Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 491: The Outer Layout Of The Tongtianhe Project

A week later, Xu Lei followed the technical assistance team to Punjab. Just before getting off the plane, she finally understood the current complex pattern of this area.

First of all, this place was originally under the jurisdiction of Yindu, but after the last Yin-Ba conflict, this vast province has become the actual occupation area of ​​Bayang. Due to the retreat of the Chou Kingdom, until now, the Bayang military is still here. under the control of .

At the same time, for the sake of stability, the people here are still under the jurisdiction of the Yindu government. Most of the administrative agencies have resumed their functions, and the basic administrative functions are controlled by the Yindu government.

However, such administrative functions are not complete. The infiltration of the Bayang military into its institutions involves almost all key departments. The issuance of every decree must actually be reviewed by Bayang.

All in all, this is a modern economic sharing area - or colonial area.

And now, a third-party force has been introduced into this area.

According to the meaning of other colleagues on the plane, they are probably going to be a first-class person on someone else's site.

"So, according to my understanding, what we have to do is actually not difficult. It is to build an experimental field in Yindu based on the equipment and seedlings sent from China, and then let Yindu people imitate it?"

Xu Lei looked at the briefing on her phone thoughtfully and asked the man beside her.

"This is the case in theory, but the actual situation may be more complicated. This area was a major war zone before, known as 'No Man's Land', and the entire province has been smashed, so we have to build an experimental field of one mu. , the pressure is much greater than in normal areas."

This man's name is Bo He, who was Xu Lei's former senior brother in school. This time, it was also a coincidence that they both chose to go to Yindu, and they happened to meet on the same special plane.

"Specific? What are the main aspects of the problem?"

"That's too much, lack of facilities, impassable roads, conflicts of local cultural attributes, sporadic riots... The most important thing is that for girls, the place in Yindu is hell."

"But you don't have to worry too much, the men in Punjab... have basically been wiped out, plus the military control imposed by Bayang, the main labor force in this area is from Bayang, compared to Bayang. For those people who have the yin, it's not a big problem."

"However, we will try to avoid letting you participate in external work as much as possible. You should also pay attention to yourself. Don't leave the camp unless it is necessary. If you want to leave the camp, remember to follow the requirements of safety guidelines and do not act without authorization."

"I know, I know, I'm not stupid."

Xu Lei smiled and continued to ask:

"Senior brother, do you think we really just want to build water-saving agriculture for them this time?"

Hearing Xu Lei's words, Bo He shook his head slightly and replied:

"It's good for you to know this kind of thing. Many times, we need a reasonable reason to do something. The matter itself can't be said on the table, but after we have a reason, everything makes sense. "

"Judging from the current situation, the food issue is still the top priority. The Tongtianhe project can solve some of the problems, but it is absolutely impossible for us to be immune to the subsequent crisis. Therefore, we also have to deal with the vast plains on the Yindu side. Use it."

"But we can't rely on them... We can only do it ourselves. Well, let's not talk about this, let's do our own things, even if we are worthy of the country."

Xu Lei nodded, the plane had already landed at the airport, she followed Bo He's footsteps out of the cabin, and was surprised to find that the airport, which had apparently been temporarily restored, was full of people of all sizes that she knew. , Unknown aircraft.

The civil aviation c969, the military Yun-20-2, and the ones she only saw in the video, often accompanied by the aircraft carrier......j-20h.

At this moment, she became more and more aware of the hidden meaning in Bo He's words.

A technology exchange is far more than just the technology itself. Perhaps from today, from the moment they land, the way the country and even the entire world operate will slowly change.

A kind of...change from the part to the whole.

Xu Lei shook her head, dispelling the cluttered thoughts in her mind, and followed Bo He into the special car. After more than two hours of trekking, the two finally arrived at the base next to the only remaining wheat field.

After a series of resettlement work, led by several soldiers, Xu Lei and her party began to visit the base and familiarize themselves with the environment. She noticed that there were still many ruins left by the battle in the base, one of which had not yet been demolished. Burnt houses are especially conspicuous.

"Why is this house not demolished when other houses have been demolished?"

Xu Lei asked curiously.

The cadre, who was the facilitator on the side, heard her question and turned around and replied:

"This house originally belonged to a farmer named Rakesh. During the previous food crisis, he, his daughter and wife were killed in the riots, and his daughter and wife were burned alive in the cellar."

"The Yindu officials originally planned to demolish the house, but after Ba Yang took over, they thought it was an ironclad proof of the Yindu officials' inaction and disregard for the people's livelihood, so they kept it."

"They plan to plan a museum here in the future - it's kind of a show, but we respect their decision, after all, they're the real managers."

Xu Lei turned her eyes to the small courtyard, took a few steps forward with some hesitation, and asked:

"Can I go in and have a look?"

The guide shook his head and replied:

"Better not. To tell you the truth, there are still two bodies buried in the cellar... Before we came, the local villagers said it was haunted."

"Why not deal with it?"

Xu Lei asked in surprise.

"This is out of our control. Anyway, sometimes, Bayang's brain circuits are as hard to guess as people in Yindu. But don't worry, it's all rumors that there are ghosts, and most of them are residents living here... .they have ghosts in their hearts."

"Why do you say that?"

A look of doubt appeared on Xu Leidi's face.

The corner of the guide's mouth evoked a mocking arc, and then replied:

"Think about it, who lit the fire that burned this house?"

Xu Lei froze in place for a moment, and after a long silence, she turned and left.

The expressions on other people's faces were different, and at this moment, they all felt an impact from "exotic culture".

They are too far away from a real famine. In their own country, the consequences of the most severe food shortage are nothing more than rising prices of non-staple food, while the price of staple food to ensure survival can be said to remain unchanged for almost ten thousand years, especially The most widely eaten rice, even international capital has completely abandoned the operation of this category.

But today, they have truly seen how terrifying human nature can be under famine.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but think of something further afield.

If the adjacent dimension crisis really happened, if the Tongtianhe project failed, what kind of ending would be waiting for human beings?

Now the Internet is flooded with all kinds of information related to the crisis in the adjacent dimension, and they have also seen many solutions to the crisis in the adjacent dimension that are completely different from Huaxia. The recently proposed "Communication of Civilizations" plan, such as the "Antimatter Deterrence" plan proposed by a physicist...

These plans seem to have their rationality, but without exception, they are all gorgeous pavilions built in the air.

"Fairy Wood"

If the food shortage caused by the crisis in the neighboring dimension cannot be solved, everything is empty talk.

By then, many people will die.

There was a chill on the back of everyone, because they realized an important question:

Even ordinary people like myself can think of things, can the leaders at the top really think of it?

Is it that they can't think of it, or are they unwilling to think about it?

In other words, in the eyes of those Westerners, from the moment the neighboring dimension crisis was confirmed, ordinary people like themselves have been abandoned?

The group gradually moved away from the small courtyard, Xu Lei looked back, behind the small courtyard, all kinds of large machines were gathering along the road to the core area of ​​the base, where they would complete the final Repair, and then start running on this vast plain.

The green smoke from the diesel engine, the dust rolled over by the crawler, the machinery with its teeth and claws... All these are like hard symbols, inserted into this cloudless sky and crushed this land. above the original rules.

Perhaps soon, this place will become a land similar to her homeland, and this is only the first step of transformation.

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