Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 524 The First Intersection Of Bci Technology And Fusion Technology

While Huawuyuan was nervously conducting the final test of the inertial confinement fusion device, on the other side, in the imperial capital, in a red house, a crucial meeting was also underway.

The topic of the meeting is fusion-related, but it is not entirely a technical discussion. In fact, what these key executives of the entire national strategy gathered in the conference room are discussing after the successful commercialization of nuclear fusion. , will have a huge impact on the entire world.

Every new energy revolution is not a trivial matter. In the last time, the sulfur-silicon battery technology has impacted the traditional fossil energy order. The reason why it still hangs in one breath is mostly because of oil and fossil fuels The marginal industries with a wide range of products, and the irreplaceable demand for fossil energy in the modern aviation industry.

Of course, in addition to this, the official intention of controlling the rate of fossil energy elimination is also an important reason. No one wants to see the collapse of the entire social and economic system or even the collapse of the entire social order because of an energy revolution.

The output value and jobs created by the oil industry are beyond imagination. Once it enters the stage of large-scale elimination and a large number of laborers flood into the market, it will inevitably lead to further intensification of competition.

For those ordinary people who have worked in their original positions all their lives, it is difficult for them to adapt to new jobs, and it is also difficult for them to maintain their original standard of living after being unemployed.

It is not difficult to ensure their basic living standards. Due to the large-scale use of grain production increasing technology, the goal of "don't starve to death" has basically retreated to the edge of China's strategic goal - it is too simple, just short In less than three years, after the application of genetic yield enhancement technology, the grain output of the entire China has reached an unprecedented peak in history.

The grain reserves are so sufficient that there is no need for additional control of grain prices - its price has stabilized at the official price guide, and administrative coercion ensures that it will not continue to fall, regardless of market supply and demand. How it changes, it's the same.

However, being able to live and not be starved to death is definitely not the only goal of the Chinese people. How to live better, how to maintain their dignified way of life as a modern person and a Chinese person, this is the real Something to consider.

"Everyone has been clear about the situation, we will not explain too much, and now directly enter the discussion."

"There are two main topics for discussion. First, after the introduction of nuclear fusion power generation, where should our traditional power companies go?"

"Secondly, when the technology is upgraded on a large scale and traditional workers cannot adapt to nuclear power technology, where should workers go?"

"Let's enter free speech, who will speak first?"

It was the man in the middle tunic who asked the question. His eyes swept across the conference room, and one of the gray-haired old men immediately raised his hand.

The old man's name is Hu Shuangyou, a well-known economist and sociologist in China. He cleared his throat and was about to stand up from his chair when a man in a Chinese tunic suit raised his hand to stop him.

"You can always sit and talk. There are not many people today, and you can still hear clearly while sitting."

"No, I'm still standing - such an important issue, at least you have to have a correct attitude."

Hu Shuangyou stood up stubbornly. He has always been such a stereotyped, old-fashioned scholar. Others are aware of this, so they do not persuade him any more.

"I think both of these issues are actually the same

One problem, that is, the problem of worker education. "

"Industrial transformation, technological innovation, and social change, all these problems are actually attributed to the same problem, that is education."

"If our workers can learn new knowledge and master new skills, then this large number of workers will not be unemployed, but can be directly transferred to new industries and become new available labor force."

"If this can be done, then all the problems we are discussing today will be solved. Of course, the expected major social problems will basically not appear."

Hearing Hu Shuangyou's words, everyone in the conference room nodded. In fact, this is a very basic, but also very stable and correct solution. It improves the education level of workers, provides skills training for workers, and allows them to transfer directly. Entering a new job can really solve the problem fundamentally.

However, such a solution is too slow and the training period is too long. For enterprises, instead of waiting for the completion of worker training, they might as well recruit a new batch of capable workers.

After all, even state-owned enterprises have to consider their own operating efficiency - with such a large base, it is difficult to carry financial funds, especially when there are already many large-scale projects in progress.

"You always talk about the fundamental solution, but you also know the problem of this solution. The cycle is too long, and we probably won't be able to wait that long."

"I personally think that this problem is a problem that needs to be treated both at the root and at the symptom."

"As you've always said, worker education is the cure, but before this program is complete, we need to cure the symptoms."

