Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 527 Technology Integration Package

"Shenguang No. 4 inertial nuclear fusion ignition was successful, and steady-state discharge was achieved!"

"Humanity has entered the era of fusion!"

"The beacon fire was lit in Rongcheng, and Huaxia opened the door to the human energy revolution."


The news of the successful ignition of Shenguang No. 4 was quickly made public. As everyone expected, even though the project had been promoted many times in the early stage, when the day really came, the shock that people felt was still not there. any weakening.

Nuclear fusion, this technology has always been regarded as the key to the next stage of human civilization. All the major countries in the world are working hard to create this key. However, after decades of research, the progress made by human beings can almost be Said to be minimal.

But on this day, with the unremitting efforts of tens of thousands of people, this technology has finally accumulated a lot, skipping the laboratory stage and entering the commercial stage where steady-state discharge is possible.

On major online platforms, netizens also exploded because of this news.

"Fuck, awesome, as soon as nuclear fusion comes out, should we immigrate to Mars next?"

"What are you thinking? There's nuclear fusion, so do you still need immigrants? After the energy is sufficient, you can do whatever you want on this earth. It doesn't matter what Jingwei reclaims the sea, and what Yugong moves mountains."

"Aren't we working on the Tongtianhe project now? How many people objected when the project first came out, saying it was a waste of resources and energy, but now?"

"If subsequent commercial fusion power generation can be rolled out, what is this energy?"

"So in fact, the country is playing a big game of chess----hey, this sentence is rotten, but I have to say that the reality is often like this."

Of course, among the voices of admiration, some people expressed different opinions.

"Your ideas are too optimistic. At present, the ignition and steady-state discharge have only been achieved in the experimental device, but there is still a way to go before it can be truly commercialized."

"At least the technical difficulty of large-scale fusion devices is not comparable to that of experimental devices. I think that if the first fusion power station can be built within five years, it will be considered a great achievement."

"The one upstairs is 500,000, right? Why do you always pretend to be a lizhong guest?"

"Upstairs, you are 500,000, right? Don't learn a new word and use it everywhere. It is a considerable analysis. From an objective fact, it is not that easy to achieve power generation. He just gave it to you. It's just a vaccination."

"If you want to say 500,000, the real 500,000 is the one who said that it is better to engage in fusion power generation than to engage in universal medical care. On the surface, it is for everyone's good, but in fact, it is taken out of context to hide evil intentions. If you want to rush, just rush to him."

"Fuck, where is the man? I'll take his dog's head off!"


Looking at the comments of netizens, Ye Zhou showed a knowing smile on his face. After education again and again, the network environment he sees now is much better than what he saw a few years ago---- Of course, to a large extent it is also the credit of rsa decryption technology.

"How did other countries react?"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao opposite and asked.

"There are several aspects, where to start?"

"Let's talk about the Middle East first - if the battery just shook their energy base before, nuclear fusion was really a complete subversion when it came out, and they should have already started to jump. ?"

Chen Hao nodded slightly and replied:

"It's not as simple as jumping up. In the past few days, the Middle East has become a mess."

"All oil companies went on strike and all freight channels were closed. If we hadn't accumulated a lot of oil in the previous energy battle, we would have been affected by this wave of shocks."

"The oil financial market has completely collapsed, and even if we join forces with the ugly country, we cannot control it. Now the ugly country has officially submitted an application to us, intending to use rsa technology to directly control the oil price for a period of time, so as to make the industry transition smoothly. ."

"In addition, the social environment over there is already in chaos. The people are forcing the official to find a way, but what can the official do? Under the impact of this technology, the economic foundation they built on oil is bound to collapse. of."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou frowned slightly, and then asked:

"Aren't we going to take action?"

"We must take action, the result of such turbulence is something we can't afford - we have already started negotiations with several major energy countries, and the follow-up fusion technology will be exported to them first. It is estimated that after the news is released in a few days, The unrest on their side will calm down temporarily."

