Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Twentieth Eight Freezing

Back in time two days ago, a week after the Shenguang No. 4 was ignited, returning to the state, Yunwei County.

He Wendi is an honest and humble citizen. In this small county town, he runs a small funeral supplies store. Although it is somewhat unlucky, in order to make money, he doesn't care about such things.

He is a pure atheist, and is even a member of an organization. If he hadn't been admitted to the civil service after graduating from college, he would probably have taken the position of a junior leader in an official department by now.

Of course, he has nothing to complain about the current situation. Anyway, due to the special industry, maintaining a living is not a problem at all. His two children have graduated from college, and he has no prejudice against his father's dead business. When they were at home, the whole family was even used to eating and chatting while leaning against the coffin in the back room of the small store.

This made him very satisfied. After all, when he first started this business, he was worried that his children would look down on him when they grew up. After all, he had seen many similar cases, such as the father who refused to let his children ride three wheels in school. Pick him up at school or something.

But I didn't expect that my two children are more free and easy than him----probably this is also related to the education they received since childhood. In their opinion, business is business, no matter if it is a living business or a dead business, The money earned is always spent by the living.

All in all, this is a family of materialists under the influence of the red culture. They do not believe in ghosts and gods, but they do business that the people think "dealing with ghosts and gods".

In business, He Wendi will politely go along with his guests, and will enthusiastically recommend to them which kind of paper money is the best, and which kind of paper figurines can really be delivered to their ancestors, but when he turns his head, he will inevitably be concerned about this. This kind of behavior secretly slanders - everyone is dead, what's the use of spending so much money?

It is better to be filial and filial when you are alive.

What the hell, can they solve the world food crisis? Can controllable nuclear fusion be achieved?

They can't figure it out, but we Chinese people can figure it out.

Thinking of this, He Wendi felt a little proud. Although they didn't have any chance to participate in related work, he felt proud to think that the taxes he paid on time every year were used in such a place.

This morning, as usual, he opened the shop early, ready to welcome his first customer.

The guests of this Baishi store are actually not as special as outsiders think. Except for the occasional big business from designing to funerals, most of the incense paper money they buy is for daily use----Sacrificial Sweeping, Worship God, worship, and so on.

Therefore, most of the people who come here actually have a relaxed expression on their faces, and he does not need to take it too seriously. When he has nothing to do, he will read books and clean in the store. The time of the day will soon pass. .

"Master He!"

Just as he was leisurely cleaning the dust in front of the door, a crisp sound interrupted his movement.

He Wendi raised his head, and a young man came.

"Hey, Shuanglin, it's quite early today."

This young man named Li Shuanglin is a villager in a village on the edge of the county. He does some aquaculture business at home. His village has a strong sense of clan, and the incense in the ancestral hall continues all the year round, so this procurement work falls all year round. On Li Shuanglin, who was going to enter and leave the county.

"Yeah, I'm going to sell soft-shell turtle early today. I didn't bring one for you. Take it back and fry it, it's delicious!"

He Wendui did not refuse, directly took the turtle in the other's hand, and then said:

"Then I won't be polite to you anymore, just offset the consumption of your ancestors today."

Logically speaking, the price of Li Shuanglin's purchase of incense paper money is at least five or six hundred. Compared with the price of this soft-shelled turtle, it is definitely not cost-effective, but business is often a relationship between people----even this The industry is no exception.

"Then how can it be, you have to give it if you should, and you can just give it a discount when you buy it next time during the Qingming Festival!"

Li Shuanglin said while taking out the list from his arms and handing it to He Wendian.

He Wendi took the list, and it was densely written with the things he needed. The quantity was not large, but the types were very diverse. It took him a lot of effort to find the things. After they were all arranged, he carried the things to Li Shuanglin's feet On the side, he clapped his hands and said:

"It's alive, do you order?"

"What else to order! Master He, I've swept the money for you."

"Why are you being so polite! You said no!"

"One yard is one yard... By the way, Mr. He, it's cold enough in your shop. The air conditioner is too high today."

Hearing Li Shuanglin's words, He Wendi was stunned for a while, and after sending off the other party after a few words, he looked at the air conditioner in the store, which was obviously not turned on, and fell into contemplation.

In fact, this is not the first time that customers have complained about the coldness in his store. After many customers mentioned it, they all said that the Baishi store was heavy with yin qi. This kind of statement made He Wendian sneer----what yin qi is heavy, in fact But because there are too many paper products in the store, in order to avoid the risk of fire, he turned the air conditioner down low every time.

However, now that it has entered the late autumn, the temperature outside has begun to drop gradually. Since a week ago, he has not turned on the air conditioner again. However, within this week, people continue to say that his store is cold.

What's going on here?

He Wen's body is very good. He is used to being in a low temperature environment, and he can't feel cold for a while. When the previous guests said it, he only regarded it as a psychological effect, but today Li Shuanglin's words are not. It made him wonder.

This kid, like himself, is a complete atheist—no, even if he is not an atheist, he is also a "ghostless", and he doesn't believe in that kind of weird power.


Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to have that kind of psychological effect caused by fear.

He Wendian frowned and walked out of the store, stood for a few minutes and then walked in again. This time, he also really felt the change in temperature.

It was a very obvious change, so obvious that even his bare skin had goosebumps.

what happened? Forgot to close the refrigerator door?

He Wendi walked quickly to the living area in the back room of the store. The refrigerator in the small kitchen was well shut, and even here, the temperature was higher than that in the store in front—he could obviously feel the slight warm wind.

Besides this, is there any other reason?

The upstairs of my store is a residential building, so it's not like the people above have put ice cubes on the ground, right?

Or did they forget to turn off their fridge?

Until this moment, he was still reluctant to think about the so-called "haunted" things that were most easily thought of. After thinking for a while, he turned around and went out the door. He went to the grocery store opposite to buy several thermometers, and then went to the store. There is one in each position.

It is too inaccurate to rely on the human body to feel it. He wants to find out how such a low temperature comes from.

But soon, he found that his thermometer was bought for nothing.

Because in a corner of the store, the unfinished bottle of water that he threw there a few days ago was freezing.


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