Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Twentieth The Target Pill Is Ready

Zhejiang University, bci project building.

Chen Li's team was adjusting and testing a new batch of experimenters, but a sudden top-secret document interrupted everyone's work.

The content of the document is not too complicated. Although it involves many detailed requirements and suggestions, it can be summed up in one sentence:

In one year, the bci transmission technology will be rolled out on a large scale, and the first batch of workers will be applied to electric power, coal and energy workers.

In order to achieve this goal, the document requires the next step of the bci project team to carry out the test in this group of people, collect enough samples, and form a usable technical template, so that the follow-up application work can be carried out in an orderly manner.

"Do you think there is a problem with going directly to the large-scale application stage?"

Chen Li asked with a slight frown.

This instruction is beyond everyone's expectations. According to their plan, the current stage of the experiment will continue for at least one to two years. After enough samples are collected, large-scale promotion will be carried out.

But now, all plans need to be reworked.

"The application problem is not big. I am more worried about scientific ethics. This technology is too sensitive. If it is applied to some people first, it may cause a backlash from others."

"In addition, technically, we are also facing risks. At present, there are very few samples in our experiment, so we haven't found too many substantive problems, but what if there are technical problems that are difficult to solve after the scope of application is expanded?"

"It's directly on the brain ... if something goes wrong, it can be fatal."

Hearing Zhu Xuan's words, Chen Li nodded and replied:

"These are real risks that we will definitely expose as well."

"But that's not something we need to think about, there's only one thing we need to think about: Can it be done technically."

"As long as it can be done, then we have to do it. As for things like risk, that is something that needs to be considered above."

After a pause, he continued:

"So the current situation is that there is no technical difficulty in realizing it?"

Zhu Xuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, while Chu Ya raised her hand and said:

"There is a problem with personnel. If we want to expand on a large scale, then we will not have enough manpower now."

"This can be applied for. Since we are asked to do it, all our resource needs will definitely be met, so don't worry. Are there any other questions?"

The other two shook their heads together, Chen Li closed the document and said:

"Okay, since there's no problem, that's it."

"Everyone, this time, our task is very heavy and very important. Although we are not directly involved in energy work, the future energy

In the history of development, there will be a name for us. "

"So, everyone must do their best and don't hold back the brothers in other links."


Everyone in the laboratory responded.


At the same time, at the Rongcheng Airport, a special plane from the Chou Kingdom just landed. There were only two random main passengers, but there were as many as fifteen security personnel, because the things they carried were crucial to the whole world. important.

This is a technical document of an inertial confinement fusion target pellet plus a sample of the target pellet. Due to the application of new materials, the two pellets can be stored normally without freezing. However, considering the current hot weather in Chengdu, they are still used during transportation. After getting off the plane, the two researchers who were in charge of escorting immediately set off for the Huawu Academy.

In the Huawuyuan, Ye Zhou and the Shenguang No. 4 team had already prepared for the test. It only took 8 hours to complete the test of the target pill, and the performance was proved to be all qualified.

In the office, Chen Hao flipped through the test report in his hand and said:

"I can't understand this report to be honest, but since you said it's okay, it should be okay."

"Now it seems that the Ugly people are really looking back - I have the impression that this should be the first time in the past 20 years that they have helped us in major and key projects, or free of charge."

"I think it's a little bit out of habit.... Before sending it for testing, we were worried about what toxic substances or microbombs were in it."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"How is it possible to do this kind of small action, the people who do the testing are ordinary scientific researchers, objectively speaking, each of them contributes to this project equally, even if there is a problem, it will not affect the progress of the whole project ."

"What I'm worried about is whether the performance of this target pellet is as good as described in the technical documentation. After all, we can only verify it through actual ignition."

"If we can't meet the requirements, aren't we equivalent to tossing for nothing?"

While talking, Ye Zhou stood up. Seeing his movements, Chen Hao also got up and asked:

"Going to install the target pill now?"

"Isn't that right now? After the installation is complete, one final inspection will be done, and we can start to start the ignition-now our time, that's a day or a day."

While talking, the two walked towards the target room of the Shenguang No. 4 device, where the first wall had been opened, and the staff were carefully doing the final preparations on the temporary workbench beside them.

watch them move

, Chen Hao asked curiously:

"What does that mean? Just stick it with tape?"

Ye Zhou glanced at the workbench and replied with some amusing:

"This is a thin-film plastic sheet, which is used to hold the target pellets. It will be ablated after ignition. Otherwise, how do you think it is fixed? There is no support in the vacuum chamber of the fusion device."

"Don't look at the simple principle of this step, but it requires high precision. Before the previous old devices had no active adjustment function, many operations in this step had to be accurate to the micron level. Now laser equipment can achieve optical path deflection in a very small range. Only then did the accuracy requirements come down.”

"Okay, I'm a layman."

Chen Hao sighed with emotion, and then quietly stood aside.

As he said, he was a complete layman for this work and could not be of much help, but as a witness, there was still an indescribable emotion surging in his heart.

There are expectations and emotions in this emotion, but more of it is unbelievable.

When he was very young, he actually learned the concept of nuclear fusion from various books and film and television works. At that time, it was still a purely theoretical assumption, and most of its explanations were only related to celestial bodies--- - Or rather the sun.

At that time, he already knew that the sun is a celestial body that continuously undergoes nuclear fusion, and that such energy is the basis for the existence of all life, but he did not know how such fusion came, nor how to get there Take advantage of it.

But suddenly, right in the room where he was standing, a little artificial sun was about to appear.

The last time I felt this way was when he was rewatching 2001: A Space Odyssey. In that movie, humans have gone to space and established bases on other planets, but the spacecraft still uses the original button-type operation method. , there are many screens, but there is no touch screen in sight.

And now, the vision of the future that I had when I was a child may also be completely broken - what this technology brings, it is definitely not just as simple as the energy revolution.

With the arrival of sufficient energy, there may be a series of application technology innovations related to electricity, and then, from electricity to kinetic energy, and then from kinetic energy to mechanical energy... Even if it is only based on the most conservative assumptions, the real meaning The reclamation of mountains and seas is likely to become a reality.

Just as he was immersed in his own thoughts, Ye Zhou lightly patted his shoulder and said:

"The preparations are over, and the first wall must be completely closed immediately."

"Next, just wait for the final ignition."

(It’s not that I want to break the chapter, I had a one-day meeting today, and I was so angry that I immediately resigned)

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