Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 485 No Need For Interrogation

Yang Wei sat on the bed in the cell, staring indifferently at a spider on the wall.

Just like an article she once read, the spider has tried countless times in the corner of the wall, trying to use the angle between the two walls to form a web, but the corner of the wall is exactly the center point where the air-conditioning and heating flow through, every time It had just glued the silk, and when it climbed to the other wall, the silk had been blown away by the airflow.

It went on and on, tirelessly, for two full hours, but the work of making the net made no progress.

A mocking smile appeared on Yang Wei's face. From this spider, she seemed to see the future of mankind.

Wanting to rely on one's own strength to develop energy technology to fight against civilizations in neighboring dimensions is like trying to form a net securely in the warm air of an air conditioner. It is simply impossible.

Maybe for this spider, in a few hours, when it finds that this corner is not suitable for webbing, it will crawl away by itself, and find a suitable place. What it wastes is that it is not too big. A few hours in a long, but not short, life, but what about humans?

If mankind chooses the wrong path this time, will mankind still have a chance to survive?

The answer is obvious.

In fact, Yang Wei believes that her understanding of the adjacent dimension theory is not as shallow as that of other members of the society or even the madrigal organization. She has read countless materials and consulted many experts in the field of physics before finally deciding The conclusion that has long been made public, that is:

The purpose of adjacent dimensions is to kill other civilizations, and the order in which they kill civilizations is delayed by the level of energy.

It is also based on this conclusion, combined with some theories of the natural sect, that she joined the pastoral organization in China, and quickly entered the inner circle with her firm belief and rich social resources.

At that time, she could be said to be in high spirits. She believed that she had found the value of her life and that she was about to become the savior of this world, but slowly she found that the situation she was facing was far more difficult than expected. much more.

Not everyone agrees with their views - it's even fair to say that in this country, only a very small percentage of people agree with hers.

They are trapped in the so-called collectivism and the so-called concentration of strength to do big things, blindly following the trend that seems to be correct, but no one has ever stopped and thought about it like themselves, what is the right way to do it? of.

This is the grief of the group, and Yang Wei blames this grief on the lack of education, the backwardness of the basic quality of the people, and the lack of free will.

However, she did not criticize those people because of this. She could always look at the matter itself with an inclusive attitude, just as she now looks at the spider that weaves a web.

Yes, it just acts on instinct, it's just born one level lower than other intelligent creatures, what's wrong with it?

Thinking of this, Yang Wei sighed deeply and looked away from the corner of the wall.

Just when she was about to lie down on the bed to rest, the door of the cell was suddenly opened from the outside, and a face she had never seen before appeared in front of her.

"Yang Wei, right? My name is Qin Chuan, and I will be in charge of your handover."

There was a relaxed smile on Yang Wei's face. She looked at the other party's face and asked in a gentle tone:

"Don't you need to interrogate first?"

Qin Chuan shook his head and replied:

"There's nothing to judge. The things we want have been found from your residence. Your organization is a little bigger than we expected, but it doesn't matter, it just takes a little more time."

"What would you do with our members? I mean, the outer, not the core members."

Qin Chuan was stunned. He didn't expect the woman opposite him to ask such a question, but after thinking about it, he was relieved again.

Yes, the other party has always felt that they are doing a just cause, so in such a cause, it seems that it is not surprising to care about their "comrades" and make some self-sacrifice.

It's a pity that this dedication of hers was used in the wrong place.

"Like you, members of all pastoral organizations are treated the same way, and it doesn't change depending on whether you are the core or the fringe."

Hearing this, the expression on Yang Wei's face changed slightly. She looked directly into Qin Chuan's eyes with a look of disbelief in her eyes.

"You mean they're going to face jail like me, maybe even...the death penalty?"

Qin Chuan smiled disdainfully and replied:

"You think too much about yourself, and the things you do are not up to the sentencing standard of the death penalty -- in fact, not even a sentence."

"The Tongtianhe project has indeed encountered some troubles, but the losses are basically negligible, and your other actions are only superficial. If you have to say it, your situation should probably belong to... attempted crime?"

"Don't worry, we are the law, and we won't be lynching like Hermes."

"Then you mean, I'm innocent?"

Yang Wei's expression became even more puzzled, she couldn't understand what situation she was facing.

When she was arrested, she was once prepared to die generously, and even planned countless times in her mind. If she had the opportunity to sit on the court, what method would she use to convey her ideas? Make your own unwilling voice.

---- Of course, at that time, she also felt that she might not have such a chance, and also felt that the biggest possibility was that she would be pulled into a sparsely populated wilderness and sent away with a bullet. .

But now, the situation is obviously different from what she imagined.

"From a legal point of view, you are temporarily innocent. However, this does not mean that we will not take measures against you - we will prosecute you for the crime of endangering national security. Before the chain of evidence is complete, you will be subject to Detention."

I see.

Yang Wei laughed at herself. She thought that these officials had changed their minds, that they had learned how to handle things in a civilized way, but she did not expect that under the surface of their civilization, they were still at the core of savagery.

On the surface, he said he was innocent, but in fact it was just to detain himself with a bigger crime.

"Endangering national security... It's a really big crime. You never thought, maybe you are the ones who are really endangering national security?"

"Sorry, I didn't think about it, and I didn't come today to discuss this with you. Here's a list of possessions, and I need you to read the list now and sign it."

"Once the confirmation process is complete, we will hold all your property for you temporarily until the final judgment against you is complete."

"Carry out a house?"

"You can think so, I don't care."

Yang Wei shook her head and finished the list, then signed her name on it without looking at it.

"Now, can I be alone? If I have to give me the worst ending, I hope I can spend the last time in peace by myself."

"Sorry, no."

Qin Chuan put away the signed list, and then continued:

"Come with me now, you need a different place."


"Go where you're supposed to go."

"...So soon? Didn't you say you have to wait for my verdict?"

Hearing this, Qin Chuan finally couldn't control his expression, showing a somewhat mocking look.

"I thought you were really not afraid of death."

"No one is not afraid of death, I'm just afraid that my death is meaningless."

Yang Wei's expression was calm, but Qin Chuan could clearly hear that her voice was trembling.

He didn't have the heart to scare this woman who seemed so stupid to him. After opening the door, he said bluntly:

"Don't your pastoral organization keep saying that ordinary people should live a pastoral life and save resources for you elites?"

"Now, I'll take you to a life like that."

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