Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Twenty Second Rapid Retreat

Rongcheng, Huawuyuan.

Qian Lixun was lying in the lounge of the affiliated hospital, swiping his phone leisurely.

He was doing the final inspection of the Shenguang No. 4 inertial confinement nuclear fusion. According to the plan, a week later, this fusion device will undergo the first ignition experiment. For this goal, he, like everyone in the working group, has Has been working continuously for more than three months.

But even so, even if he sleeps less than 5 hours a day, he still feels that the time is not enough, because this project is far more complicated than what he has ever done in terms of technical complexity and cumbersome process. any item.

He is already an old man in his twilight years, and his expectations for the success of the project support the operation of his body, but it is clear that objective laws are difficult to change, and firm beliefs are not enough to fight natural aging.

Since this morning, he has felt that his heart is very uncomfortable, the heartbeat is fast and slow, and there is even occasional twitching pain.

He thought it was just temporary discomfort from lack of sleep, but by 3pm, when he checked the divertor structure, it was clear that something was wrong.

If it goes on like this, something will happen.

However, the inspection of the device has reached the final stage, and if it is temporarily released, the progress of the project may be slowed down again.

This is a difficult choice. In the long history of the Republic, many researchers have faced the same choice, and their answers have also brought countless silent but heroic sacrifices.

Choose country among home and country, choose collective among individuals and collectives, choose forward among life and progress. …

Such a choice is tragic - but it has to be said that sometimes it is indeed stupid.

At least in Qian Lixun's opinion.

He didn't want to fall here.

He knew very well that if the Shenguang No. 4 project was postponed for a week, even if it was postponed for a month or a year, the losses caused by it would not be comparable to his own value.

Therefore, as soon as he realized the problem, he called the medical team and left his job.

"You are quite decisive. Judging from the results of the marker test just now, you now have cardiovascular inflammation. If you don't treat it in time, it is likely to develop into acute myocardial infarction in the future."

"Let's stay on absolute bed rest for a while in the future. It is discovered early and there is no need for surgery. I will give you some medicines such as aspirin and bisoprolol in the future. You can take it on time."

"I checked your medical history, and the heart function has always been very good. It is estimated that I have been too tired recently, the resistance has declined, and I have a little viral myocarditis."

The doctor on the side said while signing the ward inspection list.

"Is antiviral therapy necessary?"

Ye Zhou, who was sitting beside the bed, interrupted and asked.

"Then there's no need. The effect of antiviral therapy is relatively limited, and the damage to liver function is relatively large. The old man's liver function is not very good, so it's best not to do it - are you a family member?"

Ye Zhou smiled, shook his head and replied:

"No, his family members are still busy. It is estimated that they will come to see him later."

"Understood. Then I'll go first. Watch the time and don't disturb the patient's rest."

Ye Zhou nodded in agreement, and after the latter turned to leave, Qian Lixun said jokingly:

"This Doctor Du, if he knew who you were, he would probably regret not having said a few more words to you."

"That doesn't mean that there is a specialization in the surgery industry. They may not be able to understand more thoroughly what we do, and it is estimated that it is difficult to have any deep perception."

Qian Lixun on the bed shook his head and replied:

"I'm not talking about nuclear fusion, it's the gene editor you proposed before. This affiliated hospital uses your editor. Last year, it made a lot of achievements, mainly in cancer targeted therapy drugs. ."

"When I came to the hospital for a check-up, the banners in their office were changed every other day. They were all celebrating the passing of animal experiments on new drugs."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou's expression was calm. He has been paying attention to the progress in the biological field, so he also knows that since a&c-bemax was proposed, the medical application of this editor has been put on the agenda, and the medical applications of various medical institutions have been put on the agenda. Actions are fast, and results are normal.

Before, when he was resting, he occasionally brushed the news, and he also saw news about liver cancer being cured by gene drugs, which was a sensation at the time.

After all, for humans, liver cancer can be said to be the most difficult type of cancer to treat. It has a high degree of deterioration, rapid development, short course of disease, and easy recurrence. The prognosis of each treatment is also extremely poor.

But of course, such inferences are based on traditional treatment methods such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. After using gene editing technology to create targeted drugs, the treatment of liver cancer only requires one course of injection.

The whole process is convenient and painless - of course, and most importantly, cheap.

Compared with the gene transduction technology of car-t therapy, the new technology directly extracts human immune cells for transformation, which is more efficient and cheaper.

This is not as simple as breaking the technological monopoly, in fact, it should be eliminated as a technology.