"At that time, the energy pattern of the entire world will change completely, and the pattern originally divided by geography will become divided by technology."

"We are the first holder of the technology, and all the benefits generated by this technology will flow to us automatically - of course, we will divide a part to stabilize the situation of the original energy countries. "

"But, in general, we're going to really rely on this technology for our globalization strategy."

"Isn't there a Qualcomm tax before? Now we can start a fusion tax too."

Ye Zhou smiled and shook his head, and said:

"This statement sounds weird, as if we are old landlords."

"We should change our minds. We are helping other countries in the world move towards a new energy future, and it is reasonable to charge some tolls in the process, isn't it?"

"Really reasonable."

Chen Hao nodded, took a sip of water and continued:

"Except for the Middle East, Europe and America have basically maintained a stable situation, and there is no trend of economic collapse for the time being. However, their officials are also very urgent."

"The European side has set out various conditions to get the first place in the follow-up technology application promotion. Now we finally know why the ugly people are so kind, and they are also fighting for the first place."

"Also, you can't think of the conditions they put forward, it's a choice between two..."

"I want to get it, isn't it that we can either help them implement fusion technology applications, or give them bci algorithms and databases?"

Chen Hao looked at Ye Zhou in surprise, who spread his hands and said:

"It's not surprising. Judging from the current situation, BCI technology and nuclear fusion technology are the ones that have the greatest impact on the world. It's not surprising that they want one of them."

"The only thing I don't know is, how are they going to get these two technologies? Shouldn't they ask us to fully disclose the technical documents?"

"That's not true. They only asked for the export of the whole package, plus a part of technical cooperation. They still believe that magnetic confinement fusion has a great future, and hope that we can carry out larger-scale cooperation in this field."

"Probably they also know that inertial confinement fusion, a technology that is strongly related to military affairs, has no possibility of negotiation, so they settle for the next best thing."

"Then what is our strategy?"

"The result of the preliminary discussion above is to be given to them. Although nuclear fusion is said to be the authority to determine the world, the problem is that the most important thing for us now is not to fight for hegemony, but to survive."

"So it's also important for us to share the technological achievements to a certain extent and let them help us share some of the pressure."

"As long as we pay attention to ensuring basic technical generation differences when cooperating, our leadership will not be shaken."


After a pause, Ye Zhou continued to ask:

"What about their sincerity? Do they have anything else to exchange with us?"

"Don't say it, there really is."

"What is it?"

"A technology integration package, including pump technology, special steel technology, ultra-high-precision machine tool technology, etc. It can be said that this technology integration package will solve all our technical gaps in the civilian field."

"Those technologies that still need to rely on imports can be fully localized in the future. From what I have seen so far, at least we can produce fire trucks ourselves."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou asked in surprise:

"Does that mean we couldn't even build a fire truck before?"

"It's not that 'even a fire truck can't be built'... The chassis, ladders, and water pumps used by fire trucks all have high technical threshold requirements. If we invest a lot of resources in research and breakthroughs, the cost is too high. High, it's a bit of a loss."

"So we've been using imported fire trucks. Although it's a little more expensive, it's still much cheaper than the R&D giant."

"There are still many fields like this. Isn't the previous ballpoint pen incident a typical case? After getting this bag, these problems will disappear completely."

"That's not bad, they're sincere."

The two looked at each other and smiled. At this moment, they both knew in their hearts that the other party was willing to take out these things in exchange, which was enough to show the status of fusion technology. In essence, after selling almost all the superior technologies in the civilian field- ---Even if these are not the most cutting-edge technologies, it means that Chouguo has completely given up restricting China's development from the direction of patents and technology.

This is a major advance, and it is even possible that it is the beginning of a true "Great Unity of the People of the World".

"Is there any other news?"

Chen Hao hummed, and then said:

"There is news, but the specific situation has not been reported yet. However, the department involved in the investigation felt that this matter might be more important, so they notified their superiors in advance. I also only obtained part of the information."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Zhou asked curiously.

"A small county in the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou, something very strange happened..."


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