Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 521 Target Pill Technology

Regarding Hassan's strategy of "becoming friends with Chinese people first", no matter how stubborn Minsen is, he has to admit that this is probably the most reliable and feasible plan at present.

However, it is one thing to have a plan, and it is another to implement the plan. He has absolutely no idea where to open the breakthrough.

After all, the contradiction between the two countries has a long history. It can even be said that from the moment the country of Huaxia was born, the relationship between the two countries has been destined to be antagonistic or even hostile.

And this state of opposition has indeed maintained for a long time, except for the occasional honeymoon period in the past few decades, at most other times, the two countries are in a state of tension between the two countries.

It was not until Huaxia achieved information hegemony through RSA decryption technology that this situation eased.

Therefore, it is not easy to "be friends" with them, even if it is just a friend in the academic field.

Especially when designing major projects and major scientific development directions.

You can't be like those who engage in commercial bribery, put money in a tea box and send it to the other party, and then say to the other party, "This is the money you bought the national debt before, and now I'll pay you back part of it," right?

He had been troubled by this problem for a long time, but what he didn't expect was that the opportunity came to him so naturally.

On September 10, when the whole world was excited by Huaxia's major breakthrough in bci technology and believed that mankind was about to enter a new era, Rongcheng Huawu Institute released a more exciting news:

The Shenguang No. 4 inertial confinement nuclear fusion device is about to conduct its first ignition experiment.

Before this official ignition, the Huawu Institute has carried out verification experiments on each component of the fusion device, and made a judgment that the device has reached the experimental benchmark conditions.

Lasers, positioners, target pills, first walls... Even the most difficult divertor device to solve at present, Huaxia has achieved technological progress, and there is no problem in supporting small-scale nuclear fusion in a short period of time.

Everything seemed perfect, but Minson got an important message during a routine meeting at Birmingham National Laboratory.


In the conference room, the key members of Healy's organization were sitting together, discussing the news that the Huaxia Shenguang No. 4 device was about to undergo an experiment.

"So, what do you mean, Huaxia's Shenguang-4 project is likely to still not meet the nuclear fusion power generation standards that can be really applied?"

It is Aldo who is speaking. For the past period of time, he has been busy approving and handling various affairs related to the consciousness uploading project, which takes up a lot of his energy. After all the resources required by the project are basically in place, he will Just wanting to breathe a sigh of relief, the news about inertial confinement nuclear fusion released by Huaxia made him have to get busy again.

There is no way, the impact of this news on our side is too great. After all, our own national ignition device has been ahead of the other party by nearly 10 years before, but now, the national ignition device is still undergoing reconstruction and upgrading, while the other party has already Start to release words to achieve steady-state discharge on Shenguang No. 4.

The researcher opposite nodded and replied:

"Yes. To illustrate this problem, we introduce a concept, which is the difference between nuclear fusion ignition and steady-state discharge."

"Actually, with our current level of technology, it is not difficult to ignite an inertial confinement fusion device. A long time ago, Huaxia's east device has achieved 120 million degrees Celsius plasma operation for 100 seconds, which is close to the point where fusion occurs. Temperature conditions. The later Shenguang-3 project achieved fusion in a real sense, but the duration was extremely short.”

"However, the fact that fusion can occur does not mean that the energy of fusion can be used."

"The core issue for fusion reactors to be used for commercial discharge applications is that they need to have controlled and stable combustion, rather than a continuous burst of high-energy pulses."

"Even if the self-sustaining triple-product Lawson criterion for fusion reactions is achieved, but steady-state discharge is not possible, the fusion device must consume a large amount of additional energy to heat the plasma to the fusion parameters each time it is fired."

"That is to say, taking the inertial restraint device as an example, a large part of the electricity generated by the fusion reaction has to be put back into the laser igniter, causing serious energy consumption."

"It's immature for the technology, and the q-value -- that is, the ratio of energy output to energy input -- would be a serious problem for relatively low fusion power generation."

Having said that, the researcher paused for a moment, took a sip of water and continued:

"Judging from the data released by Huaxia and the detailed parameters of the fields we have cooperated with, the design of this Shenguang-4 device is perfect, and it can definitely achieve self-sustaining fusion reactions. However, it still has many question."

"These problems are likely to make steady-state discharge difficult to achieve, greatly diminishing the practical significance of Shenguang-4."

Aldo on the opposite side nodded and replied:

"I understand what you mean, so what you want to say is that this Shenguang-4 device is not a nuclear fusion reactor in the true sense, but a 'prototype reactor' for verification and experiments?"

"Yes, that's what happened. But it's still a major breakthrough, that's undeniable. In this field, the gap between us and Huaxia has begun to widen rapidly."

"According to feedback from the laboratory, if our device is to achieve self-sustaining fusion reactions, it will take at least five years or more."

Hearing this, Aldo sighed and said:

"The development of science and technology is like this. Who knows if others will suddenly appear one or two geniuses, leading to explosive breakthroughs - after the application of bci technology, their breakthroughs will become more and more."

"We will not discuss this issue. Now I want to ask, from your professional point of view, what are the main reasons why you think steady-state discharge cannot be achieved?"

The researcher handed the materials in his hand to Aldo, and a lot of content was densely marked on it.

"We analyzed several flaws, including that the divertor did not perform as expected, such as the new material used in the first wall that was not rigorously validated, and so on."

"However, we think the most likely cause of the experiment's failure is that the fusion target's ablation layer material is lagging behind."

"In terms of parameters, they still use the traditional hdc-w-ch ablation coating. Although this coating can ensure the uniform combustion of each layer during the ablation process, in the accelerated ablation stage, it performance has been inconsistent.”

"The main reason is that the plasma expansion curve is inconsistent during the ablation process, so once the X-ray radiation field in the black cavity of the target fluctuates unpredictably, the ablation progress of the entire ablation layer will be affected."

"This problem cannot be solved by increasing the laser power and the strength of the target shot. In fact, we have also explored for a long time and finally decided to use elemental silicon material to make the spherical shell of the target shot ablation layer, which was finally solved."

"Right now, the ablation layer material remains one of our biggest secrets, and we think steady-state discharge is possible, but unlikely, if they still use the ablation layer material as written on the parameters."

Aldo nodded and replied:

"Okay, I'm basically clear on the situation. It's good news, but it's also bad news."

"The good news is that they're not too far ahead and we still have a chance to catch up."

"But the bad news is that the energy industry as a whole may have to slow down for a while."

"But overall, it's a good thing for us. Well, let's move on to the national ignition issue -- when are you going to start the new ignition style?"


The meeting lasted for two full hours, and the issues discussed were extremely professional and complex. Aldo had a splitting headache when he heard it. When the meeting was finally announced, his mind had almost stopped.

At this time, the most important thing to him is not the life and death of human beings, nor the struggle between Huaxia and his own side, but to go home quickly, take a hot bath, and have a good sleep.

While packing up the materials on the table, he planned to get up and leave, but at this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Aldo reluctantly put down what was in his hand and said:

"God bless, Minson, tell me, you didn't come to me for resources this time, I'm going crazy, I know the consciousness uploading project is very important, but the Healy organization really doesn't have that many resources to share with you. ........"

"No, it's not."

Minson interrupted his complaint, then said with a little sarcasm:

"It's not for resources this time, but for you, it could be worse."

Hearing this, Aldo's heart tightened, and then he asked tentatively:

"What are you going to do?"

Ming Sen smiled, lowered his voice and replied:

"I want to hand over our nuclear fusion target technology to Huaxia."

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