The sudden crisis disrupted the layout of the entire Huaxia executives. The South Island, which was originally the strategic center of gravity, suddenly became somewhat insignificant, and all the resources that were about to be invested were withdrawn. The contest for the upcoming nine-in-one general election has also been abandoned.

All business representatives represented by Huang Qi have all withdrawn from the South Island, which made the island cheer. They probably thought that their struggle had played a role. The powerful three countries, their top leaders have started the first round of emergency meetings.

imperial capital.

In a huge conference room, the representatives of the three parties have all been seated. The representatives of Maoxiong and Chouguo still don't know the theme of this meeting. Meeting.

In the impression of the elderly representatives of the two countries, the last such meeting happened in that era, at the last second before the crisis of a full-scale nuclear war crushed mankind.

That meeting brought humanity back from the crisis of extinction, and now this meeting... what is the purpose?

Solve the war?

Under the rule of rsa decryption technology, wars, or at least wars between great powers, are no longer in the soil. breed.


Maybe Huaxia really wants to gain some benefits, but the question is...why use this seemingly negotiated method?

In this regard, the representatives of Xiong Guo are even more puzzled, because they are aware of the progress of the Jinwu bomber. After the bomber takes off, Huaxia's strategic deterrence capability will rise to an unprecedented height. In this case, what do they want to do? It's actually just a word.

Unless....what they are going to do is far beyond the bottom line of the other two countries.

The representatives of the ugly country obviously also thought of this layer. The two sides looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the venue changed subtly.

There will never be eternal friends in this world, only eternal interests.

If what Huaxia is going to do breaks through the bottom line of Maoxiong, they don't mind, and they will join hands with the ugly country to oppose it first.

However, this ambiguous atmosphere only lasted for a few minutes. After the representative of Huaxia entered the venue, he used a straightforward sentence to bring the theme of this meeting to a height that no one expected.

"Friends, here, I regret to inform you that the final judgment of mankind is coming soon."

There was an uproar in the venue. This sentence seemed to be some kind of church missionary term, which made everyone puzzled. It was completely different from Huaxia's usual rigorous and prudent use of words.

They became more and more puzzled about the purpose of this meeting. Some people wanted to ask questions, but they were stopped by the Huaxia representative.

Immediately afterwards, other staff in the venue began to send documents with top secret words to the hands of the representatives, and the Huaxia representative continued to say:

"As shown in the documents in your hands, in the process of developing quantum computers, we received intelligence about the intrusion of adjacent dimensions. The intelligence shows that in 20 years, we will face energy theft from adjacent dimensions."

"At that time, the earth we live on will be 'energy suffocated' and all development will come to a standstill."

"We will slowly die of suffocation."

"----Unless, we can make oxygen ourselves."

After speaking, the Huaxia representative stood aside quietly. He did not expect other people in this conference room to receive all his information in a short time. They needed time, they needed time to read the document, and they needed time to Straighten out the logic, it takes time to accept...the ending that you are about to die.

As he had expected, the first person to read the document had a suspicious look on his face. Due to some specially emphasized diplomatic principles, he did not jump up and refute it, but with the people around him. People whispering is inevitable.

This kind of sound seems to be contagious. As the conversation sounded in all corners of the conference room, waves of voices covered each other and continued to rise. In just a few minutes, this conference room It was already crowded.

"The invasion of adjacent dimensions, the quantum ghost, these things are not credible at all! I think this is just an excuse for Huaxia to grab further benefits!"

"My opinion is the same as yours, but objectively speaking, it doesn't make sense for them to deceive us - if they really want to deceive, it would be more convenient to use rsa technology?"

"...I don't understand either. I don't know if their source of information is real, we're also doing research in the quantum realm, but we've never received a perturbation like that."

"No, Jack, we have received it, but those disturbances cannot constitute meaningful information. In fact, we also know nothing about the source of the disturbance. If it really comes from the adjacent dimension, this is a very A persuasive explanation."

