Simulation: Great Power Technology

The Five Hundred And Fourteenth Chapter Of The Out-Of-School Ran La Azi

Western Sichuan and Shu, Liangshan.

This is the largest gathering area of ​​the Yi people in the country, and it was once one of the contiguous areas of deep poverty.

The traffic is blocked here, and it is like an isolated island. Looking around, all you can see is an endless mountain, but it is difficult to see a road that is easy to pass.

Even though the government has invested a huge amount of resources in this area, objectively speaking, these resources are like dripping into the sea in the face of numerous problems. Maybe it has brought some changes in basic life, but it is specific to those details. When it is divided into the field, it seems to be incompetent.

Among them, education is one of the most complex and difficult to solve problems.

It is like a hard and stubborn tumor, deeply rooted in the flesh and blood of this mountain, blocking blood vessels and hindering the operation of other bodily functions.

If this problem cannot be solved, no matter how much resources are invested in this body, it cannot change the end of its decay from the inside out.

Everyone knows the importance of education in this region, but how to solve it?

Nobody knows.

Building schools, hiring teachers, buying textbooks in large quantities... Almost all of these conventional methods have been tried, but they have hardly achieved any commendable results.

The reason is simple, it is a matter of cultural roots.

When people in a place generally think that it is difficult to change their fate through reading, or think that the cost-effectiveness of reading is lower than other activities, they want to make them continue to bet on education and reading. It was extremely difficult.

To change such a cultural foundation, there is only one way, and that is to make the educational undertakings here achieve wide-ranging results, which cannot be limited to TV or official propaganda, but to let people here see with their own eyes. Here, hear it with your own ears.

The story of a faraway, never-before-seen college entrance examination champion who finally entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became a pillar of the country. He was admitted to an undergraduate degree with his neighbors. After graduation, he found a decent job in the city with an annual salary of 200,000 yuan. The impact of the two on the local cultural foundation is completely different.

Only the latter can truly change the status quo of local neglect of education.

The problem is, to achieve the latter effect, the necessary condition is that the level of education can keep up.

Therefore, this forms a contradictory cycle: in order to improve the level of education, the cultural foundation must first be changed, and in order to change the cultural foundation, the education level must be improved.

There is no way to break this cycle, and that is to rely on some form of coercive force to lock up school-age students who are unwilling to study, or whose family conditions do not allow them to continue their higher education, and use a common atmosphere and goals to constrain them. They, eliminate all noise from family and society.

However, the cost of doing so is too high.

How many resources does the country have to squander? How much administrative power can go to overdraft?

Not every principal is named Zhang Guimei, and not every school can survive like Huaping Girls High School.

At this moment, 16-year-old Jean-La-Ville was faced with a problem she never imagined: the high school she was in went bankrupt.

That's right, high schools outside the nine-year compulsory education will also go bankrupt -- especially a purely non-profit high school like Weijiluo Township Private High School that is completely non-profit and does not charge any tuition fees and miscellaneous fees. When a rupture occurs, bankruptcy becomes the inevitable result.

Of course, for a school, closing does not mean closing the school, but switching from free to fee-based, but for the vast majority of students, the change is a disaster.

A Zi walked silently on the mountain road home, carrying her luggage behind her back, her eyes blank.

The family didn't know the news of the school's closure, and even she only learned about it last night, and this afternoon, most of the students began to leave the school one after another.

Although the leaders of the school promised to find other suitable schools willing to accept them, and although they promised that the students could still stay in the dormitory until the school was found, everyone knew that this was only a vain hope.

The core of the problem was never the attitude of the school, but the attitude of the family.

In the whole Weizhiluo Township, and even the entire Butuo County, where can you find a second school that is free of tuition and accommodation fees, and has room to accommodate hundreds of students?

Probably the final result can only be that after a few months of delay, some students who are close to the college entrance examination will be sent to other public high schools, and they will spend the last bit of money to let them pass the college entrance examination.

And sophomores like myself can only find their own way.

To a large extent, finding a way out on your own means that there is no way out.

Because of her family, it's impossible to be willing to waste thousands of dollars in extra spending on a girl like her - what if she goes to high school? What if you go to university?

Not to be married yet.

Of course, she also heard that in some places, the dowry for marriage, especially for female college students, can be very high. She used this reason to convince her father at the time, but the problem was that the benefits were too far. Not even sure if it will happen or not.

Not to mention his own father, the day after a poverty alleviation team sent the lamb down, he would directly kill the man who made the soup.

Thinking of this, A Zi let out a long sigh.

The backpack behind her was not heavy, but it made her a little breathless.

What was inside was a thin quilt, two sets of clothes, and a toothbrush.