Afterwards, the profits that originally belonged to car-t therapy were instantly divided up by the swarming Huaxia medical institutions, and the price of drugs dropped rapidly from millions to hundreds of thousands. Finally, under the subsidy of the financial fund, some cancer treatment The price of the full course of treatment even once fell below 100,000.

But this is obviously not the full potential of gene editing technology. If it is not limited by medical ethics, large-scale genetically modified people may have already appeared.

However, this is not what Ye Zhou needs to care about now - he is more concerned about new things, such as immune reconstruction technology.

Ye Zhou took a light breath, brought his thinking back to reality, and then said to Qian Lixun:

"I don't care about medical matters... Now there is a problem, but I need to discuss it with you."

"what is the problem?"

Qian Lixun looked at Ye Zhou curiously and asked.

"The Chouguo National Laboratory just proposed to give us the inertial confinement fusion target technology for free, mainly in terms of target material."

Hearing this, Qian Lixun was stunned for a moment, and then asked subconsciously:

"What do they want us to exchange for?"

In his view, the target ball technology is one of the most core links in inertial confinement nuclear fusion technology, and it is impossible for the other party to share this technology without any reason and purely out of good intentions.

The reason is also very simple. Controllable nuclear fusion is a technology that can absolutely change the process of scientific and technological development. Whoever builds it first can master the world hegemony. These ugly people will never give up their hegemony, right?

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"They don't want anything, they're free."

"Free? Why?"

Qian Lixun's expression was even more puzzled. He could see that Ye Zhou was definitely not joking. Since the other party could definitely say the word "free", it means that this information should be verified.

"We don't know - in fact, the other party has directly contacted the General Technical Office and passed them some technical documents, saying that it was to prove their sincerity."

"Subsequent documents will be delivered by other means, and they also mentioned that we are welcome to send researchers to the field to verify the authenticity of the technology - anyone will do."

"The general technical office is also very puzzled. They really can't see any possible conspiracy problems from the other party's proposal, as if they really want to give us some expensive gifts."

"So, I just wanted to ask you, what's your advice on this matter?"

After listening to Ye Zhou's words, Qian Lixun frowned and thought for a moment, then said:

"Are the technical documentation they are currently providing credible?"

"It is credible. The materials and data are complete, and some empirical results are attached. I will also send the documents to you later, so you can see for yourself."

"Since it is credible, use it."

Qian Lixun nodded thoughtfully, then continued:

"The production and replacement process of target pills is not complicated, and it only takes a week or two at most. Our own target pill technology is not advanced enough, and it is no problem to use others'."

"It's really okay to use it, but what I'm worried about is...Isn't there a saying that free is the most expensive."

"That's just when people get along with people."

Qian Lixun unceremoniously refuted Ye Zhou's words.

"Between people, free is really expensive, because there may be all kinds of traps, and it also involves things like human exchanges."

"But in the face of such national-level technology, free is free."

"We can mobilize sufficient power to eliminate the trap, and we will never be affected by 'human feelings'."

"There is no emotion between countries. Under the dominance of interests, even if they are allies who have fought together and played their lives together before, there will be no hesitation when it is time to give up, not to mention that we are still in an antagonistic relationship with them. "

"I think that their willingness to send this technology is actually seeking resources for their cooperative project team----you know, there are researchers from the ugly country in the fringe field of the Shenguang-4 project. The technology succeeds and they have more access to technical information, which is good for them.”

"Anyway, the trend of our controllable nuclear fusion is unstoppable. It's better to push us. The faster we succeed, the higher their profits will be."

"And, with this action, they can ease the tension with us a little bit, and if there are other cooperations later, they can also occupy a more favorable position."

Ye Zhou nodded in agreement. In fact, when he received the news, he immediately felt that the other party might want to take advantage of this opportunity to improve the relationship with him. As for the purpose of improving the relationship, it was probably the bci technology that was in full swing. .

Therefore, when Qian Lixun pointed this out, he was not too surprised.

However, the wisdom of the older generation still made him sigh in his heart.

"Then do as you always said. I'll let the General Technical Office go to get the documents and apply them to the device as soon as possible - but the application will have to wait until the second ignition experiment, this time will definitely be too late."

"It's ok."

Qian Lixun put down the phone and continued:

"Step by step, finish what we are doing first, and then consider further optimization."

"Now I have to rest. My old bones are still very useful. The rest of the work is up to you. You are still young, so keep going."

Ye Zhou laughed and replied:

"Don't worry, in a week's time, I'll come to announce the good news to you."

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