"That's true...and the theory they put forward is also credible. We have indeed observed occasional energy anomalies in high-energy physics experiments -- or entropy jumps, if If this anomaly can be manipulated, the phenomenon known as energy suffocation is very likely to occur."


Representatives of the two countries are still arguing, but the Huaxia representatives on stage have obviously lost patience with their doubts.

People often go through five stages of shock, denial, anger, depression and acceptance when faced with negative results, and the representatives of the two countries in this conference room are only in the second stage.

There is still a long way to go for them to truly appreciate the grimness of the form.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand to signal the end of the discussion, and then said:

"Everyone, we are well aware of the impact of the information you have seen so far on you. Believe me, when we first confirmed the authenticity of this matter, our reaction was exactly the same as yours."

"However, the facts are immutable. Your denials and doubts cannot have any impact on the outcome. If you want to survive the catastrophe in the future, you must follow in our footsteps."

"Why should we listen to your arrangements?"

Before the Huaxia representative had finished speaking, someone in the conference room finally couldn't help but speak. He was the most typical of the doubters in this conference room. In his heart, all the information from Huaxia could not be trusted. All of Huaxia's actions are in preparation for the subsequent hegemony.

What is the invasion of adjacent dimensions, what is the invasion of energy... He can't see that far, all he can see is that if the two countries really act in unison according to Huaxia's arrangement, then the ugly country will be in a very short time. China lost the initiative and became the de facto "second in the world".

Isn't this the pretense of being China Xia?

Quantum encryption technology is about to be applied, and their rsa deterrence has entered the end stage. If it was himself, he would also seek such a so-called "doomsday" excuse to carry out subsequent actions and take the opportunity to consolidate his own status.

All the education he received told him that human beings are selfish animals, and a country is a collection of people, and the struggle between the two countries must not take any fluke on the enemy.

"You can disobey our arrangement. Even without you, we will continue to implement the plan..."

"Plan? What's your so-called Beacon plan? What's your so-called Tongtianhe plan?"

The representative from the ugly country once again interrupted the Huaxia representative. With a mocking look on his face, he raised the material in his hand and said:

"Everyone, take a good look, take a good look at what their so-called plans are!"

"Fenghuo plans to build a super-large nuclear fusion reactor - of course, if there is this technology, it will be a huge improvement for mankind, but the question is, can they do it?"

"They can't do it! Such a big project in such a short time! No country on this planet can do it!"

"What they really want to do is to further suppress the order of traditional fossil energy, thereby consolidating their dominance in the field of new energy! They want to kick out all oil-producing countries!"

"Friends from the Maoxiong country opposite, pay attention, you are also an oil-producing country, don't you have any worries?"

"Yes, there is also the Tongtianhe plan. Compared with the so-called Fenghuo plan, this plan is even more cold-blooded and unacceptable."

"The mother river of a country, bypassing thousands of kilometers of water and sending it to its own desert? What kind of careerist would come up with such a plan?"

"What are you going to do with the protests in Yindu? War? Or nuclear deterrence?"

"----Yeah, of course it's war. I understand, what is the doomsday judgment, you are the source of the doomsday!"

"You have never known to follow the harmony with nature. If you continue to let you expand, even if the so-called energy suffocation is true, we will not be able to last until then!"

"In ten years, the world will be destroyed by nuclear war!"

The Huaxia representative office listened to the other party's impassioned classic Bai Zuo speech without surprise. After being silent for a while and making sure that no one agreed, he said:

"Sir, you seem to have made a mistake."

"As I said, we understand your doubts about this fact, so this meeting is not to convince you."

"You have your own physicists and your own top scientific researchers. They can confirm the authenticity of this theory."

"We're just informing you now."

"What I want to say is that Huaxia will do whatever it takes to solve this crisis. The Fiberhome plan and the Tongtianhe plan are the most important layouts."

"If anyone or any group dares to stand in the way, it will be considered a declaration of war."

"You can accept the darkness, but don't stop us from making a fire."

"Otherwise, the fire will surely burn you down first."

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