Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Four Hundred And Eighty Fourth Arrest

A week after Hermes received the assistance application from Huaxia, Qin Chuan got the information he wanted.

Everything happened so that everyone was caught off guard. In Qin Chuan's view, he even felt that Hermes had planned an attack on the Natural Sect, and was just waiting for the right time to hand over this bargaining chip.

And now, after Huaxia entered the game, they are stud.

Qin Chuan didn't want to know the details of the other party's actions, but the overwhelming news made him have to watch it. After he really got the detailed information from the top management, he realized deeply that this organization was established by Bruce Conn. , how crazy is it.

In just one week, Hermes not only launched an attack on the headquarters of the sect of nature in swiss, but also launched a bloody massacre in all regions of the world.

A large number of inhumane methods were used, nerve gas, blade missiles, roadside bombs... Even in the "doomsday cave" project used for demonstration by a certain nature sect, these radical and crazy thugs used small Thermobaric bomb.

The pictures returned by the news were appalling. The walls of the cave were branded with human-shaped patterns formed by the penetration of human fat, and at the lower level, where the shock wave did not reach, dozens of members of the sect of nature died of suffocation.

----Asphyxiation may not be accurate, to be precise, they were scalded alive by high-temperature steam.

Subsequently, Hermes published a list of crimes committed by these members of the natural sect, including poisoning natural waters, destroying engineering facilities, arsoning forests, blowing up dikes...

A series of man-made or non-man-made disasters have been placed on the head of the natural sect, and public opinion has been polarized for a while.

Those who support Hermes think they are punishing for the sky, while those who support the sect of nature think they are the biggest kbzz of the new age.

Qin Chuan regretted his decision to cooperate with Hermes. His original intention was to use a knife to kill people, but obviously, this knife was too sharp.

If they are allowed to continue to develop to extremes, today their target is the sect of nature, tomorrow their target is escapeism, what about the day after tomorrow?

Will one day, they will do something to the Chinese people?

Qin Chuan smelled a hint of danger, and immediately reported his concerns to his superiors, but he also understood that, at least now, he had more important things to do.

There are more than 30 contact persons provided by Hermes, and 16 of them are located in the imperial capital. He must find out and arrest all of these people in the next week, thereby destroying all their follow-up. action.


On December 19, in the private room of a high-end business club in the Imperial Capital.

Yang Wei sat in the most central position in the room, and the news report about the devastating blow to the Nature Sect was opened on the pad in her hand.

"...So, as we thought, the Hermes organization is definitely not just a peaceful organization like us, they are completely tools in the hands of some officials, the purpose is to use their White Gloves—no, they use their sharp knife to slaughter dissidents in the issue of the invasion of neighboring dimensions."

"The incident with the sect of nature this time is a serious warning to us. The blows they face will also be faced when our own influence develops to a certain extent, and we may even end up worse than them."

"After all, the soil in which they live is relatively free and open, and what about us?"

"The oppression they have received comes from Hermes at most, and it is only aimed at the members themselves, and we, including our families, may be subjected to..."

"do not talk!"

Yang Wei interrupted the man, and then asked:

"Where are we on our strategy for the 318 expansion?"

"Everything is going well at the moment, the explosives are ready and in a few days they will arrive at their destination. The problem now is that we need a better timing."

"The 318 National Highway expansion project is their key project. This project is related to the logistics and transportation of the subsequent Tongtianhe project. It can be said that it is an important pipeline to ensure the smooth development of the Tongtianhe project. Therefore, they also invested a lot of manpower in this project. ."

"At present, the army engineers are mainly responsible for this project, and the construction team composed of ordinary migrant workers has not yet entered the site."

"My personal advice is, why don't we just wait?"

"If we do it now, we will not be able to affect the overall progress of the project at all, and the loss of personnel to them will be limited - and all the losses will be soldiers, and maybe they will be promoted as heroic deeds in the future. "

"The best solution is to wait for the construction team to enter the site. When ordinary people are killed, what we can do will be very different..."

After listening to the man's explanation, Yang Wei nodded slightly, and then said:

"Your judgment is justified, but the problem is that now our options are very limited. Except for Project 318, the difficulty of the Altash Dam is higher - there has always been a heavy guard there, even if we have an internal response, it is very difficult. It’s hard to get the perfect result.”

