Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 511 The Real Boundary

(I just finished the plane today, I am too tired, I will add a chapter first)

"All? Yaoyao, make it clear, what is all?"

Chen Li looked at Yaoyao's face in shock, and the expression on her face made everyone feel a little strange at this moment - that's not what a child who is over 8 years old and not yet 9 years old should be under any circumstances. The expression shown.

The face is obviously immature, but it reveals a strong indifference like an old man who has read thousands of sails.

Two extremely contradictory elements come together in her body, presenting a strange but shocking beauty.

Hearing Chen Li's question, Yaoyao was silent for a moment, and then replied;

"That's all... Chen Uncle, I know what this experiment is about."

"Just like my mobile phone, its memory card is not enough, so you want to add a new memory card to my mobile phone - or a hard disk on a computer."

She accurately stated the purpose of the experiment, and the expressions of everyone in the project team became more complicated after hearing her words.

"...what else do you know?"

Chen Li was really afraid that she would say a sentence similar to "I know everything", because he knew better than anyone that if Yaoyao really obtained and processed all the information they had pre-stored, he would treat her to her. It wouldn't be a good thing.

Because information is just information, but the process of information processing is affected by thinking logic, way of thinking, and even subjective cognition.

The information gap can be made up through bci transmission technology, but thinking is the result of long-term training, and Yaoyao is still too young, and the thinking training she has undergone is extremely limited. Combined, information is likely to lead to wrong conclusions.

For example, Chen Hao had been exposed to a very typical case before. At that time, he was still taking neurology-related courses. The teacher took them to a mental hospital and met a mental patient who believed that he was a mushroom.

This is not a bad joke. In fact, the patient demonstrated the homologous relationship between humans and mushrooms through extremely rigorous logic, and cited a lot of arguments to explain to everyone who asked him that he did not think he was now Mushrooms, but tens of thousands of years ago, their ancestors may have been a mushroom.

Therefore, he believes that he can't turn his back on his ancestors, and even if he can't make himself and his ancestors become mushrooms again, he should demand himself by the standard of "mushrooms" in daily life.

For example, try to live in groups as much as possible, use smells and pheromones as communication methods, and must not appear on the dining table related to mushrooms and fungi.

This kind of cognition developed more and more extreme, and finally one day, his family couldn't bear it and sent him to a mental hospital.

In addition, the so-called flat-earth theory, quantum speed reading, and perpetual motion machines are also the same kind of cognitive bias problems, and the main cause of such biases is the result of limited and correct information being combined with wrong logic.

Seeing Chen Li's nervous expression, Yaoyao was obviously stunned for a moment, and then replied:

"It's nothing special...I can see a lot of information, but that information also seems to have boundaries, there are things I want to continue to understand, and I can't find results."

Chen Li breathed a long sigh of relief, and it seemed that his caution was indeed necessary.

In this test, he did not let Yaoyao directly access the Internet through the bci transmission system as originally planned, but manually screened some factual information points and pre-existed them in the bci system.

That is to say, the information that Yaoyao can call is actually only that in the hard disk of the bci system.

The total amount of data will not exceed 400mb.

Thinking of this, Chen Li smiled a little self-deprecatingly----he still has a certain fear of this technology in his subconscious, which also led him to overestimate the impact of technology to some extent.

Yes, information is just information. The essence of this technology is just a kind of "storage and query". It is not much different from manually searching for information on the Internet. It just skips a series of indirect processes and increases the speed. Just go up.

"That's good... Yaoyao, what you said is too scary. Well, sister Chu Ya wants to ask you some other questions, you answer her questions, we will collect the results, today's test It's over."

Yaoyao in the chair nodded calmly. At this time, probably because her attention was attracted by Chen Hao, the amount of data transmitted in the neural pathways in the bci transmission system was reduced. The inconsistency has also faded a little.

This 400mb knowledge covers a wide range, including history, literature, mathematics, physics, etc. Chu Ya asked typical questions one by one, and Yaoyao also gave the answers smoothly.

Everything went as they expected -- or rather, a little smoother, but not beyond understandable.

Yaoyao's words were like an insignificant episode. Although it caused some waves, it did not have much impact on the overall situation.

After more than half an hour, Chu Ya had already asked all the questions on the list, and then she immediately checked some relatively vague information that had not been marked, and the answers were equally satisfactory.

"Great, Yaoyao. Well, that's it for today's experiment. Come, I'll help you take off the equipment, and you can go back to rest later."

While talking, Chen Li motioned for Zhu Xuan to disconnect the device, but just as the latter was typing on the keyboard and sitting in the final information collection and preparation, ready to disconnect safely, Yaoyao suddenly asked:

"Chen Uncle, can I ask a few questions first?"

Chen Li was stunned for a while, then replied with a smile:

"Of course, Yaoyao, what do you want to ask?"

