Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 523 Final Inspection Before Ignition

After leaving the ward where Qian Lixun was resting, Ye Zhou immediately notified Chen Hao that he was ready to receive the technical documents provided by Chouguo. At the same time, he also came to the core target room of the Shenguang No. 4 device and restarted the temporarily suspended pre-ignition test. Work.

"Is the flaw detection completed?"

Ye Zhou flipped through the test records in his hand and asked the staff on the side.

"It has been completed, the material performs well, the segregation damage of ods steel welding is controllable - most of the structures are manufactured by spray forming, and there are few welding points and little impact."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly. In fact, compared to the other core difficulties, what Ye Zhou was most worried about was the problem of welding without applying the technology provided by the simulator.

Because the ods technology is used on a large scale in the material technology of the first wall, the strength, creep resistance and radiation resistance of the material are greatly improved through the small ods particles dispersed in the alloy matrix.

However, the problem that comes with it is that this material is quite difficult to weld.

If the ordinary welding method is used, the local melting and re-solidification will cause the ods phase to segregate seriously under the action of gravity and solid-liquid interfacial tension, making the welded part the weakest point in the structure.

"What welding method was used?"

"A small part uses laser welding, and most use explosive welding. Some of the problems with laser welding are not too big. The instantaneous temperature of the current welding equipment is very high, and the welding gap is extremely small, which can be completely controlled within the range of strength requirements. "

The so-called explosive welding refers to the process of using the energy of explosive explosion to melt two metal plates of opposite sex together. This process is essentially a kind of pressure welding, and the pressure and temperature inside the material do not change much. The pure solid-phase sintering mechanism also ensures the stability of the ods phase inside the material.

However, in the long run, the cost of this welding method is too high, and the success rate and yield rate are also low. If the fusion device is to be rolled out on a large scale in the future, it must eventually go to the road of integral molding.

After confirming that there is no problem with the welding technology, Ye Zhou did not test the vast sea of ​​inspection items one by one. This is a systematic project. Everyone is responsible for their own piece. As long as the responsible person thinks that there is no problem, then there is no problem.

----Or, it can only be considered that there is no problem with it.


The role of human knowledge is limited. As long as the key nodes are controlled, the success rate of the experiment can be basically guaranteed.

And this is actually the reason why Qian Lixun can decisively let go at this time. If this project is still in a state of necessity for him, it is estimated that even if he is desperate, he will have to complete the entire testing process.

After browsing silently for a while, Ye Zhou asked directly:

"Are there any high-risk spots identified in the inspection? Are there any parts that are underperforming?"

The staff member opposite shook his head, but nodded again immediately.

"It stands to reason that from our current test results, there are no high-risk points, but there is a problem... Everyone is a little worried about the performance of the first wall material."

"Is it because there is no irradiation experiment?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

In fact, according to the normal process, the anr-ht material as the first wall material should be subjected to a full range of irradiation experiments, but this kind of experiment is too difficult.

The irradiation faced by fusion reactors mainly includes three parts: neutron irradiation, ion irradiation and electron irradiation. Among them, the experimental conditions of neutron irradiation are the most severe. Judging from the current technology, there is no suitable experimental site for human beings at all. And equipment, the only thing that can be done is to use fission reactors for experiments.

This experiment requires long-term irradiation to dpa—that is, the atomic dislocation rate caused by irradiation. After the irradiation is completed, it is necessary to find a place to place it for a period of time to eliminate the radiation dose, otherwise the exposed experimenter will be directly exposed Under the high dose of radiation, it is really the result of trading one's own life for the result.

In addition to neutron radiation, ion radiation and electron radiation are much safer, but high-energy ions are difficult to perform macroscopic tests, and electron radiation has the problem of high-voltage electron microscopy, which is time-consuming and troublesome to operate.

All in all, considering these problems, Ye Zhou's last instruction was to skip the large-scale irradiation experiments and only do a few key metal phase tests, which is probably the reason why the staff has low confidence in the materials.

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, the staff opposite nodded and replied:

"It's true. Leader, as you know, most of these researchers accept the truth. If they don't see the data, they don't feel relieved."

"However, this does not affect the overall

The progress of the test is.... We want to know, is this material really reliable? "

Ye Zhou didn't know how to answer this question for a while. From his own point of view, he could pat his chest and ensure that the material was absolutely fine, but how would he convince the staff?

Although the previously provided documents contain a series of test data, those data have not really passed the hands of any researcher, and they are not experiments made by themselves, and they will naturally remain somewhat skeptical.

This is probably the spirit of truth-seeking prevalent in scientific research—it may seem a little difficult to understand, but it is this spirit of rigor that enables technology to continue to move forward.

After thinking for a moment, he answered:

"Irradiation testing, we can discuss it later. Experiments can be done, but the problem is that we are too short on time, so we can only do it later."

"It's normal to question existence, but there's definitely nothing wrong with the material itself, and you can rest assured."

"The most important thing now is to achieve ignition first. If you encounter any resistance in the follow-up, you can tell me, and I will find a way to solve it."

The staff nodded and replied:

"Understood, then we will continue to follow the road signs and plan to start the ignition in 5 days."

5 days, if according to the requirements of the current target pill manufacturing process, after acquiring the technology of the Chou Kingdom, using the existing resources, it will take exactly 5 days to manufacture new target pills, which gives them a chance. .

A one-time opportunity to solve the problem.

"Has the target pill been installed?"

Ye Zhou asked.

"Not yet, the test of the black cavity of the target ball is placed at the end, so it has not been installed yet."

"That's good. In a few days, we may use a new target, test it first, and if the result is ok, replace the current one with the new target."

"A new target pill?"

The staff member repeated in surprise, and after a pause, he continued to ask:

"Leader, where did the new target pill come from?"

"It was sent by the ugly people. In this regard, their technology does have an advantage."

"Ugly people? Sent? Why?"

The other party asked in shock.

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"Who knows? Maybe they suddenly wake up and realize that being a dog is the only way out."

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