Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 517 The End Of The Era Of Geniuses In Jiangnan

Two days later, at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The 4 people in the project team got on the plane to Yuhang, and there were 16 qualified experimenters from Sichuan and Sichuan on the same plane, including A Zi.

"So, the phenomenon she described before has not occurred in our other experiments, how should this be explained?"

While looking at the report at hand, Chu Ya looked at Chen Li and asked.

The latter is the only person among the three who has experience in neurology majors. For such unsolvable problems, they are used to finding answers from him.

Chen Li, who was sitting beside him, frowned slightly and replied:

"At present, there is no way to draw a definite conclusion. The structure of the human brain is too complex, but according to her state, it is highly probable that after the nervous system is occupied, her subconscious begins to play a role and enters some kind of depth perception. The state of ---- this Xiaoya should be familiar with, it is the concept of your psychology."

Chu Ya nodded and replied:

"I think so too. Is it good or bad for this state to appear in the test?"

"It's hard to say. When the subconscious is overactive, it may have a negative impact on certain thinking abilities - especially in logic, but at the same time, it often means that you are gifted in certain areas, such as art."

"It's not a big deal for the test itself, it doesn't affect the correct construction of the neural circuit anyway, what should we do or do,"


Chu Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression became relaxed.

After Jean-La-Azie described such a systematic and logical hallucination to us, she has been worrying about whether it is the bci system, or whether there is something wrong with Azi herself. If so, then her follow-up experiments will not work. The way is done.

For the project team, this time they selected more than 200 experimental subjects, and it is of course nothing to lose one Ran Lavalier, but if you change the angle, for Ran Lavalier, losing this opportunity is almost equivalent to losing one. lost everything.

To waste her life in that terrifying family environment, Chu Ya felt heartache just thinking about this kind of future.

During this trip to Liangshan, she could really see the terrible social environment in extremely poor areas. That area is an area where ethics collapse, where secular moral concepts can't play a role at all, and even the binding force of the law has already been applied. dropped to a very low level.

From the mouth of Ran La Azi, she knew that the other party actually had a younger sister----a younger sister who had already been born, but one day, the little girl suddenly disappeared.

The biggest possibility is that he was sold to others by his parents, because Ran Lavzi saw with his own eyes that after his sister disappeared, his father suddenly became dashing for a long time.

Where does the money come from?

Don't ask to know.

At this time, the plane had entered the stage of level flight. Chu Ya unfastened her seat belt, got up and walked towards the rear cabin. Seeing this, Chen Li, who was beside him, quickly grabbed her and asked:

"What are you going for?"

"I'm going to see Azi. Isn't she still injured on her head? Let's see if she needs a change of medicine."

Chen Li pulled her back to her seat and said:

"I know you care about her, but almost every one of those children in the back is as miserable as her, or even worse than her. It's impossible to treat them differently. They should be treated equally."

Chu Ya's expression was a little hesitant. After a moment of silence, she said:

"I just think she's a little bit worse... I really didn't expect that her father would dare to use a knife in order not to let her go with us."

"This time it was also a mistake. If it wasn't for Piedrov and the others, I'm afraid we would have a problem."

Chen Li smiled and replied:

"That's the wonderful thing about the world - they didn't really want to help us, but they did."

"Speaking of which, Mao Xiong's fighting power is still fierce. The three of us can't hold it down. He is holding it with one hand like a chicken."

"I don't know how they will write their report to Hermes after they go back this time, and write about their bravery? Otherwise, we really need to apply for a commendation for them."

Zhu Xuan, who had closed his eyes and rested without speaking, also sat up straight at this time, and then said:

"It doesn't really matter if applying or not applying. Fundamentally speaking, they are still our allies at this stage -- allies with different routes."

"Although we will eventually part ways, we can continue to walk with them for a while."

"We don't need to use this kind of thing to disgust them, it seems that we are petty, don't we?"

Chen Li nodded in agreement and replied:

"That's true. Speaking of which, after this trip ended, Jess directly canceled the follow-up tour, what do you think?"

"What else can I look at? I'll sit and watch. In fact, I said at the beginning that they wanted to go wrong, they always felt that their route was absolutely correct, and now our thinking has been corrected, but they didn't continue to look at it. Is it necessary?"

