Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 499 New Analog, Bci Transmission Technology

[The stars are forever, the human race is forever prosperous]

Ye Zhou skipped the subtitles and directly opened the plot simulation interface.

In the two months before this, through the boring process of repeated trial and error, he had already received the reward for a new simulation of Little Sun's plot, but only after he got it did he realize that the reward for that time was actually nothing to him. Great effect.

The last simulation was related to welding technology, and the reward offered was laser welder technology, which obviously targeted the high-strength welding required for the first wall of a nuclear fusion reactor.

But in fact, after the emergence of high-energy pulsed lasers, under the coordination of the General Technical Office, some domestic enterprises in Huaxia have completed the commercialization of laser technology at an extremely fast speed. A large number of advanced laser welders have appeared, and the most Exaggerated companies have even introduced high-precision welders smaller than a pen.

In other words, the welding technology provided by the last simulation is actually there in reality, and it is still developing quite well.

This is the first time Ye Zhou has encountered a situation where real-world technology exceeds simulation rewards, but he is not surprised. It's also not unusual for technology to evolve faster than the simulator refreshes.

What's more, such a situation is obviously not common, because the next simulation plot of Little Sun is the high-performance divertor technology that is currently in short supply in China, and it is impossible to start.

However, according to Ye Zhou's plan, now he does not intend to start the simulation of the divertor, but clicks on the plot simulation interface of "Omnic Nation" and enters the plot introduction of "Invisible Teacher".

The brief introduction this time is also very brief, and the content roughly explains the bci transmission technology referred to by the so-called "invisible teacher".

In simple terms, the purpose of this technology is to enable humans to skip the complex processing of five sense signals, directly stimulate brain neurons through electrical signal compilation, and transmit and record external information into the human brain.

If you want to be more specific, the path of human access to information is roughly divided into three steps.

The first step is to perceive information from the outside world through the senses; the second step is to transmit the information to the brain in the form of electrical signals through the nervous system; the third step, the brain processes the electrical signal information and imports it to the brain responsible for memory and thinking Anterior association area, forming short-term and long-term memory.

In this process, the human brain needs to separate a considerable part of its functions to process and store information, which is equivalent to playing the role of memory and hard disk at the same time. This operating mechanism limits the computing power of the brain itself, and can also affect the function of the human brain. a waste.

The core of the bci transmission technology mentioned by the "invisible teacher" is to replace the memory functional area with an external electronic device. -Computer" basic connection.

Under such a connection, the storage function of the human brain is liberated, and unnecessary operations can also be migrated to the AI ​​chip. The entire brain will be slowly transformed into a pure central processing unit after the chip is implanted, which is only responsible for computing and calling functions. .

Such operation logic will achieve the most complete liberation of the computing power of the human brain, and it is also the basis for the further integration of computing power of the human brain and computer computing power in the future.

This is also the reason why this plot simulation is called "invisible teacher". The necessary information and knowledge are instilled into the chip in a cramming manner, isn't it a substitute for part of the teacher's work?

Ye Zhou couldn't help but think of a novel he had read. In that novel, a group of aliens mocked human's way of information transmission, but at the same time, human beings could use the transmission rate of less than 10b/s. The way of communication entered the 5b-level civilization and was shocked.

Those aliens who have entered the top of the evolution of carbon-based civilization lamented that the evolutionary history of human beings is "a song from the ancient times of the universe", but in Ye Zhou's view, if there is no way, who would be willing to sing such a song What about a song?

Who wants to learn from scratch if they can directly inherit and genetic memory?

---- It's not just that they don't want to, but today's human beings don't have the right to sing this song, because this era is actually the ancient era of cosmic civilization.

Only when human beings break the constraints of adjacent dimensions and eliminate the common enemy of this universe can civilization truly enter a period of rapid development.

Ye Zhou sighed deeply, but in an instant, he became optimistic again.

In any case, as long as this technology is realized and matured, the academic pressure of children in the future should be much less, right?

They can break free from the vicious competition in the environment, enjoy fair access to knowledge, and devote more time and energy to creative activities.

Homework for deepening memory is definitely the first to be eliminated, followed by purely memory tests, and then further, teachers' work content will also undergo major changes, and schools will pay more attention to thinking training, not cramming. type of education.

Poor high school, the crazy way of education they just figured out may soon be eliminated...

----Wait, does this mean that the world is likely to enter the first step of "ultimate equality" because of this?

We cannot achieve equality of resources, but equality of information and education is absolutely achievable.

At that time, no matter whether a child is in a remote mountain or in the most prosperous city, the knowledge they receive will be the same, and the problems that have plagued mankind for hundreds of years will be easily solved.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou suddenly woke up.

As he thought before entering the simulator, the meaning of this so-called "invisible teacher" technology is really not weaker than controllable nuclear fusion.

Because this is not only the starting point of human physical evolution, but also the starting point of optimizing human social structure, and also the starting point of realizing that lofty goal.

Under this technology, almost all the waste of talents and productivity caused by the uneven allocation of resources will be gradually eliminated, and opportunities will be equally tilted towards everyone. It is very likely that the statement about "different starting lines", will just disappear.

And how long will it take for such a technology to roll out?

5 years? 10 years?

Now, Yang Yiyao, who is blind, has completed the learning and adaptation of avs technology, and has become the most typical and successful user of this technology. Further, if she is allowed to participate in the experiment of bci technology transmission, with her unique conditions , will there be a multiplier effect?

Perhaps with her help, it doesn't take long for human beings to completely change the primitive way of transmitting information that they have used for tens of thousands of years, and officially embark on the road of technological evolution.

Ye Zhou opened the simulation chapter with anticipation. After a short period of darkness, he entered the plot simulation of "Invisible Teacher".

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