Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Thirteen Hermes' Questioning

At the same time, in a five-star hotel room in Rongcheng, Jess and Piedrov were sitting opposite each other, discussing the recent intelligence about bci transmission technology.

"So, according to the feedback from the laboratory, these Chinese people have really achieved the leapfrog development of human-computer information interaction? Does it mean that I don't need to learn languages ​​in the future? Just hang up the brain and listen to it. Do you understand everyone talking?"

"...Theoretically speaking, you don't need to learn languages ​​now. Isn't ai intelligent translation already available? When we went to see the giant panda yesterday, didn't they send it back to us?"

Jess glanced at Piedrov with a funny look. During the time they stayed in Rongcheng, the two of them made a lot of jokes because of the language barrier. He thought it was innocuous, but Piedrov was always worried.

"That's different. After all, machine translation is still relatively slow, and direct transmission and feedback through nerves is much faster -- I also consider communication efficiency."

"If it is said that, directly connecting the brains of two people will be the fastest way of communication in the future - not only that, the way of falling in love is expected to change in the future."

Speaking of this, Jace's expression suddenly became ambiguous. After a few seconds of pause, he suddenly said:

"Hey, have you ever heard such a statement, that is, the brain is actually the biggest xqg... All your pleasant reactions actually come from the brain."

"Does that mean that one day in the future, if we want something, we won't need it, just connect the brain to the computer..."

"No! no!"

Piedloff looked at Jace in horror, then continued:

"You know, I'm a very traditional person, and I'm still sticking to the traditional method when it comes to this sort of thing!"

"...Well, but, it's a boon for some patients -- but I don't need it. Do you?"

"Of course I don't! What are you kidding!"

"There will always be someone who needs it----but don't worry, the current bci technology is mainly improving the memory function area, and the neural network responsible for imagination has not been significantly improved, and the basic functions and social structure of human beings will not be shaken. of."

"That's fine, that's fine..."

Pyderoff breathed a deep sigh of relief. The future that Jace had just described was too terrifying for him.

After a pause, he continued to ask:

"By the way, it seems that our purpose here is to get their algorithm and database? It's been two months now, but we haven't gotten anything, and the other party has not given us a clear answer."

"I feel that in the past two months, the only thing we got was a pile of fat meat. There are so many delicacies in Rongcheng. No wonder the Chinese people say that this is one of the most suitable cities for retirement."

Hearing Pyderoff's words, Jace nodded slightly and replied:

"Yes, this is also something I've been thinking about recently. The other party never agrees with the path we chose to upload consciousness, so it's really not an easy task to convince them to share the core technology."

"Why are they so against awareness uploads?"

Piedrov asked curiously.

Jace sighed deeply, smothered half of the cigarette in his hand, and then said with emotion:

"Actually, I have many versions of the answer to your question. For example, it is caused by cultural attributes, for example, it is caused by their collectivized social structure, for example, it is determined by their ideology and economic basis. …”

"All these answers can reasonably explain why they chose the bci transmission technology, why they chose the Tongtianhe project, and why they chose to build the so-called 'Beacon Fire', but these answers are a bit too complicated."

"Simply put, the answer is only one sentence."

"They want to save everyone."

"Everyone? What do you mean?"

"Literally everyone. You see, in a country like ours, if a major disaster is expected, then the official first reaction is to weigh the pros and cons and find a way to keep the most valuable group of people and achieve benefits. maximize the results."

"As for the others, they can all be given up."

"What about them? They're different. They treat you the same whether you're poor or rich, whether you're a high-ranking person or an ordinary citizen, whether you're an old man or a child, whether you're a man or a woman."

"Even if you're going to die from cancer tomorrow, they have to save you first - it's okay to die from cancer, but you can't die from an adjacent dimension invasion."

"It's ironic, isn't it?"

Piedrov nodded and replied:

"It's ironic. To save these people who didn't need to save, they paid for their resources in vain, but got nothing in return. In their words, this is just the so-called 'face project'."

Jace glared at him with hateful eyes, and then scolded:

"That's not what I meant by sarcasm, you idiot!"

"What I'm saying is that we claim to be a democratic country, claiming to respect the independence of every individual and protect the rights of every individual, but we have not hesitated to give up these individuals in the face of life and death."

"And they, a collectivist country, obviously all actions should be based on the maximization of collective interests, but they protect the lives and rights of all people regardless of the cost. Isn't this ironic?"