Having said this, she paused for a moment and asked with a frown:

"Where is Mao Usu? How are the plans for the launch of willow hawkmoth and willow inchworm?"

"In the early stage, a small batch has been experimentally put in, but the effect is not satisfactory. Although the willow moth is one of the main pests and diseases of Salix, but now the pesticide technology is quite mature. ."

"If we really want to make a fuss in this place, we have to restrict the water source. But the problem is that the main leaders over there don't have our people, and they can't break the ice, let alone let them do things for us. …”

The man sighed, looked up into Yang Wei's eyes, and said:

"Sister Weiwei, to be honest, the current situation is very bad. Both you and I have had contact with the Nature Sect. Now that they fall, our information may have been leaked. It's on their desks."

"So, my personal suggestion is that during the recent period, we might as well keep a low profile - first enter a state of dormancy, wait for the limelight to pass, and then come out again."

Hearing the man's words, Yang Wei shook her head firmly and replied:

"No, we don't have time."

"The opponent's speed of action is faster than ours. Now is a key stage of the competition for influence. If we take a step back, the opponent will move forward. In the end, we may even lose the ability to fight back."

"Aren't you fed up with their populist tactics? Crazy exploitation of social elites to engage in face-lifting projects, euphemistically, they want to light a bonfire for human beings, bah!"

"What a shit bonfire, they're just doing it for their own benefit."

"The strategy of madrigal is the real effective strategy, and the future of madrigal is the future of mankind. To achieve this goal, we must spare no expense."

Looking at Yang Wei's expression, a hint of helplessness appeared on the man's face.

He didn't know how to describe his colleague, say she was idealistic, and the strategies she formulated often revealed a touch of cold-blooded, at any cost; but if she was utilitarian, she seemed to believe that she was right. , who think they are doing good for mankind.

This is completely different from herself - she is the elite in her mouth, and joining the madrigal organization is actually to protect her own interests.

Men will never deny this.

Who isn't a little selfish yet?

As long as everyone's direction is the same, that's enough.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Sister Weiwei, I understand what you mean, but the problem is, we always have to consider the reality when we do things, do it when conditions are available, and when there are no conditions, we have to calm down and create conditions before doing it."

"Like what you said last time about polluting the water source of the reservoir, you said it in a hurry at the beginning, and you said that you can't do chemical pollution. In the end, I didn't stop it, and it was aquatic plant pollution?"

"Think about it, if you really followed your plan to engage in chemical pollution, we might have already exposed it by now---the chemical raw material thing, I really want to track it down, the loophole is too big... ."

"Also, the previous action on the Tongtianhe project was the same, if we hadn't decided to do a round of testing first, if it hadn't been for me to choose the candidate for the abandoned child..."

The man didn't say any more, but Yang Wei on the opposite side suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, she said with difficulty:

"Okay, Xiaolin, sometimes you are indeed more sensible than me. I'll listen to you this time, and let's continue to lurk for a while."

"However, as soon as the matter of the Natural Sect passes, we will come out again as soon as possible."

"Of course, of course. Our goal remains the same. Don't worry, I'm the same as you, and I want to develop the madrigal organization as soon as possible..."

The faces of the two finally showed their first smiles of the day, however, before their smiles disappeared, there was a knock on the door of the room.

The man stood up suspiciously and opened the door. His mind was still thinking about who would interrupt his conversation at this time, but the next second, his body completely froze in place.

What appeared at the door were several icy muzzles.

Yang Wei, who was behind her, stood up suddenly, and she was greeted by the sound of decisive gunfire. The rubber bullet hit her chest heavily, her heart stopped beating for a second, and the person who fired the gun was not in a hurry. He signaled his subordinates to control the other people in the room, and when he came to Yang Wei, he opened his mouth and said:

"Yang Wei, right?"

"Head of the Imperial Capital Region of the Pastoral Organization? He is quite famous."

"Oh, yes, you are also an executive yourself."

"Don't move, your rib is probably broken, be careful that the bone stubble will puncture your lung."

"You should feel lucky. Fortunately, this is Huaxia. If you really went to the headquarters of the Nature Sect according to the previous plan, maybe it has become a few pieces now..."

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