Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 488: Symbiosis, Wheels, Legs And Cosmic Creatures

"You mean you want to overthrow string theory from the ground up, and then build on the Standard Model and develop a new theory that can explain both macroscopic and microscopic physics?"

After talking about starting a new career, Lin Ling talked to Ye Zhou about the theory of high energy physics for half an hour, including but not limited to the application of ads/cft in condensed matter, the singularity theorem of general relativity, the standard model The uv divergence in ......

Ye Zhou's head was as big as a bucket when he heard all these too advanced theories, and when he got to the back, he almost couldn't understand what Lin Ling was saying.

But at the same time, a thought appeared in his mind very clearly:

This is the origin of everything.

Perhaps it was from this moment that Lin Ling officially embarked on the research path of adjacent dimensions, and after that, through the theory she created, she solved the problem of adjacent dimensions and related spatial channels, thereby creating The quantum ghost, traveled through 20 years, and sent that reminder message to mankind.

Speaking of which, Lin Ling herself can actually be said to be the "No. 0", because her past and future have actually formed a closed loop.

Of course, from the current point of view, Ye Zhou still does not know whether this kind of closed loop is necessary, because time is a more complex issue than space, but in any case, Lin Ling, who has embarked on this road, is a response to the human crisis. A correct solution.

"No, I'm not trying to base it on the Standard Model, I think the Standard Model has a bigger hole in explaining adjacent dimensions than it does about gravity, I mean..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Ye Zhou reluctantly interrupted Lin Ling again, and then said:

"Comrade Lin, I really don't understand what you're saying, I'm just an applied technology... Now what I need you to tell me is that in your plan, you need us to give you What kind of resource support is provided?"

"If you want people or equipment, you can put it forward now. If you need to add new facilities, then you have to give us a clear plan."

"You know, now our resources are very limited. There are many large parallel projects being done. It is not an easy task to squeeze resources out to you."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Ling paused and replied:

"Gong Ye, I'll give you a list later. There will be things I need on it, but... sorry, I thought you needed to explain what I wanted to do before you approved it."

"Your explanation is completely useless to me.... You should go to your own experts in the relevant field to explain. However, all of our current layouts are based on the strategic level, and the adjacent dimension theory The research is also in this strategy, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

"Understood. Ye Gong, can I go look for you now? I want to give you the materials first."

"......come on."

Ye Zhou glanced at the time, it was close to six o'clock in the afternoon, obviously, he was going to miss dinner again today.

After waiting for half an hour, Lin Ling finally arrived late. Ye Zhou roughly read the materials she submitted, and found that there were not too many demands for infrastructure, but rather demands for talents----this is Not a difficult requirement to meet.

If the other party wants to build a new large-scale collision device, or launch a new deep space probe, then he really has to weigh it.

After a few simple exchanges, Ye Zhou got up and was about to leave the office. Lin Ling followed behind him. After walking out for a while, Ye Zhou asked with some doubts:

"Why are you following me?"

".......I am going to eat."

Ye Zhou smiled a little embarrassedly, only then did he realize that both of them were walking towards the dining hall of Huawuyuan.

"...I'll treat you to dinner, it's been a long time."

Naturally, Lin Ling would not refuse Ye Zhou's invitation----in fact, in her opinion, Ye Zhou is now everyone's superior, and every word he utters has the meaning of an order, which makes people not at all. Know how to say no.

After sitting down at the small restaurant designated by the canteen, Ye Zhou said:

"I feel that your state has improved a lot recently, but you still need to pay attention to rest. It is a long-term job to engage in scientific research, and ensuring good health is a prerequisite."

"Understood, thank you for the organization's concern."

"...We are not unfamiliar to this level, right? Forget it, is there any new international action in basic theoretical research recently?"

Lin Ling smiled and replied:

"No, this is not a cliché.... If you want to talk about the general direction, there is still no change. Now everything we do is to unify the macro and micro, but if you ask me about the strength of adjacent dimensions Things really exist."

"tell me the story?"

Ye Zhou looked at Lin Ling curiously and asked.

"In Sweden, there is a group of scientists engaged in quantum physics, discussing how to get in touch with neighboring dimension civilizations."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou frowned instantly.

The attitude of his unknown civilization has always been extremely vigilant, because it is obvious that all civilizations in adjacent dimensions and the current Earth civilization are enemies, and the more exposure to the enemy, the greater the danger.

"Why do you want to get in touch with the neighboring dimension? Is it any good for us?"

Lin Ling shook his head and replied:

"Theoretically, it won't be good, but you know, some people's thinking is very paranoid - especially in the West, some scientists' pursuit of knowledge is beyond instinct, they don't care about the life and death of human beings, only I want to pursue the ultimate truth."

"For them, the adjacent dimension is a step to truth, and if they can get in touch, they don't care what the consequences are."

"What is this called? Chao Wendao, Xi can die, but the price for them is all mankind."

"Of course, apart from these paranoiacs, there is also a group of people who call themselves 'Symbiosis' - in fact, 'Pet' is more appropriate. I think they are more naive - they probably think that we are with each other. Neighboring civilizations can still negotiate, after all, they are all of the same civilization."

