On the other side, Chu Ya and Zhu Xuan were carefully assembling the non-invasive bci transmission device, while Ran La Azi looked nervous. She had never seen such a device before, and she didn't know what it was used for.

Wires, helmets, monitors, and clusters of electrodes that looked messy... She recalled the pictures from the sci-fi movies that the teacher played for them at school, and in an instant, many Lots of bad associations.

For example, brainwashing, organ trading, etc., is it possible that after wearing a helmet, you will no longer be yourself?

She took a step back subconsciously, but just stepped on Yaoyao's feet.


"sorry Sorry!"

Azi apologized repeatedly, Yaoyao took a few breaths, waved her hand and said:

"It's okay, it's okay...it's not very painful. Sister, are you nervous?"

At this time, Yaoyao was carrying an avs/bci integrated device, and the database had been expanded. For security reasons, Chen Li still did not connect it to the Internet, but even so, with the support of a huge amount of data , she still displayed a poise and maturity far beyond her peers, and even far beyond most adults.

For example, she can easily detect the other person's emotions through micro-expressions, just like what she does to Jean-La-Ville now.

"I...I'm a little nervous."

Azi stammered and replied.

She didn't know the identity of the little girl standing in front of her, and she didn't know how to treat her.

"It doesn't matter, I was nervous when I first experimented, just get used to it -- and you passed the previous test, no problem."

Azi nodded, and then continued to ask:

"This is... what kind of experiment is this?"

"The bci transmission experiment is to transmit information directly to your brain through neural circuits, so that you can skip the process of receiving information with your senses and speed up the transmission of information."


Azi asked in shock.

Hearing her words, Zhu Xuan, who was beside him, shook his head amusingly and did not answer, but Chu Ya stood up and looked at her, and said gently:

"It makes sense to say that it is brainwashing. After all, under the coverage of a large amount of data, some people do lose part of their memory, which looks like brainwashing."

"But nothing like this has happened with us - and we can't let it happen."

"We control the information flow rate and capacity very strictly, and we will never break the carrying limit of your brain. Don't worry."

"Besides, today's test doesn't involve information transmission, it's just a neural pathway test, using white noise information -- like the white noise you hear in headphones."

Hearing Chu Ya's explanation, Azi nodded convincingly. The gentle big sister in front of her seemed to have a natural ability to make people approachable, which made her completely unable to refute.

Even if the other person said, he didn't understand a word.

After nearly ten minutes of hard work, this set of uncomplicated test equipment was completed. Chu Ya was responsible for equipment connection, Zhu Xuan was responsible for system debugging, and Yaoyao on the side introduced the test to Ran La Azi in detail as much as possible. Notes in the process.

"At the beginning of the test, you may have a bit of a headache. If it is not particularly serious, you can hold it back, but if you feel that you are about to die, then you have to tell brother Zhu Big and let him cut off the data, otherwise it may be There will be danger."

"When the flow of information starts to pass, you may see all kinds of strange things, don't worry, those things are fake."

"They're going to tie you to this chair later, so you don't injure yourself with some hallucinations."

"By the way, it's best to think about some happy things during the process. After the nerve pathways are filled, your brain will spread out uncontrollably. If you think about unhappy things, then this thing will It's going to keep looping in your head..."

A Zi remembered what Yaoyao said in her mind, for fear that she would miss any step and cause the whole experiment to fail.

I heard the person named Chen Li just now say that if this experiment is successful, he can go to Yuhang with them.

"The Guard is Here"

Yuhang...... This is a familiar but unfamiliar name. I have seen this name countless times in my textbooks, and I also know that there is the West Lake, the Leifeng Pagoda, the legend of Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian, But what is there, I don't know.

"Okay, ready, ready to start entering signal anchors."

Chu Ya's words interrupted her thinking, and Zhu Xuan, who was on the side, also cast an inquiring look at her. After a moment of hesitation, she nodded lightly.

Then, a soft noise began to enter her brain. This sound was like the friction of blood flowing in the brain. It didn't make her feel bored at all, but it had a hypnotic magic.

She felt that her head was getting heavier and heavier, blood began to flow up into the brain, and the apertures of the blood vessels began to expand, but the headache that the little girl said did not appear, instead, there was a familiar sense of fulfillment.

This feeling has been experienced countless times during her countless days and nights of hard study. In those silent nights, she fell asleep feeling this sense of fulfillment.

After a few seconds, all the chaotic thoughts in her mind suddenly disappeared, and then, a very familiar scene appeared in front of her.

That is a river.

There was a steel rope hanging high on the river, and she stood by the windy river, quietly looking at the thin and short girl by the river.

