Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 525 More Than 5 Years Of Struggle

At two o'clock in the morning, Ye Zhou, Chen Hao, and Lin Ling were sitting on the balcony used for rest outside the general control of the Shenguang No. 4 installation in Huawuyuan, looking at the night sky far away from the city, quietly waiting for the critical moment. important moment.

Ye Zhou held a cup of Tie Guanyin that was so bitter that his tongue tingled, Chen Hao sat far away smoking a cigarette, while Lin Ling leaned back on the reclining chair, sucking the straw one by one with a relaxed expression.

"Actually, you can check the results directly tomorrow. I heard that you have been working overtime a lot lately. If you keep on going like this, your hair will fall out."

Ye Zhou put down the cup in his hand and said in a half-joking and half-concerned tone.

"It doesn't matter, it's not every day. I can't miss such an important thing."

Lin Ling smiled and continued:

"Besides, if nuclear fusion can be successfully ignited, it will also be of great significance to my research direction. More electricity means more high-energy experiments. At least I don't have to worry about electricity bills in the future."

"Also, if the fiber laser behaves normally this time, it can also be used in the laser pulse acceleration technology in the future. At that time, we can use super particle beams for collision experiments."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Then I didn't think of this.... However, from this point of view, the derivation of this technology is wider than I originally expected, and it will bring more marginal benefits in the future."

"It's a good thing that technology starts to have a marginal impact before it's actually used, which is critical to the steady development of a technology's life cycle."

"If a technology can really only have a single use, its development will be greatly limited - this is why many people are more optimistic about inertial confinement fusion. From the technology itself, it has certain Self-sustainability, you can achieve self-support in the early stages of development.”

Chen Hao on the side put out the cigarette, leaned over and said:

"This is just one of the reasons. After all, this kind of large-scale project needs a large amount of financial support anyway. But then again, how is magnetic confinement fusion developing now?"

Ye Zhou shook his head slightly, then replied:

"Magnetic confinement, or tokamak devices, in fact, the speed of development has always been ahead of inertial confinement technology. Now there are iter in the world and cfetr in China. These facilities are directly aimed at fusion power stations, and the technology is also relatively mature."

"Theoretically speaking, the progress of a fusion research is mainly measured by the three indicators of plasma density, temperature, and effective discharge time, and the product of the tokamak device is much larger than that of inertial confinement fusion. many."

"But that's just a lot bigger -- it's not up to the mark for commercialization either."

"It's like everyone is trying to jump over a cliff. The width of the cliff is 10 meters. Before the inertial restraint technology jumped 3 meters, but the magnetic restraint technology jumped 8 meters, but the result is the same, still have to fall. Go under the cliff."

"So it doesn't matter how close you are before you actually jump over the cliff."

"And our Shenguang No. 4 device this time is to jump over this cliff."

"Can you jump over there?"

Chen Hao asked a little worriedly.

Ye Zhou laughed and replied:

"You should ask, how many meters can we go over that cliff."

"The goal of Shenguang-4 is not to achieve a fusion reaction, or even to achieve a self-sustaining fusion reaction, but to achieve a self-sustaining and steady-state discharge fusion reaction."

"Achieving a fusion reaction is to cross a 10-meter cliff and achieve a self-sustaining fusion reaction. This is to jump over the cliff and then walk down the mountain for a while, to the middle of the mountain."

"Only by achieving a self-sustaining and steady-state discharge response can you truly go down the mountain and walk on the avenue to the sky."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao sighed with emotion and said:

"It's happened so many times that I'm a little hallucinating -- I always feel that we have to do everything the first time, the best at the first time, or fail."

"In the past, I always thought that those views that 'Huaxia was either the first or the failure' were outrageous. Now that I think about it, I am even more extreme than them."

"Not only do you want us to be the first, but also the second lap."

Lin Ling, who was on the side, laughed when he heard the words, and interjected:

"Mr. Chen, your general technical office should have been more ambitious. If you can't even set a goal, why do you need to coordinate?"

"Of course, of course, I just think it's kind of magical."

Having said that, Chen Hao sat down beside Ye Zhou, and then continued to say:

"Actually, I have been having an idea for the past two days, that is, the realization of this device is a very sci-fi thing."

"Think about it, how long did it take us to take the lead from the time when our cutting-edge technologies were completely suppressed by the ugly country to the fact that we have achieved a comprehensive lead?"

Lin Ling narrowed his eyes and recalled for a moment, then said:

"Five years, right? The first transcendence started with chips and lithography machines, followed by engines, large aircraft, batteries... and a lot of derivative technologies, all of which caught up at once. already."

"I didn't know it before. I felt that it suddenly seemed like it was open. Not until the security level was raised some time ago, I found out that it was Ye Gong who did it."

"Hey, are you considered a bug in history? Just like Huo Qubing, Wei Qing, etc., you wouldn't also..."

Having said that, Lin Lingbo said twice:

"Unfortunate and unlucky, not too bad."

Ye Zhou looked at her movements amusingly and said:

"You think me too much. In fact, this kind of overtaking has not started recently, not even this century. Since the last century, since the beginning of our country, we have been in Prepare for this moment today."

"If nothing else, let's talk about inertial confinement fusion. You all know that the principle of inertial confinement fusion is the same as that of a hydrogen bomb explosion, so you should also know how much effort Academician Yu Min has made for today's situation. ."

"Think about the golden age of 30 or 40 years old. They abandoned their wives and children, and sat in barren places in the great desert. They couldn't share and discuss top-secret projects with anyone, and even their letters to their families were only limited to Use a pseudonym."

"At that time, we didn't have a particle accelerator and couldn't screen fusion materials. The researchers of that generation used hand-cranked calculators, abacuses, and even pen calculations to deduce the fusion route equation."

"Not to mention the natural environment, drought, water shortage, desolation, remoteness... Now we are building a six-nosed base in Kunlun Mountains, and even the cigarettes that researchers need to smoke every day have to buy hundreds of different cigarettes. Brand, when were they?"

"It is estimated that the dishes they ate all year round at that time were not as varied as our current researchers."

"That's when they made the atomic bomb, they made the hydrogen bomb, and then they did the miniaturization program before the CTBT."

"Without these contributions from them, the development of our entire country's nuclear industry would likely be locked at the level of the 1960s. If that's the case, what kind of inertial confinement nuclear fusion would you want to do?"

"It's just picking up the leftover bones, like korean, doing some experimental tokamak and chatting and masturbating."

"Don't talk about nuclear fusion, do you know when our battery technology research first originated?"

"It was 1958, and today, it's been nearly 80 years."

"Sometimes I think, I'm not really a pioneer of technology, I'm just the last tooth on a key."

"Without the efforts of those predecessors, even if there is technology, it is just a castle in the air."

Ye Zhou's remarks made the other two deeply agree. Just when Chen Hao was going to continue chatting along this topic, the balcony door was suddenly pushed open, and then a familiar figure appeared at the door. It was Qian Lixun.

"Elder Qian, why are you here?"

Ye Zhou asked in surprise.

According to the plan negotiated before, he originally planned to participate in the ignition remotely, but obviously, he still couldn't bear his curiosity.

"I'll come and see... Come on, Xiaoye, it's almost 4 o'clock, let's go."

"Let's go and see how this is the first ignition."

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