The person who refuted Hu Shuangyou was a middle-aged man named Chu Liuhe, which was not the same as his grand name. In fact, he was a thin, small, gentle, white-faced scholar.

Hu Shuangyou nodded and replied:

"Liuhe, your point of view is correct. Before workers' education is completed, we do need some transitional means - not only in the field of power generation. In recent years, our technology has been updated so fast that almost Changes are taking place in all industries, and it is very serious that workers are not learning at the rate of technological change.”

"It can be said that we are now almost on the brink of life and death. If large-scale worker education work is not carried out, then a large-scale wave of unemployment will come soon, within a year or two at most."

"This is the so-called new technology trap - although we have worked very hard to control the rhythm in the early stage, such a trap still appears, which is impossible."

Having said this, Hu Shuangyou sighed with a wry smile and said:

"That little kid Ye Zhou... He is really solving problems for us on the one hand, and creating problems for us on the other hand."

Hearing his words, everyone in the conference room laughed, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

As Hu Shuangyou described it, this is actually a "sweet trouble". Although there are occasional complaints, who doesn't want to see this kind of big stride forward?

After laughing for a while, Chu Liuhe said:

"In fact, it is difficult to have a good solution to the problem you mentioned. It is nothing more than two ways of social security and financial subsidies. Let me tell you my opinion first."

"Actually, to ensure the people's basic life, mainly from the four aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation, there is no big problem with clothing, food and transportation now.

, The most important thing is the problem of living. "

"I think we should start from several fronts."

"The first is to build public housing on a large scale; the second is to completely abandon the old land fiscal policy and find alternative development strategies - this, we couldn't do it before because of the lack of 'water sources', but now, We've virtually taken the technological high ground of the world, and it's not that hard to do that."

"Abandoning some patents, exporting some technologies, and exporting technical finished products on a large scale at a reduced profit is enough to make up for the gap in land finance."

"Third, we need to regulate the market order, some companies, let them die, and use coercive means to recover their property----don't consider the issue of morality and immorality, the dividend period of rsa decryption technology is coming to an end, we have to use Good for this final window."

After Chu Liuhe's remarks, the entire conference room was silent. Those who came into contact with him for the first time only understood at this point why he could bear such a domineering name, because the strategy he proposed was also true. Just like the Chu Bawang, he is indomitable and savage.

Although they didn't say it clearly, everyone knows what the so-called "technology export" and the so-called "rsa technology dividend" mean.

The man in the middle tunic nodded and said:

"Liuhe, your strategy is to be pursued, but the specific implementation still needs to be discussed - we need to scrape the bones to cure the poison, but we cannot directly amputate the limbs."

"In addition to your strategy, we need a softer strategy to transition."

"Transition Strategies for Transition Strategies."

"Does anyone have an idea?"

"Yes, people go overseas, right? Now our routes have begun to spread all over the world, and the number of large aircraft has reached the second in the world, and the difficulty of travel has been further reduced. I think it is also a plan to moderately let our people go out."

"I also have an idea. At the beginning of its establishment, the Tongtianhe project also assumed the function of absorbing labor. We might as well put the schedule of this project on the premise. After all, the project itself is not technically difficult to construct, and it is used to absorb and eliminate it. industrial workers are just right.”

"My opinion is that subsidies cannot be left out. To be honest, money, what we have now is, we will distribute it in a precise and targeted manner, and solve the problem first. As for economic inflationary pressure, we can use the established channels to lead to South Island."


The discussion was in full swing, and at the end, when everyone stopped talking, a young scholar raised his hand and said:

"I have an idea."

"You said. It's Komatsu, isn't it?"

The man in Chinese tunic nodded his head.

"Yes leader."

Komatsu's expression was obviously a little nervous. He raised the pad in his hand and said to everyone:

"I just confirmed with the General Technical Office and the Zhejiang University bci team. They believe that the bci transmission technology is basically mature, the side effects are basically eliminated, and the conditions for large-scale equipment production are basically ready."

"In other words, this technology can be used on a large scale."

Hearing his words, everyone's expressions froze.

The first person to react was Hu Shuangyou. He looked at the man in the tunic suit, who nodded slowly, and then said:

"It seems that this time, Mr. Hu, your plan is going to be the first priority."

"Training may not necessarily need people to do it, and it doesn't take as long as we think."

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