For two full years, she lived a life like an ascetic in school. She thought that with her own efforts, she could go to university and walk out of this mountain to see the bigger world--- - If possible, try to change the place where she was born.

But now, the force majeure beyond her control has destroyed her ideals, and the roads that were originally paved have all collapsed overnight.

The road went farther and farther, and Azi had left the main road of Weiziluo Township and started to set foot on the small road back to the village. Before she got home, she had to climb over four mountains, cross two rivers, and then climb up again. A section of hundreds of meters high ladder can really reach the place called "home".

This section of the road, she walked for a full six hours, and when she opened the door, what she saw was not the warm lights and hot meals that she expected, but a drunken man lying on the ground. The father and the mother, who was bruised at the corners of her eyes, was quietly picking up the broken tableware.


A Zi's heart throbbed suddenly, she dropped her backpack, walked up to her mother, and asked anxiously:

"He hit you again?"

Mother nodded, but said nothing.

"Why hit you again? What's the matter?"

Looking at A Zi's dusty face, her mother sighed and replied:

"Someone came to sell that thing... He bought it with his family's money, and it turned out to be fake. Hit me with rage."

Hearing this, A Zi's face showed a bit of anger. She fully understood what "that thing" her mother was talking about. A few years ago, those drugs that flowed in from abroad spread almost all over the Liangshan area, and she herself His father was one of the victims.

In other words, a self-deprecating person.

However, under the crackdown that lasted for many years, drugs have almost disappeared in this place, and the father who could not buy drugs turned to alcoholism. After getting drunk, he would use various reasons to abuse himself and his mother-- -- and that's one of the reasons why she can't wait to get out of this place.

"Where's the money? He took all the money from the family? Is there any more?"

"No, not a single point. I originally left some for you to bring to school next month. He couldn't stand his fight, so I asked him to use it to buy wine."

Having said that, two lines of tears finally flowed from her mother's indifferent eyes. A Zi clenched her fist tightly, her nails almost digging into her flesh.

She couldn't help but look at the kitchen knife that fell on the ground, and crazy thoughts kept surging in her heart.

Maybe as long as you pick up the knife by yourself, maybe as long as you swing it easily, at least the pain of mother can be over, right?

She took two steps forward, held the kitchen knife in her hand, and after standing silently for a long time, finally put the knife back on the cutting board beside the pot.

Emotionally or intellectually, she couldn't take that step.

Azi and her mother silently cleaned up the mess on the floor, until it was getting late, the two men repaired the last stool, sat outside the house, and closed the door tightly, as if they wanted to keep those painful memories in the door.

"It's not Saturday, why are you back?"

Mother took A Zi's hand and asked softly.

Azi didn't know how to answer this question. She wanted to panic, saying that everything was fine at school, but it was a holiday, and she would go back in two days.

At that time, the big deal will go out to work like other people, and the money earned can also support the family.

But in her heart, she was really not reconciled to such a result.

It is obvious that he can study, and his grades are clearly enough to be admitted to two universities that, even if not so good, are enough to change his fate.

"...The school is out of money. The accommodation fee will be charged next month. I didn't go to school."

Azi originally thought that her mother would be shocked by this answer, but in fact, the latter just nodded slightly.

"If you can't get in, you can't. You're 16. Go out to work. It's okay to go out, as long as you're not here, you can go anywhere."

A Zi was stunned for a moment, wanting to say something, but in the end she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

In fact, my mother, like my father, could not understand the meaning of the so-called "reading" and "going to school".

It's a future they can't see.

"I see."

A Zi sighed, then forced a smile and said:

"Grandma, it's okay to work part-time. I'll keep it for you if I earn money. I'll take you out when I've saved enough money. Don't go through with him—you divorce him."

"If you can't leave, how can you get a divorce? It will be like this in this life. You can look after it in the future. It doesn't matter if you read less, but you must find a good man."

Azi smiled helplessly, but did not answer.

The most important thing in her mother's eyes, in her view, is actually just a bondage.

However, now she has no way to refute, because she has no ability to change all this.

Since he is powerless to change, no matter how hard he speaks, it is just a joke.

The sun was gradually setting, she helped her mother to stand up, and when she was about to go into the house to prepare dinner, she suddenly saw a few people walking on the mountain road not far away.

The head is a girl with glasses, her skin is fair, her arms are slender, and she looks a little dazzling in these mountains.

After noticing Ran Lavre's gaze, the girl raised her head with a smile, and then asked:

"Are you Ran La Azi?"

Azi nodded and looked at each other suspiciously.

And the girl opposite her, or Chu Ya, let out a long sigh of relief and continued:

"Finally found you... I heard your school closed down?"

"It doesn't matter, starting today, you probably won't need school anymore."

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