Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 476 The Night Before The Survey Started

After two days of boating and driving, Zhang Fu and all the Tongtianhe project survey team arrived at Duoka Village near the big bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River. Here, they will carry out the final equipment arrangement, and then set off northward, climbing Zirongna. The peak, and then along the ridge to the northeast, bypassing Zhiba Longba, turning south from the Qamuna ridge, and reaching Chidan Peak.

This is an extremely difficult and dangerous route. The whole journey is more than 30 kilometers. The average climbing altitude is more than 4,000 meters. There will be no supplies along the way. There are soft permafrost and snow pockets everywhere, and even a small number of fissures left by glaciers. If you accidentally fall into it.

After climbing Chidan Mountain, they will conduct a comprehensive survey of the local soil and rock formations, draw high-precision topographic maps, and measure the target data to demonstrate the feasibility of the plan.

After all this was done, they had to continue northwards, through the Qiuzhu Lomba Ridge, to reach the village of Shewaka, and only then would they be able to get their first supplies.

After this section of the road, it is another 20 kilometers away.

The 50-kilometer road doesn't sound like a long way. If it is on the plain, an ordinary person who walks fast can even walk it in one day, but under the conditions of the high plateau and the snow-covered mountains, he can walk 10 kilometers a day. Kilometers are already the limit of the human body, not to mention that they also carry all kinds of equipment.

Therefore, for this short 50-kilometer journey, they arranged it according to a 10-day schedule.

At the Party and Mass Service Station in Doka Village, Zhang Fu put down his heavy backpack, let out a long sigh of relief, and then said to a team member named Li Rui:

"Hey, give me a cigarette, it's not good, it's a high reaction..."

Li Rui squinted at him, and said a little angrily:

"Are you sick? Gao Fan still smokes, are you really afraid of death?"

"You don't understand, I'm mentally rebellious, just have a cigarette----how did you grind, you didn't finish my two packs of swimming these two days? Do you know how much it cost? Is it? My old man is reluctant to smoke, so let me steal it all to honor you."

"Then you are really filial to me."

Although Li Rui's mouth was not forgiving, his hands were still very honest. He took out two packets of Fuchun Mountain Residence from his backpack and threw them in front of Zhang Fu, and then exhorted:

"You really want to take less time. We will be going up the mountain tomorrow morning. Now our altitude is only 1,600, and it will rise to 4,000 in a few hours. If there is a high reaction, it will kill people."

In the previous two days of getting along, Zhang Fu and Li Rui, the rich second generation, only spent a few hours from acquaintance to acquaintance. Compared with other people in the team, the two of them have more common language.

Of course, this does not mean that they have a bad relationship with the other team members. On the contrary, because of their exquisite way of handling things, the entire survey team has a good impression of the two of them, and some even bluntly said that they broke themselves. For the rich second generation has always been stereotyped.

What do ordinary people think of the rich second generation?

Li Rui's family is in the financial industry, and the circle of contact is also on the upper level. He may not understand it very well, but Zhang Fu's family started from scratching and rolling, and they are all in touch with each other, so he knows it very well.

Inexperienced, sensual, and intoxicated...  

It is undeniable that I can indeed use these words to describe myself before——Isn't that the dandy of a peaceful and prosperous age? But Zhang Fu asked himself that he had not done anything disgusting or bad, and most of his energy was spent on mountaineering and expeditions several times a year.

The only time I was caught in the lace news was when I was overcast by green tea.

So, in fact, many times, he doesn't recognize his identity as a rich second-generation so much - he actually thinks that he is a very rich scumbag and a big resentment.

Zhang Fu opened a pack of cigarettes and scattered around the other team members who were smoking. The other non-smokers in the team hid to the side when he saw this. In the arduous task that is about to begin, the most important thing is to tolerate and support each other. Since the captain has not spoken, then he will just stay honest.

He took a deep breath, and then asked the captain Qing Hao who was smoking:

"Do we still have any new equipment? I checked the equipment before, and the emergency fuel preparation is too small. I calculated it, and it is basically only enough for 64 hours. If there is a wind and snow on the mountain, the heat source will be maintained for a short time. very dangerous."

Qing Hao nodded and replied:

"I have followed up with the superiors. They will transfer a batch from Ganden Township and will arrive tonight. But now there is a problem. Our equipment weight is basically close to saturation. If we need to bring more fuel, we will either be overweight or need Consider throwing other gear away."

Hearing his words, the other members of the team frowned. After a while, Zhang Fu said:

"Or throw away the high-power flashlight? It's useless for me to think about this thing."

"No, there are wolves on the mountain this season. You can't throw a flashlight when you throw anything. Otherwise, if we really encounter a pack of wolves, we can only set fire to the tent."

