Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Four Hundred And Eighty Seventh

With the information about the pastoral organization obtained from the Hermes organization, the activities of the pastoral organization in the country were extinguished in a very short period of time, but this did not mean that the organization disappeared completely. On the contrary, most of them Also got good.

As for why?

In fact, in Qin Chuan's view, the reason is very simple.

All vested interests who have mastered the main resources of the society are potential members of the madrigal organization.

They can't stand the fact that the benefits they have already obtained are forced to be redistributed because of the impact of several mega-projects from the government, and they can't stand ordinary people who are just "lower class" in their eyes, standing at the same height as them.

Therefore, when the time is ripe, or in other words, when the contradiction and confrontation between the two camps develop to a certain point, these people will naturally choose what they think is the final and ultimately effective solution: transform into a pastoral organization.

It is precisely because of this that the Quick Reaction Force that Qin Chuan belongs to has been set up as a standing force, and their struggle with the Pastoral Organization will probably not end for a long time.


While the quick response team was busy dealing with the domestic madrigal organization, on the other hand, the Huawu Academy had also started the assembly of the large laser and the first wall.

Ye Zhou stood on the edge of the construction site, looking at the equipment that was hoisted to the designated position from a distance, a fascinated smile appeared on his face.

"The problem of lasers and the first wall has been solved, and we have basically broken through the technical problems of nuclear fusion in the experimental stage, right?"

Hearing his words, Qian Lixun nodded slightly and replied:

"So to speak. What we want to achieve now is the first plasma burn, that is, not just to be satisfied that the output energy is greater than the input energy, but to ensure that the fusion fuel can achieve self-sustaining combustion."

"From the current basic mathematical simulation, the Shenguang 5 project we are currently building should basically achieve this goal - which means that we are one step closer to large-scale practical application."

"However, from the experimental stage to the commercial stage, we actually still have a lot of technical problems to solve, such as the divertor that countries are working on now."

The so-called divertor refers to a device in a nuclear fusion device that is used to discharge the particle flow and heat flow from the central plasma and the helium ash generated during the nuclear fusion reaction. It is equivalent to the bottom of a common coal stove in a family.

One side of the divertor is a burning plasma with a temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, and the other side is the ordinary material outside the first wall. The temperature passing through the divertor must be reduced to a thousand degrees in milliseconds, which is The divertor is required to have a strong cooling function.

The current divertor design mainly adopts a combination of water cooling, air cooling and high heat resistance target plate, which is more than enough to deal with laboratory-level nuclear fusion. When commercialization is desired, it must be based on the existing foundation. Go a step further.

But how to get out of this step, no one has given the answer.

The closed suction divertor is the most likely solution, but this device is only on paper. After nearly 10 years of development, until the tokamak device has matured, this divertor solution has not yet Create even one.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou nodded slightly and thought to himself:

It seems that the design of the divertor has to resort to the simulator.

However, the simulation of the "Little Sun" plot he is now doing has nothing to do with the divertor, but a welding scheme suitable for nuclear fusion devices. If you want to point out the technology of the divertor, I don't know how many times you need to go through the simulation.

Therefore, he is not too impatient about this - after all, the divertor can almost be said to be the last threshold for commercialization. As long as the problem of the divertor is solved, the technology for creating artificial sun that is placed in front of mankind The only obstacle left is the energy export.

According to the current progress, the first commercial nuclear fusion reactor will be built in 5 years, which is not a big problem.

In this way, the speed of large-scale deployment of fusion reactors can be slightly accelerated.

The installation project is gradually coming to an end, and all the laser equipment is ready, but this does not mean that the Shenguang 5 has reached the experimental conditions, and there are still long debugging and preparations waiting. In the cold start state, this Some jobs can last as long as several months.

After the last bolt was tightened, Ye Zhou and Qian Lixun left the construction site and returned to the office.

After making tea as usual, the two chatted about some details of the Shenguang No. 5 follow-up test, and made some adjustments to the work arrangement. After all the discussions were over, Ye Zhou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing his tired expression, Qian Lixun said with a smile:

"It seems that this project has squeezed you a lot. Why, there is a lot of psychological pressure?"

Ye Zhou nodded with a wry smile. During this time, he had to deal with the real work of Shenguang No. 5 and the Nantianmen project during the day, and at night he had to enter the simulator for the next simulation. Occasionally, he had some spare time and was pulled by Lin Ling. Discussing various issues related to the invasion of adjacent dimensions, it is really unbearable mentally.

