Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 508: Contradictory Enemies, Terrible Allies

"To disable all the nuclear bombs? What do you mean? Are you going to use massive neutron jamming, or hack into the doomsday system?"

Chen Hao didn't expect Jess to give such an unexpected answer. Although they had taken into account that the other party might use "extended deterrence" as a bargaining chip in their previous guesses, the means of realizing this mu of land were mostly limited to The field of sociology - this is also the field in which the Hermetic organization is best at.

Unexpectedly, they actually put forward such a condition far beyond the limit of their own imagination.

From the earphone, Chen Hao immediately learned the plans for the sight of the target, but in fact, those plans can only stay in theory. Take neutron interference as an example, the ultra-high-energy neutrino beam does indeed propagate in the process. It will interact with surrounding matter and produce a large number of hadrons. These high-energy hadrons can indeed make the atomic bomb explode or melt and fail. However, to accelerate the neutrino beam to a speed high enough to cause damage to the nuclear bomb, the energy required Also extremely terrifying.

It cannot be said that the other party has built a mobile large-scale particle accelerator, right?

With such technology, human beings are not far from hanging up and fighting neighboring dimension civilizations, and they are also engaged in a fart infighting.

As for invading the doomsday system, it sounds a little more reliable, but no matter which country, the doomsday system is physically isolated. There are multiple artificial checkpoints set up in it, and even the rsa decryption technology cannot break the system. Hermes How can an organization do this?

Unless, they can counteract the executives of more than 50% of the nodes in the system.

Again, if it can really be done, the Hermes organization would simply take over the Ugly State regime directly.

Seeing Chen Hao's unbelievable expression, Jess smiled and replied:

"We certainly wouldn't be planning an operation on the scale that you're talking about -- in fact, we don't have that much energy to plan it either."

"As I mentioned before, our intention is to extend deterrence for 18 months, so just make their nuclear counterattack system unavailable for those 18 months."

"There are more ways to get there, and the easiest one we can think of is to get them into a total overhaul."

"Overhaul of the bomb itself, of the doomsday system, of the personnel."

"How to do it?"

Chen Hao continued to ask.

"We will detonate a nuclear bomb, in the territory of the ugly country."

Jace replied calmly.

"Detonate a nuclear bomb? What are you kidding?! If you do, it's the beginning of the world's destruction!"

At this time, Chen Hao could no longer control his expression. He looked at Jace half in anger and half in amazement, questioning the other party's madness without hesitation.

It's an obvious thing, if a nuclear bomb does explode in Ugly, whether it's because of an accident, because of human manipulation, or because of a specific destructive action, they'll see it as a serious invasion of their own country, Then, a full-scale nuclear counterattack will start immediately.

At that time, the whole world will be dragged into hell.

Who will listen to your explanation?

Could it be that after the explosion of the nuclear bomb, the Ugly people would have the patience to sit down and listen to the members of your Hermes organization explaining, "Ah, this is just an accident", "It was a mistake in the operation of the personnel", "It is the imperfect system and the nuclear bomb." expired"?

Not to mention the delusion that they will enter a comprehensive overhaul stage because of this - people will not go to overhaul, they will only shoot out all the nuclear bombs in their hands, and use saturation attacks to verify the reliability of these destructive weapons. sex.

Seeing Chen Hao's expression, Jace suddenly laughed.

"Mr. Chen Hao, relax... We're not as stupid as we look."

"----At least, we're not stupid enough to actually detonate a mass-destructive nuclear weapon."

"What I said about detonation should actually be called an explosion. You know, the detonation of a nuclear bomb requires extremely severe conditions. If the position of the detonating charge has an extremely small deviation, then the nuclear bomb cannot be detonated--- -At most, it's just an explosion of explosives on the periphery."

"Even with current sealing technology, if we can control the yield of the explosion, even a nuclear leak will not happen."

"In this case, for the Ugly Nation's military, this is just a small, insignificant accident - but the more insignificant it is, the more they should pay attention to it."

"The more peacetime, the less they can afford the nuances of critical weapons, right?"

Chen Hao nodded silently, and now he clearly realized that the Hermes organization is indeed more than just crazy.

In fact, what they uphold is a kind of... madness ruled by absolute rationality.

If you use a more vivid way to give an example, they are probably like a group of warriors with superb swordsmanship. In order to achieve maximum lethality, they directly took off their heavy armor on the battlefield.

In the eyes of anyone, exposing themselves to the rain of arrows is an unwise act, but they are just able to walk on the edge of life and death, relying on the most extreme operations, with flexibility and mobility and far beyond the battlefield The average level of speed, to achieve the purpose of maximum killing.

It can be called an art.

----However, even so, their proposed scheme still has loopholes.

The first is how to detonate the key nuclear bomb with a suitable opportunity, and the second is how to make that key "accident" not be regarded as an "accident".

Thinking of this, Chen Hao asked:

"What are your specific plans?"

"It's very simple. According to the intelligence, in the next month, the military of the ugly country will carry out routine maintenance and inspection of nuclear weapons in stockpiles."

"At that time, many nuclear weapons that cannot see the sun will be pulled out to bask in the sun, and what we have to do is to let them have accidents in the process of basking in the sun."

"It would be great if it could kill -- no, wound a senior officer or two by the way."

Chen Hao keenly caught the key point in Jace's words, his brows instantly wrinkled, and then suddenly unfolded.

"So, how many nuclear bombs have you prepared?"

Jace reached out and made an "ok" gesture and replied:

"Three. If it exceeds this number, then to be honest, there is nothing we can do."


Chen Hao thought to himself.

No matter which country it is, if its own nuclear weapons have problems three times in a row, a large-scale overhaul will become an inevitable choice-even if such an action will force it to reduce the intensity of its military operations.

18 months, which is Jess' estimated time to complete the overhaul.

From an individual's point of view, this is a relatively long period of time, but for a country, this period of time is precisely stuck on the standard line of decision-making.

Losing 18 months seems like a big loss, but... just enough to hold up.

This is the plan of the Hermes organization, crazy, cold-blooded, but extremely precise, revealing an almost elegant calm.

And this plan is obviously not a whim. Most likely, from the moment this organization was born, the head of this organization, Bruce Conn, has been planning this action.

This is an almost enchanting vision, but unfortunately, he did not really choose the same route as Huaxia.

Arrogance and humility, madness and prudence, these contradictory qualities are concentrated in the same person.

Pride made him ignore the real power from the people, humility made him willing to cooperate with Huaxia; madness made him plan and implement many crazy actions, and prudence made them all successful.

This is a formidable ally and a venerable foe.

Chen Hao sighed deeply and finally said:

"We can't make a decision right now."

Jace nodded and replied:

"Yes, of course, I can understand. We all need to give each other a little time..."


At this moment, Ye Zhou was sitting in his office, monitoring all the details of the conversation between Chen Hao and Jess.

He was also shocked by Hermes' crazy plan, but in addition to the shock, he had an indescribable, almost arrogant disdain.

In three months, the Golden Crow will make its first flight to the sky.

Do we really need such intrigue by then?

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