Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 507 New Deterrence Proposal

"Damn it, why is the weather so hot in June in China?"

"This is Rongcheng, the terrain of the basin, of course it should be hot..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Look at the weather forecast on your phone. Today's temperature in Rongcheng is higher than the Sahara Desert!"

"...Well, that's my problem. What the hell, why is it so hot?"

Pyderoff and Jess, who had just walked out of the airport, were about to be swept back by the heat wave. 30 hours ago, they were still blowing the wet and icy sea breeze in northern Europe. After 30 hours, they felt as if they were into the stove.

"Why hasn't our driver come yet? Didn't we say that someone will pick us up? Wait a few more minutes, I feel like I'm going to be cooked from the inside out!"

Piedloff irritably took out half a cigar from his pocket and lit it. Jace gave him a dissatisfied look and said:

"Pay attention to your image! We are here to negotiate. If you continue to be as rude as you are now, then you will not participate in the next negotiation!"

"Why? We have what they want, and they have what we want. This is just an exchange, how can it be so complicated..."

Pyderoff indifferently exhaled the green smoke from his mouth, and then continued:

"Besides, didn't our previous cooperation go well? The European headquarters of the Natural Sect was destroyed, and they got the list of the pastoral organizations they wanted. Shouldn't they consider us friends?"

The two are the operatives of the Hermes organization in Europe. A few months ago, they planned a series of liquidation operations against the sect of nature, and achieved shocking results.


Jace curled the corners of his mouth mockingly, then continued:

"You have to remember that Chinese people don't regard uncontrolled organizations like us as friends, they only believe in their own strength."

"The reason why we were able to cooperate before is that our purpose happened to be the same as theirs."

"Afterwards, if our opinions are divided, they will abandon us without hesitation, and even use tough means to suppress us - they are much more terrible than those ugly countrymen."

"But in terms of execution, no one can compare to them. As long as it is what they want to do, there is nothing they can't do."

Hearing what Jess said, Piedrov finally nodded in approval. After he took a hard puff of the cigar, he shoved most of the rest on the trash can by the side of the road, and then said:

"Well, they didn't see us as friends, but we didn't see them as friends either."

"By the way, do you think our negotiation can be successful this time? From the news from Minsen, the technology we want has almost reached a strategic level."

"I always feel that to exchange this technology with them is as ridiculous as asking an ugly country for atomic bomb technology during World War II."

"It's really ridiculous, but I think they will agree - after all, what we have in our hands is no worse than the so-called 'atomic bomb'."

"I doubt that."

Piedrov shook his head and said.

"Of course you would suspect that you never used your brain to think about anything. I really don't know how you got your bachelor's degree. Did you threaten your mentor with a gun?"

Piedrov laughed and replied:

"You're half right."

"I did use a gun, but it wasn't a threat."

"What's the meaning?"

Jace's brows furrowed.

Pyderoff cleared his throat and said:

"Cough, the principal of my school at that time was a divorced and single lady..."

"Okay, you don't have to say it anymore, I'm not interested in listening."

Jace noticed Piedloff's eager look, and before he could continue, he stopped his showy behavior decisively.

The two stood in the hot air and waited for twenty minutes. When they were about to lose their patience, an ordinary-looking commercial car finally stopped in front of them. Jace carefully checked the license plate number. After that, he pulled Pyderoff and boarded the car, and someone was already waiting for them in the car.

This person is really Chen Hao, and sitting next to him is a senior intelligence officer from a certain department of the military.

After a brief introduction, Chen Hao said:

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Piedloff, Mr. Jess. How are you, are you frightened by the weather in Rongcheng?"

"Yes yes, help, lower the temperature of the air conditioner a little bit, I feel like I'm about to catch fire."

Piedrov said carelessly, but in an instant, he remembered Jace's warning just now, so he retracted the hand that had been stretched out, and sat upright on the back of the chair.

"No problem at all."

Chen Hao adjusted the air volume of the air conditioner with a smile. Piedrov on the opposite side was obviously relieved. After taking a sip of the water that Chen Hao handed over, he looked at Jess on the side, and the latter also understood it. nod.

"Mr. Chen Hao, it's not the first time I've met with you. You also know the purpose of our visit this time, so I thought, should we just go straight to the topic?"

"No problem - your style is very similar to ours, very pragmatic, which I appreciate."

"We can't be pragmatic... After all, there is not much time left for humans. Then I will say it bluntly, what we need is the neural electrical signal compilation algorithm in avs technology, and related database files."

"The content of this part will be used in the neural mapping project at Birmingham National Laboratory, and the purpose of this project is to simulate the activity of human neural network through computer, and finally reproduce the complete human mind one-to-one."

"Simply put, it's consciousness uploading."

"Where are you now?"

Chen Hao was not surprised by the concept he said. The latter was surprised that he could understand the technology in such a short period of time, but when he saw the headphones Chen Hao was wearing, Jess had a sudden realization.

Although there were only two people sitting in front of him, there were far more than two who really negotiated with him.

After mulling over his words for a moment, he answered:

"We have just achieved a breakthrough from zero to one, and neural mapping technology has proved to be feasible, but currently we have encountered a computing power bottleneck and need more powerful and sophisticated algorithms to support."

Chen Hao nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"What is your purpose? I mean, what are you trying to do with consciousness uploading?"

In fact, in the previous discussion, Chen Hao obtained speculations about the other party's purpose from Ye Zhou and a professional. The most mainstream one is that there may be some kind of hidden within the Hermes organization. They want to use consciousness uploading technology to store human consciousness into the computer system, so as to reduce the energy consumption demands of individual human beings and avoid the crisis of energy depletion caused by the invasion of adjacent dimensions.

But out of prudence, he still needs to get a clear answer from the other side's negotiator.

As he expected, the reason given by Jace was the same as the previous judgment. After listening, Chen Hao sighed slightly.

In fact, this so-called cooperation negotiation has ended here.

Huaxia must not allow any fleeing faction to exist, let alone cooperate with them.

Jace noticed Chen Hao's expression keenly, so he said bluntly:

"Mr. Chen Hao, and the real decision-maker, I know you don't agree with our route to solving the problem, but it doesn't matter, it's just a difference in direction, and our ultimate goals are the same."

"From our point of view, in a major crisis like this for humanity, we just need to explore some different directions, and consciousness uploading is one of them."

"You can think that we are wrong, and we will not force your approval, but you should listen to our quid pro quo."

"I think this quid pro quo may change your views."

"Even if we cannot be recognized, such conditions should be enough for us to achieve a positive result in this negotiation."

"What is it?"

Chen Hao asked calmly.

Jace cleared his throat and replied:

"You know, the military of the ugly country is about to apply the latest quantum encryption technology. Under this technology, the information deterrence you previously achieved with rsa decryption technology will be completely invalid."

"On the other hand, in terms of conventional military power, there is still a considerable gap between China and the Chou Kingdom. If such deterrence disappears, the Chou Country's military will enter a stage of retaliatory rebound expansion, which is extremely unfavorable to China."

"So, our condition is that we will help you achieve a new deterrence against the ugly country. The duration of this deterrence is about 18 months."

Chen Hao nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, we will disable all the nuclear weapons they have."

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