"However, their competition has been publicized with great fanfare. It is a question whether we should continue to fight."

As soon as these words were said, the three fell silent at the same time.

Originally, Hermes set up this competition to prove that ordinary people can never reach the height of genius, but now, the project team directly told them that what Huaxia wanted to do was not to use bci transmission technology to create genius, but to use this Technology to salvage geniuses who might sink.

In this way, the meaning of their so-called competition is completely eliminated.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Li said:

"You have to participate. The purpose of this competition is not just to prove that we are better than them, but to prove that we have something in our hands and are constantly doing more things."

"No matter what the final result is, this can bring confidence to those ordinary people----just like Yaoyao at that time, after she regained her sight, didn't we also spread a wave of publicity?"

"Although this may seem like a 'little road', we can't be too pedantic when doing research, and occasionally we have to engage in value presentation."

"Understood. Then leave it to Xiaoya to arrange, and I will assist."


Just as the people in the project team in front were discussing the next plan, A Zi on the plane had a little accident.

She didn't know how to untie the seat belt on the seat, and when the flight attendant asked everyone to fasten the seat belt before, she pulled it too close, and the leather seat belt made her very uncomfortable.

She wanted to ask the flight attendant for help, but she didn't know how to say it - after all, this was her first time on a plane, and she didn't know there was such a thing as a call bell on the plane.

Just two days ago, when she was about to get on the plane, she also borrowed Chu Ya's mobile phone to check a lot of precautions for getting on the plane, how the seats on the plane were arranged, where should the luggage be placed, What documents do I need to board the plane, etc., but she missed the "how to fasten the seat belt".

Seeing her somewhat embarrassed expression, a middle-aged Aunt sitting next to her asked with concern:

"Little girl, what's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

A Zi opened her mouth, a little embarrassed to express her predicament, but after a moment of hesitation, she still answered:

"Aunt, I don't know how to undo this seat belt..."

Hearing her answer, Aunt laughed, reached over to her seat to unfasten the buckle of the seat belt, and then comforted:

"Hey, just say it if you feel uncomfortable! Don't be embarrassed about this little thing! When you Aunt and I took the plane for the first time, let alone the seat belt, I didn't even dare to drink the water on the plane! "

Azi watched her movements intently, and after confirming all the steps, she tried to fasten and unfasten it again, and thanked:

"Thanks Aunt....I'm not uncomfortable, it's just too tight."

"no problem, no problem."

Aunt waved his hand and continued:

"I saw that you were still wearing a bandage on your forehead, so I thought you were feeling uncomfortable. What's the matter? Did you fall accidentally?"


Azi's expression was a little dark. After taking a deep breath, he replied:

"It was slashed with a knife—but it wasn't serious, it was just a scratch."

In just a short sentence, Aunt, who was sitting next to him, had already understood the unspeakable hidden existence of this little girl, so she did not continue to ask, but instead said:

"What are you doing in Yuhang? Travel?"

"Not a tour, go to... um, go to school."

"Oh, a college student? You look so young!"

Azi didn't deny the title of "college student", or she just didn't want to say too much.

Although she has made up her mind to go out, the outside world is still unfamiliar and dangerous to her, so she subconsciously maintains a higher level of vigilance.

But Aunt, who was on the side, didn't care about her silence, and went on talking to himself.

"Yuhang is a good place. It is rich in the world and has outstanding people. You can see in the ancient poems, the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, the beautiful scenery of the West Lake, etc., they are all about Yuhang. This place has aura!"

"From ancient times to the present, countless talented heroes have been born here, such as Sun Quan, Shen Kuo, Yu Qian, He Zhizhang... These are all native Yuhang people."

"It's good to go to Yuhang to study, and you will definitely be able to do great things in the future!"

Hearing this, A Zi was stunned for a moment. For a moment, she felt that she had thought a lot, but she didn't know where to start.


Yes, of course she knows what it means, and even she is more familiar with another word with a prefix:

Jiangnan genius.

What is the reason for the talented people in Jiangnan?

Is it because of outstanding people, or because of the richness in the world?

Or, is it because the richest people in the world are outstanding people?

There was no answer in Azi's heart, she just vaguely felt that from the era she lived in, the kind of law represented by "Jiangnan Talents" was about to come to an end.

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