"You idiot, it's not them who are being ridiculed, it's us!"

Piedrov spread his hands and replied:

"Okay okay, I don't actually think that much... You know, I've never liked to think that much."

"But you may be right. Most of the politicians in the Western world are hypocritical selfish people. That's what Hermes is for, isn't it?"


Seeing Pyderoff's innocent expression, Jace sighed deeply, then continued:

"But we still haven't gotten rid of the influence of the so-called 'Western world' on us in essence, maybe we should attract some Chinese people in, which is a good impact for us - but they should not agree ."

"Wait, it's a bit too far. In short, they want to save everyone, so they will never allow some elites to survive through consciousness uploading, because what consciousness uploading represents is actually the tendency to escape."

"Are there runaways among us?"

Piedrov asked suspiciously.

"Isn't it the Ark? No, you want to tell me that before you joined Ark, you didn't even understand the basic concept of Ark?"

"...I joined with you."

Hearing this, Jace felt like he was going to be killed by this simple-minded furry bear. He lit a cigarette again and took a few puffs before finally recovering.

"...It doesn't matter. Anyway, according to the instructions above, we will find a way to cause some resistance to them."

"The development of bci transmission technology is immature, and human beings have not yet fully understood its role."

"Take advantage of this opportunity, we have to find a way to distract some of their attention, let them realize that bci direct transmission is not the only direction, so as to persuade them to allocate some resources to us."

"You're going to blow up their lab? That's why you're going to participate in their next experiment??"

Hearing this, Piedrov's expression became tense. Although he has always been a person who will do anything to achieve his goals, from the observations in recent years, he still has a good impression of the Chinese people, and he wants to do something to these people. , he naturally hesitated.

"...Of course not! Do I look like that stupid and bad guy?"

"Participating in the experiment is just to further confirm the results of this technology, of course, also to satisfy my own curiosity, but it is completely different from what we are going to do!"

"Didn't I say it? What we have to do is not to destroy the development of bci direct transmission technology----nor slow it down, this is a technology that affects all of us in the future!"

"What we have to do is to let them see the limitations of bci technology in advance, and strive for more opportunities for human beings - don't confuse us with those stupid politicians, our starting point is different."

"You read the report sent by the laboratory. It is very clear that this technology changes the stock of individual knowledge, not the individual's thinking ability."

"That is to say, the creative work is actually still done by the human brain."

"Although experiments have shown that BCI technology can speed up the association between various knowledge to a certain extent, it does not mean that humans can create new speculations and associations according to this system."

"So, this is probably the limitation of bci technology - we have to find a way to verify this limitation."

"Once that limitation is proven, then they have to reconsider the resources that should be invested in the technology."

After listening to Jace's words, Pyderoff nodded in understanding, and then asked:

"How to do?"

"...You really can't be of any help at all. Forget it, I'll get in touch myself, and you'll be fine."


A few days later, under the control of the Hermes organization, a new view began to ferment in public opinion.

The bci transmission technology can not really improve the talent of human beings, and the problems that human beings are facing now actually require geniuses to solve.

Where is the way to break through adjacent dimensions? What is the principle of the pump theory? How should quantum ghosts be created?

All these questions related to the survival of mankind have not yet been answered, even under the existing knowledge system, there is not even a single direction.

To find this direction, what mankind needs is not the integration and inheritance of the old knowledge system, but the exploration of new knowledge.

Exploring new knowledge requires strong thinking ability.

Obviously, bci transmission technology can't do this, so its importance may not be as strong as initially thought.

Of course, there are many voices refuting this theory, and Hermes obviously expected such a refutation, so they proposed a very traditional, but also very interesting verification scheme:


A competition to explore new areas of knowledge.

Can an ordinary person who uses bci direct transmission technology defeat those gifted geniuses in competitions covering literature, art, mathematics, logic, etc.?

The Hermes organization set up this arena through their spokespersons, and Huaxia—no, it is China's bci team, it is necessary to capture this arena.

Because they need to prove themselves to the masters of resources and to the people.

This is an entirely new field of technology, and who would want to fully support your development without first proving itself useful?

Even the most "suiren" endorsed technology, even the most determined and confident official, needs a little evidence.

So, after communicating with Ye Zhou, Chen Li's bci team started running at full speed. In a very short period of time in the future, they will enter a full-load working state, and this kind of work is just to prove a things:

The bci transmission technology, its real purpose, is not at all what the Hermes organization lock thinks.

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