It's herself.

She still remembered that on this day, the teacher in the village came back to her home with her. After seeing her father's hangover, she changed her gentle style at school and pointed at her father's nose and scolded her. It took two hours to finally persuade him to agree to continue school.

When sending the teacher back, he personally helped her fasten the buckle of the ropeway, and watched her land safely on the other side before waving goodbye to her.

But after saying goodbye, he did not leave, but stood quietly by the river just like the little girl he saw now, looking at the direction that was blocked by the mountains in the distance.

What was going through your mind at that time?

A Zi suddenly fell into a kind of confusion, the fragments of memory kept flashing, she wanted to grab it, but whenever she stretched out her hand, those fragments melted into her palm like ice and snow.

After watching silently for a moment, the sky gradually began to fall to the university, A Zi felt that she should do something, so she walked up, patted the little girl's shoulder lightly and asked:

"what are you doing here?"

The former self obviously didn't recognize the person standing in front of her, and just answered ignorantly:

"I...I want to go to school, but my dad won't let me go to school."

"Why do you want to go to school?"

Azi continued to ask.

"I don't know... The teacher said that we should go to school. If we don't go to school, we won't learn knowledge. If we don't learn knowledge, we won't be able to change our destiny."

"But fate... Aren't all of us here like this?"

"What's it like?"

"Grow up, get married, then do housework, take care of your husband, just like grandma does..."

"Grandma said that she was not doing well because she didn't go to school, but because she didn't find a good husband. She didn't object to me going to school, but she didn't want to see her husband being scolded like this... "

"Then what do you want?"

Azi interrupted the girl and asked.

"Me? Myself?"

"Yes, yourself."

"I...I don't know."

"I want a lot of things, I want books that my teacher brought us back, I want new clothes, I want a door that won't leak, I want a kitchen as clean as the pictures in the book- ---I want to eat from my own bowl."

"There are a lot of things I don't want. I don't want to go that far to go to school every time. I don't want to be told that I have a smell on my body. I don't want the teacher to be angry. I don't want to cross the tightrope..."

"I heard that in two years, we are going to build the bridge here, and then we won't be able to use the ropes."

"But how is the bridge built? Who built it? With such a big river and such a high mountain, how do the materials for the bridge come in?"

"It's a mess."

"I'd better go back... Grandma is still waiting for me to eat."

A Zi grabbed the girl's shoulder, and at this moment, she suddenly recalled everything.

Yes, at that time, I was so confused.

At school, and at home, she faces two completely different worlds.

The teacher kept telling himself that going to school is for reading, and reading is for learning new things. Only by learning new things can we get out of this mountain and see the bigger world.

What about at home?

No one thinks how important it is to go to school, and no one thinks that she can get out of this mountain on her own.

Yes, my mother would sew her unwired schoolbag straps over and over again in the dim light for countless nights, and she would also hide the last piece of bacon and wash it on the first night when she came back from vacation. Steamed, or in the freezing winter, quietly adding firewood to the brazier in the middle of the night, and then closing the window that he deliberately opened.

However, she didn't understand the meaning of going to school at all, just like she didn't understand that the room couldn't be sealed when lighting a fire in winter.

The world at home is a closed and suffocating cabin, and there is a charcoal fire for heating, but such a fire will only make myself die in this room.

Only outside the door, only in the cold and windy world, is her way out.

Therefore, she is willing to do anything for it.

Even so, she might not survive this blizzard.

This made her feel an indescribable sadness.

However, just when she was in deep pain, she suddenly remembered the voice of that little girl named Yaoyao in her mind.

"You're going to see a lot of weird stuff, don't be afraid."

Yes, you shouldn't be afraid, because here, you are the master who controls everything.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously stretched out her hand.

In the next second, all the snowflakes falling in the sky disappeared, and then the lead clouds were dispelled, and the sunset glowed warmly from the side of the mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a bridge was erected out of thin air, replacing the steel cable on the river. A Zi looked at the little girl and said to her:

"Go, walk over, there's everything you want there."

The little girl glanced at her blankly, and then stepped onto the bridge. A Zi watched her go further and further, but her figure grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When she walked to the other side, the little girl had already changed into her own appearance.

And she was waving to herself on the other side.

Azi suddenly understood the meaning of all this.

Outside the hut, there is indeed a cold wind that is enough to freeze people, but there are also people who are trying to build bridges.

no, not myself......

Azi suddenly woke up from the hallucination. She opened her eyes and let the tears flow from the corners of her eyes. Then she looked at Zhu Xuan and Chu Ya who were still busy and said:

"Thank you."

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