"Similar civilization? We don't even know whether the other party is a carbon-based civilization or a silicon-based civilization..."

"I really don't know, but if the other party is really a carbon-based civilization, then the degree of similarity between us and them may really be extremely high-this is also the main foothold of this group of people. They feel that we are very similar to them. The other party is likely to have a very high similarity in culture and morality, and can persuade the other party to give up the destruction of us through communication."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou sighed helplessly.

"This is too naive.... Would anyone believe it?"

Lin Ling nodded solemnly and replied:

"Ye Gong, to be honest, such an argument is really naive to us, because we speculate on the enemy from the perspective of 'malicious', but if we change our position and regard the confrontation between the two sides as purely natural conditions If there is competition for survival, then this reason is really not as outrageous as it seems on the surface.”

"Think about it, we still protect wild animals, let alone a smart civilization? The ultimate goal of the symbiotic faction is to divide the earth in this dimension into an 'ecological reserve', at the expense of civilization no longer developing , to ensure the survival of human civilization.”

"Isn't this a pet? Pets can survive because they are cute. Where is the cuteness of humans?"

Ye Zhou asked incredulously.

"Cute in us as they are."

"Same as neighboring dimension civilization? Why?"

Lin Ling did not answer directly, but instead asked:

"Ye Gong, let me ask you a question. Do you know why most animals on earth rely on feet instead of wheels?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, for a while he didn't understand the purpose of the other party's question, and of course he couldn't answer it.

Seeing that Ye Zhou did not answer, Lin Ling continued:

"We assume that there is a species that was born in a vast field, which is extremely flat, and there are no obstacles to advance, so what is the direction of their evolution for them?"

"Obviously, the wheel evolved, right?"

"Because the wheel has the highest efficiency in flat terrain and consumes the least energy, the wheel family was born."

"However, as the Wheel Clan continued to develop, their territorial scope was further expanded, and one day, they suddenly discovered that the field had an end."

"Beyond the fields are mountains, hills, rivers, and all kinds of obstacles. When you get to these places, the efficiency of the wheel begins to decline."

"So, in order to adapt to this kind of terrain, the wheel family started the second round of evolution - just like our off-road vehicles, they increased the grooves on the tires, so that the tires can have stronger grip, turn over higher hurdles.”

"Slowly, the grooves in the tire got deeper and deeper, and at the end the solid tire turned into a few sticks radiating from the center."

"Such 'stick tires' have strong climbing ability, and also help the wheel family survive in the mountains, but the problem is, they suddenly found that this is not the optimal solution."

"How does a stick tire work? Suppose there is an obstacle in front of you, then when the stick in front hits the obstacle, it will bear all the force, and then drive the stick behind it to climb the obstacle through the force of rotation."

"That is to say, in the process of climbing, there is only one stick that is in contact with the surface of the obstacle from beginning to end, and sticks located elsewhere on the stick tire are not helpful."

"In this case, there is no need for other sticks to exist - so the original radioactive stick tire becomes a sector tire consisting of only two sticks."

"The two sticks in tandem ensure that the wheel family can stand stably and upright - the method of rotating drive has also been eliminated and changed to reciprocating motion."

"Just like that, the legs appeared."

After speaking, Lin Ling breathed a long sigh of relief, and then asked:

"Ye Gong, what did you learn from this story?"

"...You're acting like a kindergarten teacher. But I probably know what you mean, adapting to the environment is the first need of biological evolution, and the direction of biological evolution will also converge if the environment converges. "

"That's right!"

A smile appeared on Lin Ling's face, but before he could speak, Ye Zhou continued to ask:

"I know that the purpose of your story is to show that human beings are likely to have great similarities with civilizations in adjacent dimensions, but the problem is that the various planetary environments suitable for the birth of civilizations in this universe are very different, evolutionary The species that come out will also be very different, isn't it contradictory that you say 'we are like them'?"

Lin Ling shook his head and asked back:

"Ye Gong, do you really think that the environment of each planet is very different?"

"The entire universe is dominated by the four fundamental forces. The difference in the enrichment of the fundamental forces leads to the difference in the planetary environment. If you look at it from a human perspective, yes, the shapes of various creatures are very different, but if you Pull the perspective to the dimension of the universe, and you will find that everything is so similar."

"Humans are still in the process of evolution. With the gene editing technology, our evolution speed will be faster and faster, and as we begin to develop into the universe, our evolutionary direction will gradually deviate from the 'field' of the earth. , beginning to approach the final, 'cosmic life' form."

"We know that with the expansion of the number of samples, the different environments gradually converge, which means that in all different dimensions and different universes, the final form of 'cosmic life' must also converge."

"Do you know what this means? Ye Gong, do you know why some people don't have any psychological barriers to eating wild animals, but they can't accept that people eat monkeys?"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou let out a long breath and replied solemnly:

"Because monkeys...are our past."


Lin Ling also sighed and continued:

"So, that's the basis of the 'symbiosis' argument."

"They believe that neighboring civilizations are the future of humanity, and we are their past."

"What they want to do now is to let us, the monkey, learn the human language, and then convince humans to let us live."

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