Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Nineteenth Paving The Way

A month later, Rongcheng.

Ye Zhou was sitting in the office, holding the report on the latest progress of bci technology that he had just read.

In fact, because he was busy with the final sprint of the Shenguang project, he hadn't paid attention to outside news for a long time. When he first saw the report, he thought it was just another routine progress report.

But when he opened the report, he found that things had developed far beyond his imagination.

The progress was too fast, and the results were too exaggerated, so exaggerated that he almost thought that what he saw was a fake report of merit, but when he contacted Chen Hao to confirm, the other party clearly told him that everything , are all true.

But when he connected to the Internet again, he realized that all this progress had already caused an uproar in public opinion.

What grabbed the headlines were the results of the so-called "Challenge Challenge" initiated by Hermes.

In this so-called challenge, Hermes networked a group of elites from various fields, each asked a question in their field, and then waited for the bci project team led by Chen Li to give an answer.

These questions cover a wide range, including but not limited to art, literature, economics, mathematics, logic and other fields. There is no standard answer to all questions. Only those who truly understand this field and have unique thoughts on this field can Give a convincing answer.

When this competition was just launched, no one thought that Chen Li's bci team could win, because as the Hermes organization said, bci technology can solve the problem of knowledge stock, not the problem of knowledge application and exploration. .

Therefore, in theory, these problems that do not exist in the existing knowledge system should directly block the way for all bci experimenters to challenge and let them return.

However, what everyone did not expect is that the method adopted by the bci team is not to let one or two experimenters die on these questions, but also to recruit more than 200 experimenters and let them all participate in the answer to the question. , as long as one person solves the problem, it represents the success of this technical route.

Obviously, the results speak for themselves.

The entire competition has almost completely turned into a one-sided show for the bci project team. Those seemingly esoteric questions, and even questions that cannot be answered by veterans in some fields, were all broken in one night on the day of the release.

The whole public opinion was in an uproar. Some people marveled at the power of bci technology, and some people questioned whether this technology is unfair to those who have worked hard to achieve results, but no one will deny a basic fact, that is:

"First Evolution"

This technology is definitely one of the most correct paths for human development.

However, what the bci project team has done is far more than that. Starting from the first girl named Ran La Azi, the project team has released a series of breathtaking results achieved during the experiment.

Some people deduced the three-question structure based on the basic knowledge of clocks, some people just completed the first well-received painting after initially integrating the painting techniques of various genres, and some people learned everything in human history in two hours. programming language, and wrote complex programs that can be executed - and this child, who was born and grew up in the mountains, has only seen computers in textbooks and multimedia classrooms in the past 11 years.

What is even more surprising is that the bci system brings not only the convenience of exploration in applied technology, but also in the purely theoretical scope, especially in mathematics. The new proof idea of ​​Mann's hypothesis - although it was finally verified that this idea was not feasible, the amazing mathematical thinking he showed still shocked the predecessors of the entire mathematician.

At this moment, everyone realized a fact: genius has always existed, but most of it has been buried.

So, another trend of thought began to spread.

Is it possible that I am actually a genius in a certain field?

Is it possible that my child is actually a genius?

If you can be a genius, who wants to be mediocre all your life!

The call for the popularization of bci transmission technology continues to grow, and the last resistance to the technology's continued development has been swept away.

Human beings are creatures with advanced intelligence. In the face of clearly attainable interests, no one will stick to the so-called "academic craftsman spirit", which will only be regarded as stupid by others around.

Therefore, when this report was sent to Ye Zhou's table, in fact, the earth-shaking changes were quietly happening in the land of Huaxia, and in order to deal with this change, all the official departments of Huaxia have been in full swing. Get up and running, and prepare for this major change, both sociologically and biologically, unprecedented in history.

Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief, put down the report, raised his head, and looked at Lin Ling, who had just come over to discuss the project resource allocation with him, and was now sitting across from him and looking at him curiously.

"The world is about to change."

He said with emotion.

"Is it because of bci technology?"

Ye Zhou nodded, and after a moment of silence, suddenly asked:

"Hey, by the way, do you feel unfair for a moment? That is, you have worked hard for so many years, and Han Chuang has studied hard for so many years, but finally, because of a technology, others can easily reach your height. "

"Does this make you feel mentally unbalanced?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Ling did not answer directly, but asked:

"Ye Gong, let me ask you a question first, you said, when Zhan Tianyou died of severe heart failure due to abdominal disease, would he have thought that it would be so easy for us to build a railway now, and how easy it is for ordinary people to travel convenient?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, then shook his head and said:

"I think he should know... He is an engineer himself, and his understanding of construction machinery is far beyond ordinary people, so he should also know that with the development of mechanical technology, the subsequent construction will become more and more It's simple, and travel will be more and more convenient."

