Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 494 Amish's Guess

At the same time, in the police station closest to the base, several Yindu police officers were rummaging through the corpses in front of them in the morgue.

There is no special forensic doctor in this small police station, so all the autopsy work has to be done by themselves.

"Two scratches under the left rib, 12cm long, 11cm long and 2cm deep."

"There was a puncture wound on the upper part of the thigh, which ran through almost the entire thigh, but luckily, the aorta was not injured."

"There is also a puncture wound on the waist, but it is relatively shallow."

"There were puncture wounds on the shoulders, arms and palms, with tearing marks that looked like some kind of animal bite."

"There is a 14cm scratch on the face, two centimeters deep - the bones are turned out."

"The fatal injury was a broken neck, the blow was on the forehead, and there were signs of a fractured skull."

"It looks like it was caused by a large beast attack, both of which were killed."

After speaking, the old policeman named Kunar sighed and covered the cloth sheet on the body again.

"But how is this possible? It has been a long time since Punjab has recorded the appearance of large beasts. I remember the last beast attack was seven or eight years ago... And that time was a leopard, right? The wound on the body was obviously not caused by a leopard. "

"Looking at the scratches on the wound, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say it's a bear. But how can we have a bear here?"

The speaker is a new police officer who has just joined the police for more than a year. His name is Amish. He has always been known for his seriousness in the police station. Of course, most of the time, the old police officer thinks that he is just a fool. .

In this country, especially in this sensitive area, there are many times when it is not good to be too serious, and the only truth is just living with it.

Kunal glanced at Amish, nodded slightly and said:

"You're right. Such scars are definitely not caused by small cats such as clouded leopards and snow leopards -- besides, they don't have the ability to snap a human neck off."

"Maybe it's a large Bengal tiger?"

Amish frowned and shook his head, disregarding the obstruction of the others, and pulled the sheet away again, then pointed to the wound and said:

"I don't think it can be a Bengal tiger. In my hometown, I have seen a Bengal tiger hunting scene."

"The way they hunt animals is very straightforward. Basically, they bite their necks directly, and they don't play with their prey like other cats."

"But you see, there are obviously many scars on these two corpses that are...unnecessary."

"This is not in line with the hunting habits of Bengal tigers."

Looking at Amish's face, Kunal vaguely caught a hint of suspicion, so he asked bluntly:

"What are you trying to say? Just say it!"

Amish hesitated for a moment, then said:

"I wonder...could this be a man-made murder with the fatal wounds to the neck that occurred first and those wounds fabricated after death?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire morgue instantly dropped to freezing point.

For these police officers, they are not afraid of any beasts, monsters, or ghosts at all. To put it bluntly, when it comes to these things that they cannot handle, they just need to stay far away and find a reason to close the case.

But once this case involves people, everything is different.

Looking at the silent crowd, even if Amish was no longer familiar with the world, he understood what other people were thinking. After a pause, he stretched out his hand and pulled the cloth sheet, and then said:

"This is just my guess... I think it's more likely that bears and tigers will attack."

Hearing his words, Kunal let out a long sigh of relief.

After all, this Leng Touqing has grown up and can distinguish his priorities. If he still insists on continuing to investigate in the "artificial" direction, then he will have to find a reason to give him a vacation.

As the echoing voice in the morgue sounded, the expression on Amish's face kept changing. Finally, he walked to the sink to the side to wash his hands, and then turned around and left the morgue first.

The speed of the investigation of the case far exceeded everyone's imagination. Just two days after he made a compromise, this case was characterized as a beast attack, and the victims had all died, so naturally they did not need any compensation. , even the land and property were officially repossessed and resold to others.

This horrific case seemed to be over, but Amish had a vague feeling that things were definitely not that simple.

In private, he kept a copy of all the evidence, from the autopsy report, to the scene investigation report, to the detailed photos of the corpse, trying to find the truth behind it through his own power.

In fact, he did this not out of a simple sense of justice, but a complex pity - he couldn't imagine how desperate he would be if his family encountered such a catastrophe.

As he delved deeper into a body of evidence, he became increasingly aware of the problem with the case.

The first is that there are streaks on the corpse, and beasts will not tie people;

Secondly, there is no sign of any struggle on the corpse, not even a trace of the attacker's hair or blood in the nails;

In the end, the social relationship between the two victims was extremely simple—there were no enemies, not even many friends, and the possibility of vendetta was basically ruled out.

So, when he put it all together, he came to a conclusion:

These two were not victims, but victims.

A victim sacrificed by certain forces for their greater and darker goals.

But what is their purpose?

Amish couldn't understand it, but soon, he didn't have to think about it - the second murder happened soon.

The location is still near the newly constructed agricultural transformation base, and the victim has dropped from two to one, but the way the victims died is no different from the previous two.

Scratches, bite marks, broken necks….

All of this seems to have been painstakingly arranged, accurately replicating the last killing method.

Then the third and fourth...

In just one week, a total of 8 people were killed by the invisible "monster".

The panic of the people has risen to the limit, and Amish wants to do something, but he also knows that nothing can be done in his capacity.

After the latest victim was produced, the police department made an operation that made him stunned:

The director announced that this series of casualties was caused by some "unknown beast". They suggested that local residents either strictly guard the door or leave the dangerous area temporarily. The official will soon organize a clearing operation to catch the That wild beast.

At this moment, Amish's last hope for them was shattered.

He originally thought that even if there were some reasons he had no right to know that prevented the police from releasing the real case, then at least they would adopt some really effective plans to prevent the murder from continuing, but in fact?

They had no intention of doing anything at all.

Does closing the door help? Which of the 8 victims was not killed in his own home?

Leave the danger zone?

Doesn't that mean giving up your land?


Amish seemed to get to the heart of the matter, but he couldn't jump to conclusions.

Thinking of this, he immediately went to Kunar's office and told the other party what he thought.

"Kunar, you know that this matter is not that simple, and I also know that we cannot change this fact with our ability, but the question is, do we always have to do something? Are we just watching these innocent people alone? Die one by one?"

Seeing Amish's angry expression, Kunal shook his head helplessly and said:

"Amish, I don't know more than you... What can we do? Do you expect me to take a stick and go patrol?"

"I'm already an old man, and I can't do such naive things anymore!"

"I have a family, I have children--you have them too. You don't want your family and children to have an accident because of this matter that has nothing to do with us, right?"

"But we are the police! Kunal..."

"No more! Amish, go back and get some rest. Remember, this has nothing to do with you! Don't do anything that will get you into trouble!"

Amish choked back at the words that rushed to his mouth. After a few seconds of silence, he finally nodded and turned to leave Kunal's office.

Kunal, who stayed where he was, lit a cigarette and sighed deeply.

However, he didn't know that this young policeman was far from giving up.

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