Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 493 Is It Them Again?

Early the next morning, after a sleepless night, Xu Lei and others learned all the details of the previous night's murder from the guards.

The attack took place around 10:30 at a farmer's home in a non-stationed area outside the base. The deceased was a young couple.

It was the investigators who came out first who found the body, but what they found was not the first scene, but the body was first found in the "haunted" courtyard, and then after reporting to the headquarters, they found it along the blood trail. The residence where the incident occurred.

According to their descriptions, the two had severe lacerations on their bodies, as if they were bitten by some kind of beast, but at the same time the fatal wounds were also obvious-their necks were both twisted at a strange angle, When it was found, the neck of the corpse lying on its side was broken back almost 180 degrees, and the skin on the throat had been torn.

They couldn't tell if the other lacerations on the body were postmortem - in fact, they didn't have time to do an examination at all, and after finding the body, their first reaction was to quickly rule out the potential danger and return to Security at the base is enhanced.

Now, the case has been reported to the local police station, Yindu has dispatched police to the scene, and the two bodies have been taken away.

However, they chose a completely inappropriate timing to expose the two corpses to the sight of the early risers.

So, inevitably, rumors began to spread around the base.

Some people say it was revenge after the souls of the dead Rakesh couple were disturbed, some people said that man-eating beasts appeared in the village, and some people said that the technicians from Huaxia brought biochemical monsters, no matter what kind of rumors, In the end, it all points to a conclusion: the murder happened after the Chinese people entered, so it must be related to the Chinese people.

For a time, the base seemed to be the target of public criticism. Although no one dared to attack the base due to the strong firepower advantage, if the rumors continued to ferment, this technology exchange project would definitely be impossible to go on.


Xu Lei and Bo He walked between the ridges and carried out their survey work as planned. After marking a point, Xu Lei asked:

"Senior brother, do you think this incident is aimed at us?"

Bo He nodded and replied:

"It's obvious from the results. You see, this happened only a day ago, and the rumors have spread to this level. Obviously, someone has guided them, and it is aimed at our agricultural transformation project."

"But what I don't understand is who is behind this thing -- I don't see any benefit to Yindu in boycotting our project at all."

"Look, we are doing this agricultural transformation project to help them increase their grain production, essentially to make up for the losses caused to them because of the Tongtianhe project, and they have accepted this plan."

"So, if this project is terminated, aren't they themselves the biggest losers?"

"Anyway, no matter whether the agricultural transformation project can go ahead or not, the Tongtianhe project is going to go ahead. No matter how stupid their officials are, they can't be so stupid that they don't even want to compensate the Tongtianhe project. degree?"

Hearing Bo He's words, Xu Lei also had a puzzled look on her face.

As Bo He said, this matter can still be regarded as a simple demonstration when the details have not been clarified, but now, with the development of the incident and the announcement of the details of the case, all this has changed. .

The public opinion was deliberately directed to the unfavorable side of China, and the people who created the public opinion also took advantage of the local people's low level of education and generally superstitious characteristics to create three things that are ridiculous to normal people, but But there are very convincing rumors among the bottom peasant groups.

The spread of such rumors is much faster than that of "normal" people killing people, and the mass consequences that may be caused in the future are also much more serious.

All the evidence shows that this incident has nothing to do with ghosts and the like, but it is even more difficult to prove this, especially to the "fools".

Thinking of this, Xu Lei shook her head and said:

"I don't understand what's going on either... Maybe we should ask Command tonight to see if they have any more speculation."

"Forget it, it's a vain question to ask. When it comes to this aspect, our authority is not enough. We can only honestly wait for the result."

"Actually, I'm not too worried about the outcome of this matter. It's still a single case, and it will be dealt with gradually and will eventually pass. What I'm worried about is that the other party still has a backer."

"And the backhand? You mean..."

Bo He sighed and replied:

"Just keep killing people. To create panic, a single case is not enough. At least a series of things need to happen uninterruptedly and gradually strengthen people's fears in order to get the best results."

"Didn't we do this before? In order to prevent others from entering the experimental field, we first threw a few non-venomous snakes into the field, and then found a few to pretend to be bitten by snakes. After three or five times, no one dared to enter the field again. Come in—aren't they doing the same thing as us now?"

"I suspect that their ultimate goal may be to drive out the surrounding people and create a vacuum for us."

"Once the farmers in this area leave, it will be difficult for our project to continue. After all, agricultural transformation is a long-term work. In addition to facility construction, technical training is also an important part."

"If farmers don't want to contact us, then we're going to do shitty technical training."

Xu Lei nodded solemnly and said:

"It does mean that. But what are they planning?"

"Who knows what they are plotting.... San's brain circuits are always so inexplicable."

"There is a possibility that it is really not related to the government, maybe some local capital forces are manipulating it. As for what they want from these things, we don't know."

Xu Lei frowned and thought for a moment, then continued to ask:

"Could it be another sect of nature? I heard that they often do similar things overseas."

"It's possible...Isn't the last time the news said that they can even do things like poisoning reservoirs, let alone this. The environment in Yindu is no better than that in China, especially in Punjab. , it can be said that it is an n-g state, if it is really done by the sect of nature, then we have to be careful."

"These people are lawless and have no scruples in doing things... But then again, they weren't just hit once, and they shouldn't recover so quickly, right?"

"I don't know... Anyway, I always feel that this time our project may not be smooth sailing."

Hearing Xu Lei's words, Bo He let out a long sigh, the two looked at each other, and read the deep worry in each other's eyes.

Before they came, none of them were ready to face such a threat. They thought that the biggest difficulty might be that the chaotic situation on the ground might affect them, but they didn't expect that they had just arrived in Punjab on the first day. Encountered such malicious actions that were obviously directed at them.

But fortunately, the organization behind them seemed to be prepared for such a situation. The entire base was still peaceful, and their daily work and life were not affected in any way.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei's mood relaxed a little, but what she didn't know was that the security staff of this base had raised the security level by more than one level in places she couldn't see.

With the assistance of Bayang, the investigation of the suspects in this incident has also been carried out in an all-round way.

It's just that they are still a little bit away from the moment when the truth comes out.

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