Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Twelve Superhumans And Enlargement Experiments

Chen Li's BCI transmission project experiment has been carried out for two full months, and in these two months, they have made progress far beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Ye Zhou didn't expect that the little girl named Yang Yiyao would accept this technology to such a level.

There is no rejection, no psychological or neurological variation. Judging from the results of multiple systematic psychological assessments, the "knowledge" brought by technology has indeed brought changes to her cognitive system. But in general, she still maintains a very high stability at the "spiritual" level.

That is to say, her "three views" were not greatly affected.

This is a major achievement. What Ye Zhou was most worried about before was that after the huge influx of data, the impact of the new system directly led to the collapse of the experimenter's old cognitive system, which in turn led to a series of mental illnesses.

Taking a step back, even if mental illness is avoided under human intervention, it can be said that the process of information reshaping almost starts from scratch, and it is very likely that people will change their temperament.

But obviously, the situation that Ye Zhou was worried about did not happen to Yang Yiyao.

She's a quintessential "perfect experimenter", the only problem is that she's so perfect.

The project team that was perfect to Chen Li could hardly obtain any meaningful and relatively negative risk items from her experimental experience. This is of course good for Yang Yiyao, but for the project team, it is not too much. wonderful.

In the testing of any application-type product, the "no problem" in the laboratory stage is often a major problem in the subsequent application stage.

It is also for this reason that the bci project team submitted an application to the General Technical Office to expand the scope of the experimental object, and after the application was submitted to Ye Zhou's desk, he approved it without hesitation.

Defect experiments are extremely necessary. If Yang Yiyao verifies the feasibility of the technology, then the later experimenters must eliminate all the traps in this feasible technology one by one.

After putting down the report, Ye Zhou turned to Chen Hao, who was sitting beside him, and asked:

"How about it, after the news was made public, did the outside world have any reaction?"

Chen Hao nodded, but did not answer directly, but asked amusingly:

"Why don't you read the news yourself? I remember you used to read the comments of netizens. Why, you lost interest in new information? Would you like to arrange an experiment for you too?"

Ye Zhou glared at Chen Hao speechlessly, and he almost couldn't help but tell the other party that he had had such an experience many times.

Whether it is the instillation of scientific and technological achievements or the input of memory streams in the simulator, they are actually derivatives of bci technology.

This also makes Ye Zhou more curious about the "simulator bracelet" he owns - since Huaxia's technology can already transmit information from machines to people, then, continue to move forward If it develops, the efficiency and stability of transmission will be further expanded. Does that mean that the manufacturer of this bracelet is likely to be the Huaxia people themselves?

In the past few days, he often couldn't help thinking about this question, but in the end he didn't have a clear answer.

However, for China now, this so-called "answer" is not so important.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and replied:

"I just don't have time to watch it, it doesn't mean I don't care... don't talk nonsense, just say it!"

Chen Hao shook his head helplessly and replied:

"The sensation caused by the bci direct transmission technology is very big. How to say it... Now there is a saying, that is, the world's first 'superhuman' is about to be born."

"Superhuman? Say Yaoyao?"

Ye Zhou asked in surprise.

Seeing Chen Hao on the opposite side nodding, he continued with a little amusing:

"Isn't it? The effect of bci transmission technology is indeed beyond expectations, but it is not as exaggerated as 'Superman'."

"Public opinion is naturally amplified. Although we only sent a message that 'information is directly transmitted to the human brain through the computer', they see or think of more than that."

"Like this: 'The era of exam review is over, plug in the charging port, and learn all about college in 10 seconds'."

"And this: 'The problem of unbalanced education is completely over? Breaking the educational monopoly, the Chinese people's method is unheard of'."

"This is still relatively normal, and there is this: the arrival of 'super body', human beings are expected to break through the limits of the brain."

Chen Hao pushed the pad in his hand to Ye Zhou, after the latter glanced at it, he said dumbfoundedly:

"Isn't this a pure shocking title? What is the limit of the brain, and the pseudo-scientific marketing account has also come out to gain popularity?"

