Simulation: Great Power Technology

Four Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Evil Door

That night, Xu Lei, together with the same group of technical assistance teams who arrived, had a good reception dinner under the arrangement of the security guards at the outpost.

Considering that they had just come from China, the team specially arranged a local dinner for them, such as charcoal grilled fish, grilled whole lamb, hand-picked rice, masala, aloe vera juice...even all the The dishes are all made by domestic chefs according to the recipes, and Xu Lei still tasted a clean and hygienic taste unique to the streets of Yindu.

However, her ability to adapt to the environment is not weak. The more she eats this meal, the more relaxed she becomes. In the end, she is 70% to 80% full.

----This is already a good result. You know, when she saw a lot of mushy stuff on the table, she thought she was going back to eat instant noodles brought from China.

After the reception, Xu Lei still went for a walk in the field according to domestic habits. The security personnel in the camp had already preached the relevant safety rules to them. In the core area of ​​the camp, or the garrison area, safety is absolutely certain. It is guaranteed, but if you leave the garrison area and go to a place outside the camp where local people live, the safety cannot be guaranteed 100%.

Therefore, she carefully selected a piece of wheat field in the stationed area closest to the core area, and sat down on the ridge.

At this time, it was more than 10 o'clock in the evening. Except for a few lights in the stationed area, the surrounding farmland and villages were completely dark. Even in the valley of the Hailan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xu Lei had never seen it. Such pure darkness.

She felt like she was back in the countryside when she was 3 years old.

This gave her a long-lost intimacy, but there was a trace of unease buried under this intimacy.

Just as she was staring at the stars in the sky in a daze, and her body was about to fall backwards, she suddenly heard footsteps behind her.

Xu Lei sat up agitatedly and looked back. The person who came was her senior brother Bo He, and a young girl, also a member of the first batch of technical assistance team, named Xie Ranjie.

"What are you doing here? I think you are going to lie down soon. This ridge is not as clean as the domestic ridge, so don't lie down accidentally..."

Bo He didn't continue talking, Xu Lei fought a cold war, and quickly stood up and turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone to check, and after confirming that there was no filth in the place where she was sitting, she sat down again.

"I look at the stars, what else can I do... I have nothing to do in the past few days. Senior brother, how are you doing?"

Xu Lei's main direction is field management, and breeding is only an auxiliary. Now all kinds of equipment are still in the process of transportation and customs clearance, and it will take some time before she can actually start work.

Bo He's main direction is water conservancy and field planning, which is a prerequisite for everyone else. Logically speaking, from the moment he arrives, he already has the conditions to start work.

"Sorry, I plan to stroll around the neighborhood first tomorrow. There is always a gap between the information I see on the map and what I see with the naked eye. I have to see it with my own eyes before I know how to layout and plan."

"By the way, you will also come with me tomorrow. Anyway, the installation of your system's equipment also depends on the terrain. Let's cooperate in advance to avoid repeated rework later."

"Oh, I see."

Xu Lei replied briefly, and Bo He and the two sat down beside her. Xie Ranjie looked at the sky above Xu Lei's example, and after a while, she said with a sigh:

"I haven't seen so many stars for a long time... I don't know if I should say it's pure or it's backward."

Bo He smiled and replied:

"In theory, the two are bound together. Modern agriculture has long been inseparable from purity. Look at the large-scale wheat fields in our northeast, which is not the world of large-scale machinery, only the backward ones. place to maintain purity.”

"That's also... To be honest, I can't get used to this kind of place anyway. It's quiet and dark. If I didn't know that there was a camp behind us, it would be like being abandoned to some place without humans. It's the same planet we live in."

In the dark, Xu Lei couldn't see Xie Ranjie's expression clearly, but she could imagine that the other person's expression was probably the same as when she was lost outside the village when she was a child----and she had to get lost in winter, because in summer there are everywhere around It's all frogs and birds, it's very lively, and it doesn't make people feel scary at all.

Only absolute silence is scary, because you don't know what's hidden in that silence.

Bo He did not answer Xie Ranjie's words, and the three fell silent together, as if to verify what she had just said, quietly listening to the surrounding voices.

After a while, they discovered the anomaly in this silence.

It is indeed very quiet, but in this quietness, there is a vague voice that cannot be explained.

Bo He frowned and asked tentatively:

"Did you hear that?"

"Heard—is it the wind?"

Xu Lei asked suspiciously.

