Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 495 Monster, Is It Dead?

Three days later, in the middle of the night, Amish quietly lurked in a wheat field with a slightly higher terrain, waiting for a possible tragedy.

This seems to be his third day of lurking. In the first two days, everything was calm, but he knew that the murders would definitely continue to happen.

The inhabitants here have not been completely shaken - fear has not yet conquered them, only continue to kill, to continue to amplify the fear.

He is ready to stay here for a long time. Anyway, his work does not need to be done at night. Those lost sleep time will be made up for the next day's work time.

The purpose of this is not to prevent the murder from happening. In fact, he is fully aware that he has absolutely no ability to fight against that powerful enemy. All he has to do is to find a way to record everything and then at the appropriate At the right time, and in the right way, to reveal the truth.

For this goal, he quietly purchased a night vision device from Huaxia, and paired it with his own 40 times magnified copycat mobile phone, even if he was separated by a few hundred meters, he could barely capture a human figure.

At least never make people into beasts.

Thinking of this, Amish sighed.

If only I could save a little more, I might be able to take pictures of those people's faces with an infrared telescope.

If it really doesn't work, get a little closer?

No, that's too dangerous, if ever caught...

If you are found, can you run to the Huaxia base?

Yes, as long as you are a human, you will never dare to act rashly in the garrison area of ​​Huaxia Base. If you can run in, you will be safe.

But the question is, how do I show my identity to those Chinese people?

How do you say "help" in Chinese?

Amish scratched his head, turned on his mobile phone to search for translation, and then carefully put on his headphones, repeating "Jiumin, Jiumin" following the mechanical pronunciation.

Just when he was about to fall into the novelty of learning a language, suddenly, a faint shrill cry came from his ears.

This kind of sound was exactly the same as the sound he had heard people describe before. As soon as it entered his ears, he knew that he was squatting this time.

Amish stood up suddenly, tried hard to identify the source of the sound, and then quickly ran forward in the direction of the sound.

The screams got louder and louder. Amir felt that he was no more than 200 meters away from the crime scene. He stopped and fell to the ground panting. Then, he pulled out the phone holder from behind to put the phone on, and then put it on for the night. sight.

At this moment, he is like a child who is imitating the special forces. Whether it is equipment or actions, it looks like the same thing at first, but if you look closely, it feels a little funny.

However, he is also using these funny equipment to do something that all the police officers who eat corpse meals are afraid to do.

Expose the truth.

As the camera zoomed in, he turned the stand slightly, scanning the large open space in front of him, his hands trembling slightly with tension, but his breathing quickly stabilized.

A few seconds later, a red flashed across the phone's screen, and he shuddered for a moment, then turned the camera back to that direction.

There were people there, several people.

There were four standing and two lying down. There was a light glowing area on the ground, which seemed to be fresh blood.

The screams were still coming, and the figures on the ground were still twisting, but what made Amir's hair stand up was that in that open space, beside the four figures standing, there was really a huge beast. shadow!

The beast was frantically biting at the struggling victim on the ground, and the latter's movements were getting weaker and weaker, and the scream was so weak that it was almost inaudible in Amish's position.

He was dying.

Amish's heart is tight, and at this moment he can't wait to rush out to stop these perpetrators, but there is a voice in his heart that stops him:

Don't be reckless, going up now can only be sent to death, you have to find a way to send the evidence out...

But just thinking of this, another question quickly emerged in his mind:

Is only one video like this enough?

Do you have a chance to get a little closer and find a way to take pictures of the faces of the perpetrators? Or at least, get a picture of the apparently controlled beast?

Judging from the appearance on the current screen, the beast looks like a wolf with a mouth shape, but its body is much larger than that of a wolf. When standing on all fours, it is already close to the waist of the shorter person among the four. The position of the chest, combined with its crazy biting action, really looks like a monster from hell.

Amish has never seen such a big canine, not even on the Internet. He heard that there is a mastiff on the plateau that can grow to such a large size. Is this what it is?

After struggling and hesitating in place for two minutes, Amish finally bowed in the direction of the crime scene. He planned to walk another 50 meters. If he still couldn't get a clear picture, then forget it.

There is at least one kilometer away from the nearest Chinese sentry post. If they are discovered, what awaits them is a mortal ending.

While observing the picture on the screen, he moved forward cautiously. As the distance got closer, the shape of the beast in the picture became clearer and clearer, and even with the naked eye, he could already see the vagueness in the open space. bright light.

Those perpetrators did not act completely in the dark. They carried extremely dark and extremely dark light sources on their bodies, and the brightness was barely enough to see objects. If you want to take a clear picture of each other's faces under such brightness, it can almost be said that Arabian Nights.

Amish quietly pulled the zoom-in button on the phone screen, gave up shooting the humanoid target, and focused on recording the form of the beast, but just when he photographed the frontal features of the other party, the beast also seemed to find it at the same time what.

I saw it raised its head vigilantly and turned its ears to where Amish was.

At this moment, Amish's heart seemed to stop beating.

In the next second, the beast broke free from the shackles of the perpetrator and rushed towards Amish!

Amish was sluggish for a second, and then immediately woke up. He hurriedly threw away the bracket and the infrared night vision device on the bracket, stuffed the phone into his pocket, and started running towards the nearest sentry.

However, his speed was too slow compared to the beast, and after just a few seconds, he could already hear the violent gasping sound behind him.

Can't run away.

Amir reached for the holster in desperation, then turned sharply and fired a shot into the darkness.

The firelight and loud noise briefly stunned the beast, the latter's panic stopped, and the huge body rushed out a piece of dust on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Amir's confidence increased instantly, and the memories of those trainings returned to his mind. He took a deep breath and fired another shot in the final direction of the beast in the dark.

Then, the third shot, the fourth shot.

The bullet apparently passed through the beast's body, a whimper sounded, and Amir emptied the 7 rounds of the revolver, then immediately turned around and continued to stumble towards the post.

The beast is not the real danger, the real danger is behind the beast.

A few minutes later, he had left the four perpetrators far behind, and in front of him was the Huaxia sentry emitting a warm light.

"Jiumin! Jiumin!"

Amir shouted with a slight cry.


Early the next morning, everyone at the base received a message.

The monster that has recently ravaged Punjab has been killed by a brave policeman, and the body is now displayed in the police station near the base for people to visit.

It was a giant artificially bred and ferocious Blue Bay dog, probably stolen from the house of a rich man, who caused all the previous murders.

Overnight, Amir became a hero.

But at this moment, he is more confused than ever.

Yes, the monster is dead.

But is the monster really dead?

Obviously not, because that monster has already started to urge him to leave the Huaxia base and go to the police station to receive the reward.

The danger he faced was far from over.

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