Lin Ling nodded, stood up and moved his legs, then continued:

"Look, let's go back to the bci technology itself. In essence, this technology actually benefits the most ordinary people or disadvantaged groups who are at a disadvantage in the competition for resources, right?"

"They have sunk to the bottom of society for various reasons, and they may not have the chance to turn over for the rest of their lives, or even for generations to come."

"I don't know if you have such an experience, but in my life, I have actually met many such people."

"For example, when I was a child, I had a neighbor's big brother in my home village. He was a very smart kid, and his grades were always the first in his class. If the normal trend continues, he is likely to become our generation in that village. The best of all."

"I still remember at that time, he often carried a chair and sat under the tree in front of his house to read a book. Every time I passed by, he would politely turn his body and deliberately avert his eyes."

"Do you know what my dad said at that time? He said, this person has the style of a gentleman at a young age."

"It sounds funny now, but it's true, that's what he gave us."

"However, the development of this world does not depend on individual will."

"In the years that followed, several big things happened in his home."

"First, my parents were laid off, then my grandfather became seriously ill, and after emptying the family's savings, my mother got cancer in both legs."

"Then, his father went to work in other people's black mines in order to earn more money, and was buried in it, losing a total of 50,000 yuan."

"The 50,000 yuan is not even enough for his mother's medical expenses for a month. After half a year, his mother is gone."

"You may think I'm going to tell an inspirational story -- it's actually quite inspirational. After he became an orphan, he never gave up his efforts, but the pressure of life was so heavy that he couldn't tell the difference at all. I spent a lot of energy to study, but in the end I just returned to my hometown and became an ordinary farmer.”

"When I went home for the Chinese New Year last year, I saw him again. In fact, he was still doing well, but I always felt... uneasy."

After taking a deep breath, Lin Ling continued:

"Ye Gong, look, this is actually a very, very common story."

"Because the story doesn't actually have that much drama, because it happens all the time in this land."

"But that's why it makes people feel uncomfortable."

"Every day, people lose the ability to move forward because of various reasons, and every day people are cut off from the road to a higher level because of the lack of resources."

"No matter how hard they try, they cannot break the 'resource shackles' that life imposes on them."

"I sometimes wonder, when my neighbor's big brother is working hard for his future, will he think, 'If only there was a high-speed railway in my life, I would get on the train on this road. Straight to where I want to go'?"

"Clearly, bci technology is such a high-speed railway."

"You ask me if I feel wronged or injustice... In fact, I think people who make such a statement online are quite absurd."

"They probably can't understand an idealist who wants to change the world. They are just using the 'emperor's golden hoe' to help others think about problems."

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the first Sui man who ignited a bonfire by drilling a log would be indignant because of the lighter invented by his descendants? Thousands of years ago, Cai Lun, who used the four-step method to make paper, would be angry because of our current Life is full of screens and you can hardly see too much paper and sigh that it is not ancient?"

"Even in modern times, the ancestors who wielded big swords and fought with the invaders would feel that their efforts were buried because of the electromagnetic guns installed on our warships?"

"It's too funny."

Having said this, Lin Ling sighed deeply, then looked at Ye Zhou and said:

"Actually, I already answered this question when we first met, Ye Gong, do you remember what I said?"

Ye Zhou nodded slightly and replied:

"You said that it is very likely that everything you have done in your life is useless waste, just paving the way for others."

Lin Ling's eyes lit up, hehe said with a smile:

"You have a good memory - so, I'm just a pavement."

"People who pave the road don't care if it's a person or a car... I just hope that there will be more people walking on this road, and they can walk faster."

After listening to Lin Ling's answer, Ye Zhou nodded solemnly.

Then, he opened the curtains of the office, and then opened the window again.

"You're right, in fact, we are all paving the way."

"Now this road will be repaired soon."

"He will connect the whole of China, and even the whole world."

"By that time, none of the things you said of 'difficult to settle' will happen."

After a pause, Ye Zhou suddenly turned around with a smile, pointed to the report on the table and said:

"Then do you know what was on my mind when I saw this report today?"

"What is it?"

Lin Ling asked curiously.

"It's a sentence, guess what?"

"Well...May I Huaxia, everyone is like a dragon?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It's not that, what I'm thinking of is..."

"From today onwards, all the heroes of the world will enter my heart!"

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