"It's not quite's like a cat meowing. Spring is here, a little cat meowing seems to be quite normal, right?"

Xu Lei nodded subconsciously, but in an instant, she felt something was wrong.

The faint voice coming from a distance is really a bit too miserable, even if it is a cat meowing, it can't be so terrifying, right?

It's not that she hasn't heard the sound of cat meowing. The sound is high and low, and even a little cadenced, but now, the vague meow in the air has a feeling of hoarseness.

"Would you like to go over and take a look? It doesn't sound like it's too far away."

Xie Ranjie grabbed the sleeve of Bo He and asked, the latter hesitated for a moment and replied:

"We can walk forward for a while until we reach the guard booth, and we will definitely not be able to move forward. At night, we must not leave the garrison area."

"I know I know, I'm just a little curious, it's not like I'm dying... Lei Lei, are you going?"

"Then let's go together."

Xu Lei stood up, and the three of them walked along the ridge to the direction of the sound. They are still in the core area. The security is almost ten steps and one post, so there is no need to worry about safety. question.

However, as they walked further and further forward, the weird voice became more and more sharp. At this time, everyone was sure that it was definitely not a cat meow, because the voice was still vague. There are several words that are clearly in a certain language mixed in.

After walking to the guard box outside the garrison area, the three stopped, and they turned to the sentry standing on the side and asked:

"Comrade, did you hear a voice over there?"

The sentry nodded and replied:

"I heard it, it has been reported, and someone went to check it."

"What's the sound? Where did it come from?"

The sentry raised his finger in one direction, then replied:

"Over there, I don't know what the sound is. Our captain said that there may be some residents outside who are beating their wives... You should go back first. If there is any abnormal situation, the base will notify you."

Xu Lei looked in the direction of his fingers, her heart suddenly tense.

That direction happened to be the "haunted courtyard" they passed by during the day.

In the cellar there were also two corpses buried in the courtyard.

This made her shudder for no reason.

Logically speaking, if there is a haunted legend in a place, then it proves that there must be something unusual about this place. Even if it is not really haunted, there are often scary factors.

And now....

The mother and daughter who died unjustly because of the famine, the corpse that was not buried, the soul who could not rest in peace... This is simply the classic beginning of a horror movie.

Although Xu Lei herself is a materialist, it is undeniable that she is still a little worried about this situation.

The sentinel obviously noticed her expression, so he smiled and said with relief:

"Don't be afraid, the yard is haunted because of rumors. I went in there when I was cleaning the perimeter. It's no big deal---- there are potatoes growing in the ground."

"No gods and ghosts can do 105. If you really feel uncomfortable, we will blow it up another day, and we will definitely give priority to ensuring the working environment of scientists."

Hearing him say that, the three of them couldn't help laughing. However, just as they were about to turn around and leave, two figures suddenly appeared from the darkness in the distance.

It was the sentinel who had gone out to investigate the situation back.

Xu Lei keenly noticed that the expressions on the faces of the two seemed to be somewhat solemn.

"Lao Liu, what's the situation?"

The sentry on the side asked.

The soldier named Lao Liu glanced at the sentinel, then at the three Xu Lei, and then answered:

"The situation is a bit complicated... Report to the top first, be smart, load the gun, there is something wrong over there. Comrade, you should return to the residential area immediately, there may be danger here."

"What's the matter? Comrade, can you tell me?"

Lao Liu hesitated for a moment, and finally said:

"You do have the right to know... There was a murder case earlier, and two farmers died."

Hearing this, the three of them were a little surprised.

It turned out that the sound they heard before was the scream when the murder happened.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei suddenly felt a little nauseous—what she just heard were the moans of two dying lives.

However, before her emotions spread, Lao Liu continued:

"Somebody's doing shit, fuck, after they killed someone, they dragged the body into that little yard..."

"That haunted courtyard??"

Bo He asked in shock.

"Yes. These yindu guys are probably trying to get along with us, so they are creating panic with us. Don't be afraid, you go back first. If they dare to attack the camp, we have a way to greet them."

As he spoke, Lao Liu assigned a soldier to escort the three back, while he stood in place and notified all sentries to be alert by radio.

Walking on the road, Xu Lei looked back worriedly, some fragmented imaginary images flashed in her mind, and the fear in her heart became stronger.

Is the murderer really human?

She would rather be a ghost.

Because if it was a human, then the situation here would be a little too terrifying.

After personally killing two innocents, use them to create panic... Can this be considered a modern society?

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