Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 501 It's All Fake

Due to the confidentiality of the operation, Ye Zhou and his party did not use public transportation. On the contrary, they entered the underground passage directly from the base. After passing through the complex urban underground transportation network, they reached the target location in a shorter time.

This time the operation was a raid, targeting an enemy who was obviously likely to have weapons, but what made Ye Zhou uneasy was that they only had the simplest tactical discussion before the operation, and in Ye Zhou's opinion, The level may not have reached the level of the bad Internet movies of his era.

Cut off the electricity, block the exit, make a surprise arrest...  

Can such a low-level tactic really catch that big fish?

Ye Zhou had some doubts in his heart, but looking at the various equipment carried by the team members around him, he felt that maybe he thought too much.

Perhaps, in this day and age, arrests have become some of the simplest things.

"Why don't we use bci jamming for countermeasures? Isn't there such a technology?"

Before finally entering the action area, Ye Zhou asked with some doubts.

"They are not stupid, they have already turned off the bci chip function, and now they are 'breakers' just like us."

"BCI interference will not have any effect on them, but may make them aware of our actions in advance, which is very unfavorable for us."

"But it doesn't matter. We will stop the power supply of the building in a while, and then perform global infrasound interference. The personnel inside should be basically incapacitated after a wave."

"Come on, put on your helmet first, and remember to activate active sonic defense."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly and closed the visor of his helmet. As the sound wave defense system was activated, there was a slight buzzing sound in his ears.

This buzzing sound didn't make him feel uncomfortable----theoretically speaking, whether it was the active noise reduction technology that had appeared in his era, or the sound wave defense technology of this era, all depended on the same principle, The system will not transmit reverse sound waves until it encounters external sound wave interference.

Therefore, the sound he hears now is probably just a "prompt sound" used for identification, which plays the role of indicating the state of the system.

It's like some electric cars accelerate without sound, but use speakers to play the sound of the engine running.

"Weapons are ready, let's use non-lethal weapons first, we try to catch the ones alive."

Hearing Da Liu's instructions, Ye Zhou lowered his head and inspected the firearms in his hands. Unlike what he had expected before, they were still using very traditional gunpowder firearms, but with a series of intelligent modules, which originally belonged to the future. The laser weapon did not appear.

But think about it, the penetration of laser weapons is too weak, and it is not suitable for urban street fighting. As long as the city is still there, kinetic energy weapons will never die. The only problem is whether to use electromagnetic drive or gunpowder drive. ----In terms of stability, Gunpowder will probably be the big brother for a long time.

Ye Zhou dialed the button on the firearm to the "non-lethal" option, and connected the intelligent fire control system of the exoskeleton, so that in the event of an unexpected situation, the fire control system will automatically switch the ammunition to lethal mode, thereby Solve the crisis in the quickest way.

After all the preparations were done, Ye Zhou entered the building with the members of the team. The technicians in the team cut off the power supply of the entire building immediately. Three team members guarded three exits respectively, and the remaining 12 team members followed along Begin to climb up the stairs with the eternal safe passage.

With the blessing of the exoskeleton, although this climb is a bit slow, it is not laborious. Fifteen minutes later, Ye Zhou and others have come to the platform level of the building. According to the instructions of the interference intensity monitor, they will probably continue to ascend. The tenth floor is the location of their target.

Ye Zhou felt a little nervous, he didn't understand where his nervousness came from, because in fact, in the previous simulation, he had seen scenes that were far more dangerous than the current situation.

But at this moment...

Perhaps as said in that sentence, the source of fear is always unknown. When you don't know how the other party will fight, tension is a natural thing.

However, looking at the actions of Da Liu and the other team members, it revealed a sense of leisure, as if they had participated in similar actions more than once.

"Get ready, and then enter the final raid stage. They may have already noticed that there is danger in every step that continues, understand?"

Ye Zhou nodded solemnly, and after hesitating for a moment, he directly adjusted the weapon mode to lethal mode.

He doesn't care if those people are alive or not, he just wants to accomplish the goal this time.

If ensuring the survival of the enemy is one of the elements of the simulation, the big deal is to start all over again.

After taking a deep breath, the team of "Barrierbreakers" began to charge, Ye Zhou followed behind Da Liu, and was responsible for strengthening the firepower.

With the continuous beeping of the interference monitor, after the front-end team member raised his hand, Da Liu launched an infrasound coverage attack.

