Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 475 Pathfinders Set Off

In the imperial capital, there is a courtyard in the first ring.

Zhang Fu checked his luggage for the last time, talking about the list of scattered and complicated items.

"Igniter, thermal paste, cup, knife, water purification medicine, rope..."

The father next to him helped him put away all the various equipments on the ground, and couldn't help complaining:

"The survey team will send these things out, so what's the use of bringing so much? Now the conditions are not what they used to be. If you really want to bring some more tobacco and alcohol snacks, you can share them with other friends in your team when you get there. Do it well. A little relationship, and things will be smoother when the time comes..."

"You old man knows shit!"

Zhang Fu pursed his lips in disdain and continued:

"Look at my igniter, this thing was made by Shu Fei, the pilot's version! Do you know how much this thing cost your son? A whole six thousand oceans!"

"Waterproof and windproof, the 12th-level storm is not wrong, and if there is an emergency, it can be used as a camping lamp temporarily. Can those junk things sent by the survey team be better than it?"

"Your son is going to take his life this time. You can't prepare well on the equipment? Why keep the money? You can't take it with you."

"Besides, my pile of things can't keep up with what you used to treat at Lijiacai. Why, I'm willing to eat, drink, and have fun, but I can't bear to give flowers to your son?"

Hearing his words, the old man slapped him on the head and said angrily:

"Don't give me such a tasteless fart here, when will I stop letting you spend money? When you made people's belly bigger two years ago, wasn't your father the one I wiped for you? "

"Do you know how much your father I spent to settle it for you? It's really strange. You are still here complaining to me that you are reluctant to spend money. Why, I feel sorry for your father for the money I invested?"

Zhang Fu touched his head and stood up, sighed and said:

"My dad, it's not that I feel bad, it's that you are too ruthless. Those billions of dollars were voted, and it's not certain when they can be taken back. Don't talk about me, you see who doesn't talk about it in our family. How many words did you say?"

"Besides, if you vote, you will vote, at least you will contribute to the country, but can you vote well? Our country is now doing the Tongtianhe project and the Fenghuo project, and you all voted for the northwest afforestation project. What the hell?"

"That thing needs so much money? When the water passes, the trees and grass will grow up naturally. Do you need to plant them?"

"You know shit!"

The old man threw the thermal insulation sticker in his hand to Zhang Fu, and said angrily:

"So you are too short-sighted. What is the essence of the Tongtianhe project? That is to fix sand and create soil, and convert deserts into fields. Water is only a part of it, and excellent tree species are also very important."

"What's the situation now? A lot of money has poured into the civil engineering, and no one cares about the afforestation at the back end."

"What if I don't invest? Does the country have money? Do farmers have money? Even if farmers have money, do they have the technology to develop better seeds? Then, don't you have to rely on your father for me to raise them?"

"Besides, what is a high-risk, high-yield investment? It's to do things that others dare not do, and do things that others can't think of. Do you think your father and I have picked up the billions for nothing, and it's not all like that. Did it come back again and again?"

"You're great, you're noble, you're ahead of your time... I said if you want to vote, just vote, anyway, save some for yourself, why, do you still expect me to give you old age in the future?"

"I told you in advance that I can't support my old age in this line of work..."

"I can use you?"

The old man laughed, took out a bank card from his pocket, and then asked:

"Do you know how much money is in here?"

Zhang Fu's eyes lit up and he asked in surprise:

"And a small vault? How much?"

"Not much, two million."

"...Two million are you talking! Enough for you to go out and inspect the customs industry a few times?"

"Fuck your mother's fart! I've long since cleaned myself up! Take care of your own mouth, if your mother hears this, I'll give you a discount!"

"I know I know... Since you have no money, you should stay at home. I won't argue with you. Your son is an adult. It's time to go out and do something serious."

The old man just nodded and started to help pack his luggage silently again.

After more than an hour, all the odds and ends of Zhang Fu's trip this time were cleaned up, and the two went out the door and sat down on the steps of the yard tacitly.

Zhang Fu took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for the old man. The latter took a deep breath, exhaled the smoke and said:

"After you leave, I will also pack up this house and the things in this house, and sell them all."

"Didn't you say that the survey team's equipment is not good? I'll use this money to donate a batch of equipment to you, which will be used in the future."

