After arriving in Yuhang, Chen Li arranged for all the people participating in the experiment to rest in the hotel for one night. The next day, the full-time staff of the bci laboratory arranged to take them to buy daily necessities. Unexpectedly, this procurement process actually lasted for two whole days.

The reason is also very simple, there are too many things to buy.

Most of these children from remote areas generally have extremely poor family conditions. Some of them can't even find a set of changed clothes, and they all have to be re-purchased.

Fortunately, online shopping is now developed, and they don't have too many requirements for clothes. After placing the order in the afternoon, before taking a bath and resting, everyone changed into new clothes.

According to the itinerary, the administrators will take these children to Yuhang City on the second day to take a look at the West Lake and high-rise buildings, which in a sense helps them make the final preparations before the formal experiment.

However, the treatment of Ran Lavzi was different. That night, after she washed and changed her clothes, the administrative staff immediately brought her to the laboratory, ready to start the first formal experiment.

The reason why she is so anxious is because her pre-test score is the highest among all people, and at the same time there is a phenomenon of "depth perception", so Chen Li believes that the experiment on her should be carried out as soon as possible, Invest resources as soon as possible.

If it is determined that her talent in this area can reach, or at least be close to, Yaoyao's level, then she should be inclined in various aspects.

As a result, Azi really came to the place with the richest "culture" the first time he arrived in Yuhang, just as Aunt said on the plane.


In the bci joint experimental building, the door of the minimally invasive operating room has been opened. Thanks to Yaoyao's experience in the last time, this time the operation went more smoothly, and the anesthesia time was well controlled. It was less than two hours after the operation. Zibian had already escaped the "post-anesthesia" state of Mi Mihu Lake and had the conditions to conduct experiments.

"How? Start?"

After checking Azi's condition, Zhu Xuan looked up at Chen Li and asked.

Chen Li glanced at his watch. Originally, his plan was to complete the minimally invasive surgery today, but from the current situation, it is more than enough to complete the first full-scope test before 12 o'clock in the evening.

"Let's start. It's not too difficult. After finishing it today, the results will be available in an hour, and then everyone goes back to sleep!"

With his order, all parts of the laboratory, which has been expanding, began to operate. Azi was brought into the test area and connected to the bci transmission equipment that had been prepared, while the rest of the unrelated personnel were Was driven to the periphery to watch SpongeBob SquarePants with Yaoyao who was doing nothing.

"Yaoyao, don't you have to teach that sister today?"

"No need, I have taught her before, and Chen Uncle said that she behaves well by herself, so I don't need to worry too much."

"Really? What's the specific situation? Tell us about it?"

Compared with the core members of the project team and Yaoyao, who almost participated in the whole process of the test, the details of the project obtained by these ordinary researchers are actually not much. Different, there is no need to align all the information gaps.

However, the most interesting part of the project is often only accessible to the core members, so now that Yaoyao is caught, they will not give up the opportunity to gossip.

Hearing his question, Yaoyao tilted her head to think for a moment, then straightened the slightly deflected rabbit-ear camera on her head, and then said:

"Then I can only tell you the unclassified part."

"Of course, of course, let's talk about it."

A group of people gathered around Yaoyao, the one who took the drink took the drink, the one who handed out the snacks, all sat upright and ready to listen to her story.

This kind of scene is really a bit contradictory and funny, but everyone present didn't feel anything wrong.

There is a sequence of hearings, not to mention that in front of them is the first and most perfect user of bci technology after the birth.

Yaoyao started from the project team's decision to start a large-scale experiment, and went on to talk about the various leaders going to all parts of the country for the first and second test of neural fit, and then talking about their experiences in Liangshan, everyone listened with great interest. Some technical questions, as long as they are not too complicated, Yaoyao can basically answer them.

For these researchers, it was a novel and pleasant experience. It was not until more than two hours later, when Azi's full-scope experiment was over, that they left in a hurry to finish the data sorting and analysis.

Chen Li, who walked out of the laboratory, saw this scene, smiled and pinched Yaoyao's face and asked:

"Aren't you sleepy? If you don't sleep so late, you should be angry next time your brother comes over."

"He won't be angry, I'm doing scientific research... Chen Uncle, what's the result?"

Chen Li's expression was a bit complicated, and after a moment of hesitation, he replied:

"How do I say it... The results were a little unexpected."

"There is no problem purely technically, and she is very receptive to bci transmission."

"However, this sister Azi is far behind you in comprehensive application. She can't integrate the complex knowledge system, so if the final result is said, it is not very ideal."

