Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 489 Ultimate Deterrence

"So, the point of all this is to be able to communicate?"

"That's right. This is their other point of view. They believe that the reason for the existence of the 'Pumping Machine Law' is that civilizations between different dimensions have not formed effective communication - no, it should be said that the weakness of other dimensions Civilization has not learned the language of a strong civilization."

"Look, cockroaches are something we all hate, we want to kill them all, but if one day, your cockroaches suddenly line up on the ground and say 'Hello, I don't Eat your food, I'll be self-reliant, I'll stop mass breeding', will you kill them without hesitation?"

"....I'll—of course, I might take them to study for a while, and then kill them later."

Seeing the sly smile on Lin Ling's face, Ye Zhou instantly reacted.

Yes, this is the real purpose of the pet pie - they are not willing to be pets forever, their purpose is to gain time.

From this point of view, their goals are the same as the pastoral organization, but their strategy is more sophisticated than that of the pastoral organization.

"It seems that the western world is not completely useless... But they still haven't solved the most core problem, the contradiction between the two dimensions is irreconcilable, in case we will achieve a technological leap one day , the invention of the water pump?"

"A civilization is not the same as a pet after all. Pets have an upper limit, and the development of civilization can almost be said to have no upper limit."

Lin Ling nodded and replied:

"So this is a theory that is still being perfected. Establishing a connection is only the first step. After that, they can try to persuade each other through various means to let us live - to be honest, establishing a connection is actually very important for us. There is no obvious harm to say, anyway, even if we don't contact, people will still kill us."

"Still, I don't like this road - I don't like being someone's pet, not even for a second."

"Yes, I don't want to be a pet either. Besides, it's not the only way."

Frowning for a moment, Ye Zhou continued:

"This theory has a lot of flaws. For example, we always have some children chatting with ants, flies, etc. If the social system of the neighboring dimension civilization is similar to ours, such a situation should happen. But the problem is, we've never received a message like this..."

"No, we have."

Lin Ling interrupted Ye Zhou's words.

"We must have received it, but we just couldn't understand it."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, but did not refute any further.

At this time, most of the dishes on the table were already placed, and the two moved their chopsticks. Lin Ling said while eating the meat in his mouth:

"The theory of the symbiotic group is one of the most reliable among the nearest neighboring dimension theories. Their goals are clear, and their scientific research path is also clear-after all, we have observed quantum ghosts, so on this basis Further expansion, at least in terms of technical achievability, is not much of a problem.”

"In addition to the symbiosis faction, there are many, many strange theories emerging, some of which are theoretically based, but some are purely whimsical."

"tell me the story?"

Ye Zhou asked with interest.

Lin Ling opened his mouth and was about to speak when he suddenly coughed. Ye Zhou quickly poured her some tea, and then patted her on the back subconsciously. After a while, she recovered.

"I'm sorry... choked. Anyway, there are many, for example, some people say to solve this problem by means of spirituality, let human beings become souls and travel to another dimension; for example, some people say to use the singularity explosion to get through all the Dimension, which connects the ponds represented by all dimensions into one, and achieves energy balance; there is another one, which I think is the most maneuverable - of course, this is relative to all these fantastic ideas - but And the craziest."

"What is it?"

"This theory was proposed by Sidjeff, a well-known high-energy physicist in Chou Kingdom. He believes that the energy conversion between adjacent dimensions is likely to be related to antimatter."

"That is, there is a 'brain' between the two dimensions, which is made of enriched antimatter, and when matter in one universe collides with antimatter, the energy from annihilation radiates to both dimension."

"The energy extraction of adjacent dimensions is not actually extraction in the true sense, but to a certain extent, they can control the movement of positive matter on their side and prevent their positive matter from flowing to this membrane."

"This theory simultaneously explains the two problems of the disequilibrium of matter and antimatter in the universe and the inability to exchange matter between adjacent dimensions, and also explains how energy extraction is performed in adjacent dimensions."

"Extraction is not really extracting, but building a dam in a specific area. The dam is built to stop the water on your side from overflowing, while the water in the other pond overflows randomly. Over time, the energy of the other dimension will not decrease. ?"