Zhang Fu turned his head to look at the old man in amazement, and said hesitantly:

"Old man, this is not necessary... We have lived in this house for more than 20 years. How can we say that we have feelings, why sell it?"

"You said you were going to destroy your family to help you out, and you paid enough money that the leaders saw it. There's no need to tear down your family, right?"

The old man shook his head and replied:

"You hook your fingers and count, how many times have I taught you a lesson? Take a long-term view!"

"Let's put aside the feelings of family and country first. Do you know what's going on now? To put it bluntly now, it's like the old China of 37 years. It's the time when the national disaster is on the way, and it's time to submit a certificate!"

"What is this money? Your father and I have made enough money in my life, and I have enjoyed what I should enjoy. At my age, it is impossible to take a step forward."

"But you can! You're still young, 27, and in 20 years, you'll be 47. Even if it's another 20 years, you'll be 67 when the dust settles—you won't be 67 Bar?"

"...I can't take your words."

"If you can't pick it up, don't pick it up. I mean, I'm paving the way for you now. We don't have many things in our family, and to be honest, we've gone down a wrong path before, and we're too close to those capitals, so this It’s time to show your attitude.”

"Look, let me give you an analogy. Are you a member of the Tongtianhe Project Survey Team? You, sir, I am the biggest sponsor of the Northwest Afforestation Project. With this relationship, if you make more achievements , can you rise faster than others?"

"In 20 years, with such a solid foundation, as long as you inherit a little bit of my good genes, it will not be difficult to become the project commander at that time."

"When things are over and the crisis is over, when it comes to rewarding merits and deeds, can you be without you?"

"Don't you always say that you are envious of the old Tang family background? Don't you always say that your father and I are just a little fish and a shrimp in this imperial capital like the sea? You did a good job this time, I can't guarantee that you will have a big one. Progress, but our descendants must be stable."

"You know what I mean?"

Zhang Fu sighed and replied:

"I understand, I understand. Is it still a good idea?"

"...If you want to say it's a calculation, it's also possible. Who hasn't made a small calculation in his heart? Your father and me, I believe in one sentence in this life: the argument doesn't matter."

"So, this time you can choose to join the survey team. I think it's very good. When you come back after this trip, you will be a real adult."

Having said this, the old man sighed deeply.

Just three months ago, after he confirmed the fact that the neighboring dimension had invaded, he immediately made arrangements for his property, and invested almost all the funds in the northwest afforestation plan related to the Tongtianhe Project.

His purpose is not simple, as he said, this is not only a letter of admission, but also a way back for his son.

Do you want to be alone in the coming big era and continue to be a rich man with a lot of money?

is it possible? Obviously, the old man who has seen too many changes in personnel has his own answer in his heart.

So, he also made his own choice.

The only thing he didn't expect was that his son's choice would go further than his own - he signed up for the survey team of the Tongtianhe project.

Logically speaking, the old man should not be worried about this matter. After all, his son majored in geology in college. He also likes to play outdoor, cross-country and other young people's stuff. In my heart, my son is still the ignorant child who loves to play and make trouble, and always asks himself to help clean up the mess.

This sudden change now caught him off guard.

Where is he going?

Plateaus, deserts, canyons, no-man's-land... Although various technologies have been greatly developed now, the two-year survey mission is still no joke. Once an accident occurs , My father and son, I am afraid they are separated from each other.

But there was nothing he could do to stop his son----he had grown up and should do something serious.

The two people on the steps each had their own thoughts. After smoking a cigarette, Zhang Fu hesitated and asked:

"Old man, you say, can we pass this test?"

"Yes, what can't you do?"

"...Can you go for dim sum, I haven't said which level yet!"

"rest assured."

The old man patted Zhang Fu's shoulder and replied:

"No matter which level, you can pass it."


After a simple dinner, Zhang Fu left the house with heavy luggage on his back. Two hours later, he reunited with the other survey team members of the Imperial Capital at Daxing Airport.

These team members come from different families, have different faces, and even have different purposes for joining the survey team. However, if they are analyzed according to Bruce Conn's "Motivational Theory", the purpose of boarding the flight is not the same Again surprisingly consistent.

They want to live, they want to live better.

They want the nation to survive too.

Therefore, they have to be the front-line pathfinders. In this largest geological transformation project in human history, they will be the whippers who lead the flow of the river.

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