"It's not just this kind of unprofessional marketing account that is gaining popularity. The bci team of the Ugly Birmingham National Laboratory also spoke up - didn't they apply for our algorithm and database last time?"

"After the news came out, they rarely gave all-round positive comments."

"What did you say?"

Ye Zhou asked subconsciously.

He typed the words "National Laboratory" into the search box, and the first item that popped up was the other party's review article.

"The bci direct transmission technology created by the BCI team of Huaxia University has been verified and has achieved shocking and exciting results. Several talented researchers successfully used this technology to allow a girl to obtain more than 400mb of various unfamiliar data from the database. information."

"And it has been confirmed that this information is not simply available for query, but can interact with the existing memory in the human brain, that is to say, humans can not only obtain information through the bci direct transmission technology, but also use the data system to obtain information. think."

"This is a great scientific breakthrough and will occupy an important position in the future history of science. Huaxia researchers have opened the door to the future for mankind through their efforts."

"It's worth noting that members of the project team communicated with us during the research phase—however, due to data-sharing constraints, such communication was too helpful."

"We deeply regret this, and sincerely hope that we can provide more help in the follow-up work and participate in this great cause."

"In addition, other directions related to bci technology are also being explored."

"While we extend our warmest congratulations to these distinguished researchers, we also call for broader collaboration in this field to drive the rapid development and iterative application of this technology."

After reading the full text of the report, Ye Zhou deeply felt the smell of dog licking, but he also understood that the reason why the other party was willing to lick was because Hua Xia had what they needed.

If it weren't for the fact that they were also working on similar projects, and if it wasn't for the difficulties they encountered that they couldn't solve, the comments sent out would be another story.

But having said that, this official statement hit a lot of Ergouzi in the face----he also saw many yellow-skinned and white-hearted rebels still slandering bci technology, saying that this technology wiped out people nature, making people no longer human.

It is also said that the Western world will never allow such technology to exist, because they focus on inner peace and progress from the inside out.

However, just a few hours after those comments were posted, Birmingham National Laboratory's comments were swiped on the major forums. For a time, all the so-called "opinion leaders" who had not had time to speak were a bit lucky:

Fortunately, your hands are slow, otherwise this face will be swollen.

It seems that trying to figure out the holy will is not an easy thing to do. The ghost knows what the attitude of his master is.

After putting down the pad, Ye Zhou shook his head and said:

"They are very comfortable licking, but the purpose is too strong, not soft enough, and a little less emotional."

"We haven't given a definite answer yet on Jace's side, should we just let them give up this time?"

After Ye Zhou made the decision of not cooperating last time, the superiors have already passed the decision, but at the same time, they intend to take a more secure way to reject the other party, for example, dragging.

Just like what they did with Huaxia before in the field of technical cooperation.

The main purpose of this is to further evaluate the chips exchanged between the two parties, and it can also induce the other party to further increase their chips.

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"We will not interfere with this, let the superiors decide. However, the superiors have approved them to participate in the next experiment - they want to see the authenticity of the technology with their own eyes."

"Just look at it."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, anyway, the core secrets of bci transmission technology are all in the computer, they can't see anything useful with the naked eye.

"However, Yaoyao's experiment is over, right? Who will be the subject of the next experiment?"

"You can't the mountains."

"In the mountains?? Why?"

"There are two main considerations. On the one hand, it is the requirements of technical indicators. On the other hand... You watched the news just now, and you should be able to feel where the problem is."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou suddenly realized.

For this technology, one of the typical doubts is whether the "sinking" of the technology can be successfully implemented, that is, people are worried that such advanced technology will be preferentially used by vested interests.

If the rich rely on such technology to prioritize and consolidate their position, then this technology will not only bring about the optimal allocation of resources, but a stronger class barrier.

And letting the next experiment take place in the mountains is the attitude given by Huaxia officials.

No matter what way to ensure this basic principle in the future, at least let the people see their decision and let them know that no one will be abandoned.

"Understood.... So what's the experimental procedure? Find a mountain child first?"

Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"No, they go straight over."

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