Yaoyao hesitated for a moment, then said:

"I would like to ask.... Is the reason for the decline of the Ming Dynasty caused by excessive silver mining in the Western world, fundamentally, was it because of the insufficient transportation capacity of the Ming Dynasty at that time?"

"Ming Dynasty... This problem is not that simple, it has to be analyzed from various aspects of the society at that time. As you think, the lack of transportation capacity has indeed led to the accumulation of excess silver in coastal areas, exacerbating the uneven distribution of resources. and local price increases, and finally through a series of transmissions, the consequences of land mergers have finally occurred.”

"If the Western silver mining is linked to the fact that the Ming Dynasty declined, it is probably the logic."

Chen Li himself is a very curious person, and he has been exposed to a lot of knowledge in different disciplines. He can also explain a few words about this question raised by Yaoyao based on his own experience.

However, being able to ask such a question proves that Yaoyao not only saw the knowledge through the bci system, but also had some thoughts of her own in the process, which is a good sign.

After all, it is useless to have a hard disk with a huge capacity. For a computer system to function, its central processing unit is also very important.

Chen Li was about to praise Yaoyao, but suddenly noticed Chu Ya's expression.

The information revealed in that expression is not praise.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Li asked suspiciously.

Chu Ya shook her head slightly and replied hesitantly:

"There is no such information as you discussed in the database we randomly grabbed."

"No? What do you mean?"

Chu Ya gave Zhu Xuan a look, the latter opened the database file directly in the system, and then entered the keyword "Silver" to search, but only a few results appeared in front of them.

There is only one result that occurred during the Ming Dynasty in China.

Moreover, it was not mentioned in the exposition of the history of the Ming Dynasty, but in the history of Western industrial development.

The focus of this article is the Portos Silver Mine in Peru. After reading the whole article, Chen Li took a deep breath.

In this article, the Ming Dynasty is not mentioned in the whole text.

However, Yaoyao is very sure to link the two together----even directly formed an "axiomatic" conclusion in her mind!

Chen Li took a breath, then looked at Yaoyao with some doubts and asked:

"Yaoyao, do you have any other questions?"

"Yes, I still have a lot of questions."

"For example, if dark matter cannot be detected, how do we know it exists? For example, why does time have a direction, why is entropy irreversible? For example, the literary schools of various countries are related to social development, why is the 19th century The symbolist literature of no clear source..."

Listening to Yaoyao's incessant words, Chen Li's mouth opened wider and wider, and then, at a certain moment, he suddenly understood all this.

Yes, what Yaoyao said "she knows everything" is not wrong.

What she learned from the bci system was not just the knowledge and information themselves, but the connections between them.

The connection between things is the foundation of all scientific research.

Now, the information contained in the database they use is still extremely limited and crude, but as an experimenter, Yaoyao has been able to further deduce new conclusions from this limited information. If one day, she will really intervene in consciousness. What about the internet?

Under the influx of massive information, is there a possibility that she, or human beings, will become an "omniscient" in a certain sense?

----No, this idea is too advanced, and the amount of information required should also exceed the limit of the processing capacity of the human brain.

But if she thinks differently and only considers a very small field, then she can definitely exhaust all possible connections in this limited field at an extremely fast speed!

To verify this, in fact, only a small question is required.

A question that is not mentioned in the database, but can be reasoned with the answer through information fusion.

Chen Li slowly exhaled, and then asked:

"Yaoyao, you know that according to the current physics theory, the motion of objects cannot exceed the speed of light."

"So, suppose there is a train running at 0.8 times the speed of light, and a bullet with a speed of 0.3 times the speed of light is fired in the same direction on this train. Then, what should the speed of this bullet be?"

The opposite Yaoyao frowned and thought for a few seconds, then replied:

"If that's the case...according to the theory of relativity, when approaching the speed of light, the way the velocities of objects stack up should be different."

"That said, there should be a new way to calculate velocity... Uncle Chen, I don't know what that is."

"But I think, if that's the case, there must be some kind of energy being offset."

"Does that mean that there are things in our world that are the opposite of what we see?"

Chen Li turned his head to Chu Ya and Zhu Xuan, his eyes were extremely solemn.

In fact, when he asked this question, there was only one answer he wanted, that is, when approaching the speed of light, the formula for calculating the speed was different from that at low speed.

This point, Yaoyao answered almost without thinking.

Then, she even further proposed a fact, but Chen Li did not expect a concept she could come up with.


Antimatter is an important factor in the Dirac equation used to explain the theorem of "the speed of light cannot be surpassed" in the special theory of relativity.

Obviously, Yaoyao didn't know how this process was realized - her mathematical foundation could not support her to complete this part of the operation, but she did "see" the hidden connection.

And such a possibility is probably the real boundary of bci transmission technology.

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