"However, this sister's talent in certain subdivisions of knowledge is amazing - you can't imagine which field she has talent in."

"Would you like to try to guess? If you guess right, Uncle will take you and your big brother to buy an ice cream machine tomorrow---- didn't you say you wanted to come last time?"

Yaoyao smiled embarrassedly and replied:

"Hey, I just said it casually.... No reward, let me guess."

After thinking for a moment, she replied:

"Is it artistic?"

Judging from her current thinking, first of all, although this test uses a wider database, the knowledge summary of each category is relatively extensive in nature. From the test results, it may be possible to see that a certain experimenter She has a talent for "poetry and poetry", but it is absolutely impossible to see that she has a talent for specific five-character poems or seven-character poems.

Secondly, to make Chen Li say something like "You must not have thought of it", it proves that the talent that Ran La Azi possesses is definitely not in line with the environment in which she grew up, and the thing she can think of is the furthest away from the mountain , may be art.

Chen Li shook his head and replied:

"No. I'll just say you can't think of it, guess what?"

"Don't guess, don't guess, Chen Uncle, tell me now."

Chen Li laughed and replied:

"It's machinery."

"In the test just now, she deduced the mechanical principle of the minute repeater from beginning to end based on the most basic knowledge of clocks."


A few hours later, Chen Li sent the sorted desensitization results to Jess's computer because of the requirement for the permission to visit the experiment applied by the Hermes organization earlier. The latter looked at the words "Minute Questionnaire", Leaning back on the sofa, he took a sharp breath.

And Piedrov, who was on the side, didn't know the meaning of these words at all, and asked Jace stupidly:

"So, their experiment this time is actually a failure? Look at the report, it didn't meet the original expectations."

Jace glared at Piedrov angrily, and then said:

"Do you know what the Chinese people say? I want you to study hard, but you want to raise pigs. You don't raise pigs now, why don't you even know the most basic knowledge of clocks? You earned Is that money really not even a penny invested in luxury goods?"

"...I bought a lot of guns, if it's a luxury item, I bought a 17th-century yellow-wheeled musket, which is an antique among antiques, and definitely a luxury in the field of guns. "

"...Well, you actually convinced me today."

Jace sat up from the sofa, took off the watch in his hand and put it in Pyderoff's hand and said:

"See? This is a Patek Philippe three-question watch. The so-called three-question means that after you press the mechanical button, the watch will tell you what time it is now with three different tapping sounds. a bit."

“The minute repeater function is said to be one of the most complicated functions on a mechanical watch, and many watchmakers add this function to their products to drive up prices.”

"Actually, if you take it apart, the basic principle of the minute repeater is not too complicated, it is just more gears and chain plates for energy storage, but the watchmaker who invented this structure from scratch, Still a genius."

"The understanding of mechanics that he has can definitely achieve good results if it is applied to other fields."

"So, you saw that the report Chen Li sent us said 'the expected result was not achieved', but what he really wanted to say was 'the expected perfect result was not achieved'."

"They just haven't found a second genius like Yang Yiyao. If you look at a single field, this...Azi----Damn, her name is really awkward----she It's also good enough to be a genius."

"After all, the database provided her with only very basic knowledge of clocks, and the process of her deducing the three-question function lasted less than half an hour."

After a short pause, Jace sighed and continued:

"Do you know what that means?"

"What does it mean?"

Piedrov asked.

"It means that the 'net' they want to weave really works."

"Also, it works even further than we expected."

"It's not just a net, it's a ... filter. Through the bci system, everyone can most intuitively perceive what they are really good at."

"In modern society, there are two things we are most afraid of when it comes to talents."

"The first, there is no choice; the second, there are too many choices to make the right one."

"Now, bci technology solves two problems at the same time."

"After the educational resources are brought together, class barriers will disappear, and everyone's choices will be equal."

"And after the classification of the bci system, everyone can find the direction they want to go - of course, it is not excluded that some people are good at certain things, but they don't like it, so they finally choose other directions."

"But what does it matter? In Chinese idioms, it's called... harmless."

"The trial-and-error cost of the whole society will fall off a cliff, and their development efficiency will reach Huaxia—no, the highest peak in human history."

Hearing this, Piedrov finally realized the weight of this report. After a few seconds of silence, he asked:

"Then we said before...that competition, do you still want to do it?"

Jace smiled helplessly and replied:

"Actually, this competition has no meaning for us, but for Huaxia, this is a good publicity opportunity."

"So, let's go ahead and do it.... Just when we give them a 'help place'."

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