The one who is talking is Li Fang, the guard of the survey team. Like another guard, he is an active duty soldier. If it is said that the pure plateau mountaineering experience may not be better than Zhang Fu, a field expert, but when it comes to security work , no one can question their opinion.

"What about the reduction of two tents? Now the two-person tent can accommodate three people, and the space occupied by one tent can hold six alpine gas tanks, and the maintenance time of 12 gas tanks can reach 48 hours. The reserves are basically sufficient."

"The tent can't be reduced. It is very important to rest in a continuous hypoxia environment. The space for sleeping two people and three people in a tent is very different. If there is a situation of poor rest, it will not take 10 days, 3 It's almost going to kill you."

"...It's not that exaggerated, I had 36 hours without sleep when I climbed Mount Everest before."

"That's you, you are one of the most physically fit people in our team, other people's physical strength can't reach this level, I suggest to be conservative, don't reduce anything, Liu Chu and I can be more back- ---You too, let's share, it's better to go slowly than not to go."

Hearing his words, Zhang Fu nodded thoughtfully and replied:

"Then follow this plan first. Brother Hao, what do you say?"

"I agree, what about the others?"


After collecting everyone's opinions, the discussion on emergency fuel finally settled on a plan. After a few people came out of the house and explained the precautions, they dispersed and moved freely.

Zhang Fu and Li Rui followed behind Qing Hao, and the three walked to the riverside together. Looking at the wide river, Zhang Fu said with emotion:

"From this perspective, it's a bit of a fantasy to move this sum to the northwest."

"Look, looking to the west is Nanga Bawa Peak, surrounded by mountains, let alone the northwest, just from here to Palong Zangbo, the height difference is nearly three kilometers."

"Is there any water conservancy project in the world that can raise a river by three kilometers? I don't think I have heard of it."

"The pumped storage power station on Changlong Mountain has a maximum head of 800 meters, and it should be the largest pumping station project we have ever built. Now the technology is still developing, if the Huawu Institute has come out with nuclear fusion power generation , the energy problem is solved, we can completely build 3 to 4 stepped pumping stations in this area, and pump water upward in stages.”

"Even if there is no fusion power generation, the power transfer from the Yarlung Zangbo Hydropower Station can fully support the operation of the pumping station. Technically, there is no problem at all."

After listening to Qing Hao's explanation, Zhang Fu and Li Rui nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, they don't know much about these technical details. In this survey team, their roles are closer to professional consultants, responsible for professional technical guidance in field survival and mountaineering, and for the overall structure of the plan. I don't know.

So taking advantage of the last time before departure, Zhang Fu intends to chat more with Qinghao----as his old man said, he always has to go further, learn more about things he doesn't know, and then he can go further. farther.

"I heard before that the Tongtianhe project is of decreasing elevation. Why do we have to build a pumping station when we come here? Isn't this the opposite of a more general strategy?"

Hearing Zhang Fu's question, Qing Hao shook his head and replied:

"There is another route with decreasing elevation. That route goes from Anbei Mountain to Jinzhu Zangbu, to Jinzhuqu, and then to the east along National Highway 219."

"The route was very smooth in the early stage and didn't require a lot of engineering, but after Jinzhuqu and Gongri Gabuqu merged, we had to find a way to cross Kongcanglong, Luojia Glacier and Yalong. Glacier, arrive at Anmucuo."

"The amount of work in this section is no joke. Both sides of the bank are full of steep cliffs. Although the height difference is only 2,000 meters at the highest, the construction is very difficult - only one pumping station can reach the top. Moreover, the route needs to run through the river. Build a lot of culverts."

"More importantly, the elevation of the river itself is relatively high, and there are still many river sections to build dams, which can almost be said to make the river flow upstream... You think about the difficulty of this."

"So, we are now taking the route of Palung Tsangpo - what is this called? Saturation is survey."

"At the end of the day, whoever's plan is more feasible and the overall benefit is higher, the plan will be used."

"You have to know that our group of more than a dozen survey teams represent more than a dozen routes. This is only at the source. There are tens of thousands of kilometers of waterways behind, and more than 1,000 teams. Think about how many plans there are. version."

Zhang Fu nodded and said nothing.

In fact, before he came here, he had already understood the background and details of the Tongtianhe project from various sources, and also knew that this was a miracle project with huge investment that would definitely be included in the history of human engineering after its completion, but at that time he was shocked , far less than the simple words of Qing Hao.

There are more than 1,000 survey teams and nearly 20,000 professional or non-professional survey personnel.

The geological survey power of the entire country has basically been drained.

The courage displayed in it made him dazzled.

At this time, the sun was gradually setting, and the golden top of Nanga Bawa Peak in the distance was shining. But I didn't take pictures of that beautiful mountain.

Instead, the camera turned around and captured the scene of the survey team members happily taking selfies by the river.

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