Ye Zhou immediately felt that all the voices in his ears disappeared, and in the abnormal silence, he heard Da Liu easily order:

"Investigate the internal situation!"

"I can't see clearly. They have set up electromagnetic shielding, and short waves cannot enter. The sound wave detection results are vague. There are about three armed personnel, and their positions have been transmitted."

As the voices of the team members fell, three blurred figures appeared on the screen of Ye Zhou's exoskeleton. From the position of the figures, the three clearly occupied the covered crossfire point.

"Punch and shoot, Liu Ming, change the bomb."


After a short response, the team member squatted halfway in front of the door with a large-caliber rifle. With a burst of gunshots, a large hole with a diameter of more than 10 cm was directly cracked on the opposite door.

Then, almost at the same time, there was a deafening sound in the space behind the door, and on the exoskeleton screen, the enemies who were struggling to support under the infrasound attack fell to the ground instantly.

"Break the door!"

With an order from Da Liu, the two team members stood up suddenly, the exoskeleton armor on their bodies made a penetrating mechanical collision sound, and the hot air flow from the cooling vent directly baked the heat sink into a red color.

With one foot, the entire metal door was directly separated from the door and flew into the hall behind the door.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and under the violent shock of the sub-explosive bomb, the walls of the entire space peeled off a layer, revealing mottled traces.

Ye Zhou followed in the footsteps of Da Liu and rushed into the hall. The chaotic gunshots sounded. The enemy who fell to the ground made a final resistance. A small amount of bullets hit the exoskeleton armor of the assaulter, rubbing dazzling fire.

However, their actions were not affected in the slightest. The active energy-absorbing design of the exoskeleton absorbed most of the kinetic energy, and the counterattack was launched immediately. Those enemies who had been deaf and blind under the attack of infrasonic waves and sub-explosive bombs were immediately swept away by the intensive non-stop attack. The lethal bullet was suppressed immobile.



The team members scurried through the vast hall like predatory raptors, and after sporadic gunfire, everyone reported a signal of safety.

The entire assault process lasted less than a minute. Under the suppression of powerful equipment, everything happened as smoothly as lubricating oil.

Ye Zhou walked to the center of the hall and examined the object in front of him.

There, is a huge, complex, full of technological sense of the instrument.

The rest of the team members were busy tying up the disabled enemy lying on the ground with chain guns, while Da Liu followed Ye Zhou's footsteps and walked to the instrument.

"This is the jammer? Much bigger than I thought."

Ye Zhou asked curiously.

"Yes, this one is relatively powerful, and its coverage can reach a radius of 30 kilometers -- enough to cover a small area of ​​the city."

"How do I get it now? Take it apart and get it back?"

"Break it up, there's no point in research, we already have two in our institute."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, but did not act immediately. He circled around the jammer and continued to ask:

"What's the rationale for it?"

On the opposite side, Da Liu was stunned and replied:

"Didn't you say it before? Intercept the signal from the terminal to the relay base station, then decode it, enter the wrong information and send it back to the terminal - that is, the human brain."

"No, that's not what I asked."

Ye Zhou shook his head and continued to ask:

"I mean, what's the point of it?"

Da Liu's face clearly showed a confused look, Ye Zhou sighed and continued:

"It doesn't mean that I have to find someone to translate and translate for you...I mean, in what way does it achieve signal interception and decoding?"

"I don't know. I'm not a technician, I'm a combatant, and I'm not in charge of this."

"So, you are a fighter, how do you know that this instrument is based on the same principle as the instrument you captured before?"

"...I see what you mean, I was negligent. Well, let's find a way to bring this instrument back first, but now we have to power it off first?"

"Yes, of course power off..."

Ye Zhou took off a grenade from the carrying frame around his waist, pulled out the pull tab in front of Da Liu, then held the bumper and said to Da Liu with a smile:

"Actually, I didn't expect that the times have developed to this level, and the grenade still uses such a primitive trigger method."

"However, such a trigger method is also very reliable, right?"

"Just like my brain, the human brain is also a very old thing, is really much more reliable than bci, ant colony network, etc. ."

Da Liu vigilantly stretched his hand to the trigger position, Ye Zhou stopped him with his eyes, and then said:

"Don't act rashly."

"The mine in my hand is not fake."

"However, you should be fake, right?"


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