Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 500 Virtual Invasion, Barrier Breaker


This is the title of this simulation, Ye Zhou watched the gradually disappearing subtitles, restrained his mind, and began to observe the surrounding environment.

This is a futuristic world, surrounded by countless high-rise buildings, perhaps because of the progress of materials science, those things that are still "buildings" in the concept actually no longer have the shape of a building.

In order to reduce the occupation of the ground, most of the buildings are only supported by a slender column. After extending upwards for tens of meters, it begins to expand gradually at a certain height. From Zhou's point of view, this is more like a... mushroom city.

In addition to those buildings whose foundations are still on the ground, Ye Zhou also noticed a small number of relatively small buildings suspended in the air. These buildings are obviously not using anti-gravity technology beyond the limits of human technology, but still using Based on the principle of reverse thrust, it is suspended in the air like a giant mothership.

Ye Zhou could see the fiery wakes spewing out from under those buildings, and there were no other buildings below these buildings, because the gust of wind they swept up was not suitable for human habitation at all.

But what's the point of this design?

Ye Zhou's doubts just appeared, and a subtitle suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Suspended convenient buildings are generally used by organizations that require frequent transfers, such as professional construction companies and building inspection agencies, migratory bird factories, high-end planting companies, and large-scale service industries targeting specific groups of people."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then he immediately realized that it was the bci chip implanted in his brain that was working.

When the bci transmission technology develops to the extreme, the human brain will be perfectly integrated with the computer, and the world in the eyes of human beings will also begin to change.

As Ye Zhou's thoughts flashed by, a menu began to appear in front of him:

"Concise Mode (Current)".

"Information Mode".

"Knowledge Mode".

He tried switching different ways of working for the bci chip, and what he saw changed differently.

The three modes are divided according to the density of auxiliary information. In the concise mode, the information density is the lowest, and in the knowledge mode, almost all object surfaces are mixed with introductory tags about them.

Ground rails for personal travel, huge artificial light-filling walls, green plants transformed by genetic technology...

What surprised Ye Zhou the most was that in this world, the billboards and neon signs that most often appear in cyberpunk concepts have completely disappeared.

All buildings and facilities reveal a minimalist aesthetic, with smooth walls and a uniform color palette that makes you feel like you're in a postmodern painting.

Of course, this does not mean the disappearance of advertisements. In fact, Ye Zhou has seen a prompt about removing advertisements in the brain-computer interface, and this function seems to be open to everyone, and does not need to be like in some fantasy novels. Pay close that way.

This is also very easy to understand. When productivity develops to the extreme, the competition of enterprises will reach a level of almost absolute transparency. Even if the advertisements at this time have not disappeared, their role has been greatly reduced.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath and retracted his thoughts from the impact of this future world. Then, a large amount of information about the simulated background quickly poured into his mind----this time, the flow of information The speed is almost in the millisecond level.

From the background, he knew his mission this time.

In this era, as seen by Ye Zhou, the development of bci technology has reached a super high level, almost all human activities are integrated with bci technology, and very few people will insist on rejecting bci chip implantation.

The way of human information interaction has undergone earth-shaking changes. A large amount of information is inherited in the central quantum server and distributed to each individual. Each human body information source is gathered together to form a brand new "Internet".

This is a highly efficient way of information exchange, but the problem is that behind every seemingly perfect solution, there is often a crisis. For example, the human world is now facing a frequent threat.

"Virtual invasion."

Through transmission channel interference and virus intrusion, certain groups can directly bypass the bci firewall, control the bci chip to send information to the human brain, and change the sensory information received by the human body, thereby creating a world completely different from reality for them.

This type of invasion can cover an entire small city at its worst, that is, when a virtual invasion occurs, the entire city is living in the same dream.

Now, the city in front of him has actually undergone a virtual invasion, but the invaders did not immediately launch a full-scale attack, and the people in the city still act according to their normal life order.

No one knows when the attack will take place or what form the attack will take. What Ye Zhou can do is to find out the "interference source" of this invasion and find a way to destroy it.

Isn't this just a variant of the matrix?