"Anyway, this is a theory developed from Maxwell's goblin theory. At present, there are many loopholes. For example, he can't explain why human beings have not observed large-scale annihilation energy of positive and antimatter - but he also proposed After some speculation, he believes that such annihilation is likely to occur in the dark matter region."

"But whether the theoretical exploration is correct or not is not the point, the point is the words he said, which are amazing."

"What did he say?"

Ye Zhou knows this person named Sidjeff. He once participated as a representative of the Ugly Kingdom in the first conference about the crisis of the neighboring dimension. More importantly, this person is also the leader of the Hermes organization. Bruce Conn's close friend, and I don't know how he survived when the other party was wanted around the world.

"The key to solving the problem of adjacent dimensions, he said, is to interrupt each other's motivations."

"The original motivation of the adjacent dimension civilization is to ensure its own survival, the secondary motivation is to destroy other dimension civilizations, and the first level motivation is to absorb energy. This is a progressive relationship. By interrupting it, you can end all subsequent crises."

"So, combined with his theory, he feels that if the motive of absorbing energy results in the opposite of what the neighboring dimension civilization expects, then they can't make the next move."

"Didn't you say it before? He believes that there is a membrane of antimatter between the two dimensions, and positive matter cannot pass through it, but what if we can artificially create a large amount of antimatter?"

"These antimatter bombs can pass through that membrane and directly threaten neighboring civilizations -- just like our strategic nuclear missiles."

After listening to Lin Ling's explanation, Ye Zhou shook his head and smiled:

"This is even more naive than Pet Pie, not to mention how we make antimatter bombs. Even if we make them, how can we drop these bombs precisely where we want them to be?"

"So, it's his own problem too. But he came up with a solution to that problem."

"What solution?"

"Invert the physical properties of the entire universe."

Ye Zhou froze in place for a moment, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

After a long time, he asked in disbelief:

"You mean he wants to turn our entire universe into a giant bomb?"


Lin Ling nodded and continued:

"This is the ultimate deterrent, think about it, if we are really all made of antimatter, who would dare to pump our energy? We can directly penetrate the antimatter membrane, rush into their dimension, and destroy their world. Boil it up."

Ye Zhou frowned slightly, he seemed to have caught the loophole in this strategy.

"But the question is, if this is the case, won't we become the public enemy of all civilizations? Think about it, a civilization that may bring destruction at any time, no one can let it survive in this world for a long time, right? ?"

Lin Ling's face showed a sly smile again, she took a sip of tea, and then said:

"That's what I find most interesting about this solution - we don't really have to turn it all into antimatter."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Zhou suddenly realized.

Yes, countries with nuclear weapons do not necessarily need to have nuclear weapons, but as long as they have the technology to make nuclear bombs in a short period of time.

In the same way, antimatter deterrence does not necessarily need to be really converted into antimatter, but only needs to launch an artificial antimatter bomb at any position in the opponent's dimension.

The explosion of that bomb is a signal, a signal that human beings have mastered the technology of antimatter transformation.

As long as civilizations in adjacent dimensions receive this signal, they will never perform energy extraction actions, because they do not know whether it is energy or bombs.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that Sidjeff's "antimatter membrane" is correct.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou asked:

"So, from your professional point of view, do you think his theory might be correct?"

Lin Ling shook his head and replied:

"I don't know. This theory has a fatal flaw in that it needs to introduce the concept of 'dark matter' that is currently inexplicable in physics."

"An important principle of scientific research is not to add substance if it is not necessary, but now he adds substance to his theory."

"It makes it even more difficult to judge the validity of this theory - but time will tell."

"The research on the adjacent dimension problem is still in its infancy. There are all kinds of novel theories emerging. Who knows which one is correct?"

"Maybe one day in the future, we can really deter all other civilizations through an antimatter bomb."

Ye Zhou nodded silently, took a large piece of beef from the plate and put it into Lin Ling's bowl, then said:

"Eat, eat more, the future of mankind depends on you."

Lin Ling smiled and replied:

"It's up to us."

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