"The pressure can't be too big... After all, this is the first time in human history to face a deterministic and devastating disaster. It's not just me, but everyone involved in related work is actually under a lot of pressure. ."

"Including Lin Ling, that little girl, you know, although she doesn't have any specific work arrangements now, she is full of experiments every day, and she has basically drained all the experimental resources of cepc----It should be said , she fights harder than me."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Qian Lixun couldn't help but smile, he looked at Ye Zhou's face with great interest and said:

"My little girl, how old are you? You are also young in my eyes."

"Harm, it's just a title. She has grown up very fast, and she almost collapsed a few months ago. Now, she feels that her fighting spirit has been completely aroused."

"After a while, I can't call her little girl anymore---- I have to call her big sister. I heard that people over at cepc are afraid of her."

"Afraid of her? Not really? I've seen that child, and she's quite gentle."

"It's not this kind of fear, it's the fear of her sudden death. Forget it, let's not talk about this---- by the way, we've already talked about it here. I just happened to ask you a question?"

Qian Lixun's expression became even more curious. He put down the teacup he had just held in his hand and asked:

"what is the problem?"

Ye Zhou first took a sip of water and organized two minutes of language before he said:

"Let me start with the background."

"It's still about the adjacent dimension. You know, cepc has been doing high-energy detonation experiments recently, trying to find evidence that supports string theory through high-precision experiments, because if string theory is experimentally confirmed, then we will be relatively Neighborhood research can be a big step forward.”

"----Of course, this attempt seems to be basically useless at present, but, in the process, they found a problem."

"From the point of view of string theory, we can't explain why there is energy transfer between adjacent dimensions, but not matter transfer."

"It's a major loophole, you know, the big argument of those who oppose string theory is that most of the logic of string theory is mathematical, it's the same thing as Laplace's potential theory. "

"The latter can solve the problem of action at a distance mathematically, but it is not supported by any real experiments."

"You know, in China, because of Mr. Yang's influence, the current mainstream research direction for the unified Standard Model and the Gravitational Model is that we should invest more resources in such work as cosmological observations, to Discover phenomena beyond the Standard Model and General Relativity to guide us on a more accurate path."

"And now, adjacent dimensions and quantum ghosts are quintessentially beyond the Standard Model—both phenomena that arguably negate almost all of our previous GUT research directions."

"This also means that we are now at a fork in the road."

"First of all, general relativity is absolutely correct experimentally, then there are only two possibilities before us: either the Standard Model is wrong, or the string theory is wrong."

"I know that you are not only an expert in applied technology, but your previous papers on string theory are also very professional. My question now is, if you look at it from your point of view, which theory do you think has the probability of going wrong? bigger?"

After listening to Ye Zhou's words, Qian Lixun shook his head slightly and replied:

"To be honest, those theoretical things are just a side hustle for me—or a pastime. If you really want to know the details of this issue, you should ask Mr. Yang directly."

"But, having said that, if you just wanted to ask me which is more error-prone, string theory or the Standard Model, I can answer you right now: it has to be string theory."

"In the final analysis, string theory itself is just an attempt. It has no actual experiment as support, so it is not surprising that it is overturned at any time. Of course, even if it is overturned, we cannot deny that it has ever produced. value."

"The current situation is that the physical phenomenon we observe itself is obviously contrary to superstring theory, and this violation is irreconcilable, then obviously what we should do is not try to build on the basis of this theory. tinkering on the top, but... starting from scratch."

Hearing Qian Lixun's answer, Ye Zhou nodded solemnly.

"Then you mean that we should give up experimental exploration of string theory?"

"This only represents my personal opinion, and it depends on the professionals who are really doing research in this area."

"You can provide my opinion to the little girl and let her consider it in combination with everyone's opinions."


The topic of pure theory ended here, Ye Zhou refilled Qian Lixun's cup with hot tea, the two chatted for a while, the latter got up to leave, and just a few minutes after he left, Ye Zhou received Lin Ling phone.

He was about to convey Qian Lixun's opinion to the other party, but Lin Ling spoke first:

"Ye Gong, I think the chances of using string theory to explain the problems we are encountering are too slim."

"I don't want to spend any more resources on this kind of experiment, I plan to start anew."

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