Destroying the source point is equivalent to feeding everyone a red pill?

Ye Zhou cursed secretly. His first reaction was to physically cut off the power of the bci chip. The flashing message disappeared immediately, and the real world appeared in front of his eyes.

Fortunately, this world was not any different from the world he had seen before.

He let out a long sigh of relief, shook his head, and dispelled the brief dull feeling after the bci chip was turned off, then set foot on the personal track and started to the destination of his trip.

It was a building called an "outlying island", and all the people living there were full-time staff without bci chips implanted. Their organization was called the "emergency monitoring team", and the people gave them Go to a more secondary, but also more apt name:

Broken people.

In their eyes, there is no illusion.

To solve the city's virtual invasion crisis, you must first find this group of breakers.

The personal rail transportation that Ye Zhou called also made him feel very novel. It seems that there are strong magnetic tracks under the ground—or the entire ground is actually made of variable magnetic materials. As long as you enter the suspended cockpit, the cockpit will start Follow the planned route.

After only ten minutes, Ye Zhou had already crossed the distance of half the city and came to the very special, almost unique old-fashioned low-rise building in this world.

The building is only five stories high, and the decoration style is almost the same as Ye Zhou's own era----even a little older, Ye Zhou walked to the artificial booth, because the bci chip had been turned off, and people passed through it. After identifying the identity of the face and iris, they entered the building smoothly.

And there, someone was already waiting for him.

"Ye Zhou, right? I'm Liu Dong, just call me Da Liu. I'm in charge of the unified command of this operation, and I'm sharing information now."

While speaking, Da Liu took him to the conference room, then pointed to the screen and continued:

"At present, we have analyzed the source of the interference. The interference of the other party mainly relies on the relay interference method. They invaded the communication channel from the personal terminal to the terminal base station through high-energy particle interference, and tampered with the transmission information there."

"At this stage, they have not carried out large-scale bci information tampering. We speculate that it is possible that they have not completely broken the brain-computer firewall, but with the deepening of AI virus's interpretation of the regular signals of human brain activity, bypassing the firewall is sooner or later. matter."

"According to the experience of previous attacks, they may manipulate the brain machine to tamper with perceptual signals, lure victims into dangerous actions, and cause mass panic."

"What did they do this for?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

"It's not clear at the moment. At present, the worldwide investigation of this organization is still on the surface. They are like ghosts, unpredictable."

"However, according to the intelligence, most of the current attacks are actually some kind of temptation-their fundamental purpose is not to kill people, but to control people."

"If their technology is further matured and combined with some psychological means, they are likely to subtly influence the world view of most people and change their inherent behavior patterns to achieve their interests."

"As a very simple example, they can modify visual signals on a small scale to make a certain color appear more frequently in the victim's world, so as to achieve the effect of aesthetic guidance and induce the victim to prefer related products."

"Of course, although I say this is a simple example, their current operation is obviously not up to this level, and now their interference to the signal is broken, chaotic, endogenous - simply put , is to create an illusion."

"Such disturbances can easily lead to group chaos, and the danger is also very high. Therefore, our task is very heavy."

After listening to Da Liu's words, Ye Zhou nodded slightly and asked:

"What's the plan? Do we have any clues about this organization?"

"There are clues."

Da Liu waved his hand, and a whole city map appeared on the wall, with several bright spots marked on the map.

"These three areas are the central areas of the interference intensity we have detected now. We judge that the interfering base stations they have deployed are likely to be located in these areas."

"We will take direct measures. Xiao He and Lao Chen will each lead a team to arrest them directly. You follow me."

"Is it dangerous?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

"There must be, but their equipment and weapons are relatively backward. Wearing protective equipment is not a big problem."

"You are also an experienced veteran, and you should be able to deal with this problem. By the way, I suggest that you shut down the bci system in advance, even if you are connected to the military network. After reaching the core area of ​​interference, the difficulty of protection will also be Step up, and your bci is also at risk."


Ye Zhou nodded and answered, and after continuing the brief exchange, Da Liu took him to the equipment room to pick up the equipment. Then, the group immediately set off and rushed to the planned mission location.

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