Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 490 Technology Exchange

"It's not about us, it's about everyone."

Ye Zhou had a relaxed look on his face, and Lin Ling, who was beside him, also smiled. At this moment, neither of them thought about the future too far. The things they had just talked about about the crisis in the adjacent dimension seemed to drift away. The wind did not leave too many traces in their hearts.

For Ye Zhou, he never doubted the correctness of the path he chose, because he could indeed see a part of the future from the simulator, and he also personally experienced the miracles created by Huaxia time and time again.

What about Colin Zero? Ye Zhou couldn't really tell where her confidence came from, but it seemed that her confidence was the same as that of all other ordinary people.

After a meal, the two of them took a walk around the small square of Huawuyuan for a while. With the night wind blowing, they finally stopped talking about those heavy topics, which gave Ye Zhou a long-lost rest. ---- Mental rest.

The night sky shrouded this land as always, just like Hailan Island thousands of kilometers away.

----There, someone is doing the same thing as them.

Although it was only the end of February, the paddy field of Hailan Academy of Agricultural Sciences was already full of frogs. Xu Lei was holding a mobile phone in one hand and half a popsicle that almost turned into water in the other, reviewing her in the field. soldier.

This batch of rice has just been sown. It stands sparsely in the paddy fields. It looks like swaying weeds from a distance. The full moon caught the eye.

She walked to the end of the rice field and made sure that all the facilities were normal, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. She found a flat place beside the ridge to sit down, and carefully put her feet into the water of the rice field.

But in an instant, she retracted her foot like an electric shock—the snakes that were placed in the rice field before had already ended their hibernation. Although they were all non-venomous snakes, she didn't want to be caught by a Slippery objects climb up the instep.

There are still three days before she leaves the Hailan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. During this time, there is very little work assigned to her. Usually, it is just writing reports during the day and weeding in the evening. She should have been lying on the bed watching the movie on the phone and slowly fell asleep.

After sitting quietly for a few minutes, she tentatively touched her hand back, and after confirming that the ridge was dry, she lay down a little disregarding her image.

She felt the slight sting of the grass blades on her back, took a slow breath, and then slowly exhaled.

There are still three days before leaving this familiar place.

And the direction she is going to go is a land she has never set foot on before.

She had heard before that there were deserts, snow-capped mountains, windy sand, and oases in that land, and she had also heard of raisins, cantaloupe, large chicken and red willow barbecue on that land, but her knowledge of the land , actually only stay in the short video.

Recording beautiful short videos in this way can't dispel her fear of the unknown, just like a series of official messages can't dispel her fear of the end of the world.

However, most of the time, she is deliberately controlling herself, controlling herself not to think too much, and controlling herself to do what she needs to do.

----Like this time I took the initiative to apply to go there to do the agricultural reclamation experiment.

It's better to keep yourself busy than to join some pastoral organization like some of your colleagues, and then be caught by the officials and sent to the Northwest to plant trees - but it seems that the ending is not too bad?

They go to plant trees, and they go to farm their own fields.

Xu Lei couldn't help but think it was a little funny. She couldn't understand what those people thought. It was obviously the same research that she did, and even some seniors who had witnessed the development of agricultural technology from scratch. , will you feel that the life of the pastoral is very beautiful?

Could it be that they had forgotten so quickly the bitter days they had spent decades ago?

Disaster is a terrible thing—or rather, death is a terrible thing.

Fear of death, overlaid with distorted, fond memories of the past, makes those people lose their faith.

The saying that the older you are, the more you are afraid of death, seems to have some scientific basis.

The sound of frogs croaking in her ears continued, and Xu Lei's thoughts drifted freely. For a while, she thought about whether to catch a group of frogs to breed, and then she remembered the bullfrog pot she had just eaten two days ago, and then she thought of it again. The brothers and sisters who ate bullfrogs with her, and then thought of their own family.

In fact, for a girl like her to go to a land that has not yet been fully developed, even the most enlightened parents have concerns. In order to convince them, they put a lot of effort into making video calls. a whole lot.

Even so, the attitude of the family has not completely changed. Maybe three days later, during the holiday, I still have to have a good face-to-face chat with them...

Thinking of this, Xu Lei took out her mobile phone and was about to open the chat interface of the family group on her mobile phone, but found that she had several missed calls on her mobile phone at some point.

The person who called was the leader of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and her teacher.

After hesitating for a moment, she sat up from the ridge, glanced at the time, and then made a call.

The phone was picked up after it rang twice, and the voice of the master on the other end seemed a little tired.

"Hello? Lei Lei?"

"Master, what's wrong?"

Xu Lei asked suspiciously.

"I have something to discuss with you here. Are you still in the field? Come back first. If you haven't finished the tour, you don't need to continue the tour."

Xu Lei stood up, patted the soil stained on her trousers and asked:

"What's the matter, master? Are you in such a hurry?"

"It's about your work arrangement. It's a little changed from the original. Come back first, we'll talk to you face to face."

"it is good."

The two didn't say much. After hanging up the phone, Xu Lei walked directly towards the dormitory. Twenty minutes later, she saw her master in the dormitory where the lights had not been turned off.

The latter did not greet her, but asked bluntly:

"Leilei, how much do you know about the Tongtianhe project?"

Xu Lei was stunned for a moment and replied:

"That's it.... I basically know some of the public information, and then I will know a little bit more about us - what's wrong? Is there a problem with the project?"

The master shook his head and replied:

"There is no problem with the project itself, but there is a problem with the progress of the project."

"You know, this project is about phasing out the water sources of most of the rivers in the southwest, and if it really sits down, it will have a big impact on agriculture in downstream countries."

"Especially in Yindu, the flow of the Ganges is conservatively estimated to drop by about 40%, which is a devastating blow to their agricultural system."

"Their agricultural technology is underdeveloped, especially the field management technology and water conservancy technology. If these water volumes are lost, their grain production will not be simply reduced by 40%, but will directly fail."

"So, we're under a lot of pressure from Yindu - they're pretty much going to do anything to stop this project."

"We have also done a lot of work and effort, both military and non-military."

"Recently, we have reached an agreement with them."

"For humanitarian and overall benefit considerations, we decided to provide technical assistance to them to develop water-saving agriculture and precision agriculture in Yindu."

"We will use agricultural technology in exchange for the smooth progress of the Tongtianhe project."

"To do this, we need a large group of agricultural experts -- especially those who have research on field management systems and seedling techniques."

"The organization conducted a round of review in the early stage, and they saw your information."

"You applied to go to the northwest on your own initiative. The organization believes that you are strong in terms of initiative and loyalty. Therefore, they hope that you can go to Punjab as the first batch of technical support personnel."

Having said that, the master paused for a moment, then continued to speak:

"To sum up briefly, the organization wants you to take a team to Yindu, and now we are officially asking for your opinion."

Hearing this, Xu Lei showed a surprised look on her face. After a long silence, she asked:

"Is it safe?"

"Safety work is directly guaranteed by our military and police - we will be stationed there."

"If you go...when can you come back?"

"At least two vacations a year, depending on your arrangement."

Xu Lei breathed a sigh of relief and continued to ask:

"What about my parents? Will anyone do ideological work?"

"The organization will assist, but in principle respect the opinions of you and your parents - if they are firmly opposed, the organization will not force it."

"Okay... one last question, is there a chef?"

The master on the other side was startled, and then replied with a helpless smile:

"I haven't seen this detail yet, but if you say there is, it will be there."

Xu Lei, who received a positive answer, also showed a smile. She put down a handful of weeds that she was holding at an unknown time, moved her fingers that were slightly stiff due to tension, and then replied:

"Okay, I agree."

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