan shook his head gently to dispel the messy thoughts in his mind, then took a deep breath and asked tentatively:

"Brother Rui, after the wind tunnel experiment is completed, the Jinwu's body is finalized. The next it time to test the whole installation?"

Hearing his question, Wang Rui secretly felt a little funny.

Young people are indeed much more anxious than old people like themselves.

However, urgency also has the advantage of urgency. If it wasn't for these young people's drive, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to maintain my current momentum.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and replied:

"Almost so."

"Golden Crow is about to enter the trial production stage. Under our current system, this stage usually consumes the least amount of time."

"After the fuselage shell comes out, it hits the engine again, and it's not far from the Jinwu takeoff."

"I estimate that by the end of the year at the latest, or even the beginning of the year, we will be able to see the first Golden Crow flying into the sky."

Su Guan's eyes showed a longing look, and his eyes moved to the peregrine falcon in the distance again.

There, the peregrine falcon had had enough food and drink, and after sharpening its claws at last, it flapped its wings lightly and stabbed straight into the clear sky.

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