Simulation: Great Power Technology

Five Hundred And Twentieth Ix Human Disability

He Wensui picked up the bottle in the corner in disbelief and confirmed that it was indeed a bottle of mineral water that naturally freezes in autumn in this place where the temperature almost never goes below zero.

It's weird. At this moment, no matter how firm he is, he has to start thinking about the possibility of supernatural phenomena.

Moreover, he could clearly feel that when his hand reached the area where the water bottle was, he could feel a chill to the bone.

----No, or rather, it's not just ordinary cold.

The cold is radiated from the inside out, as if his blood lost most of its temperature in an instant, and then the dull nerves began to perceive the cold.

And the hand he took back immediately became stiff. In just one second, the hand seemed to be exposed for several hours in the ice and snow, and began to show symptoms of frostbite, redness and swelling.

What's going on?

Unwillingly, He Wendian ran to the kitchen to boil a pot of hot water, then poured it into the bowl, and carefully pushed the bowl towards the low-temperature area. Then, he saw something strange that he had never seen in his long life. Phenomenon.

The water vapor that rose from the bowl all condensed in the air, forming a smog-like state if there was any substance. Then, the smog all fell back into the bowl, and the heat continued to spread, but it was still unable to break through the mouth of the bowl. the edge of.

A thick layer of white mist gradually floated on the water. He Wendui found chopsticks and tried to stir it, and found that the layer of "cloud and mist" was actually condensed water vapor.

It seemed to be suppressed in mid-air by some force, and along with this suppression, the temperature of the water that had just boiled in the bowl dropped rapidly.

After only a few minutes, the bowl of water began to condense a thin layer of ice.

He Wendian sat down on the ground with a buttocks. He was completely unable to understand what was happening in front of him. In his limited knowledge system, there was no theory that could explain this phenomenon.

The temperature cannot drop out of thin air, there must be something at work.

Is it really haunted?

He Wensui stood up in shock, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a very familiar number.


That's right, in his opinion, even if it is haunted, it can be solved by the official - after all, if there is such a thing as "ghost" in this world, the official will definitely know better than any other ordinary people. clear.

"Hello, the call center."

"Hello, hello, this is No. 116 Hope Street. I have an emergency here."

"What emergency, you said."

"My water here is freezing!"

"Is the water frozen?"

The operator on the opposite side frowned. He really didn't understand what the so-called "water freezing" was an emergency.

In the three years he has been a police officer, he has seen quite a few strange police reports, and even once, he encountered a man who had to lick the iron railings in the winter and finally got his tongue and face stuck on it. , But it's not that season at all, and the water that can freeze will only appear in the refrigerator.

Maybe it's another person who harassed by calling the police.

Thinking of this, his tone also became a little impatient.

"What is the specific situation, please clarify!"

"It's just that the water freezes inexplicably. I saw it with my own eyes. A bowl of boiling water was placed there, and it was frozen inexplicably!"

He Wendian's tone was a little anxious, he didn't know how to accurately describe the situation he encountered.

Of course, he can understand the other party's disbelief----he also thought the same when he saw it just now.

"Where is the boiling water? In the refrigerator?"

"Not in the refrigerator, or on the floor of the room!"

"The temperature in that place is very low. The boiling water freezes after a few minutes. I'm not joking. I'm in a normal spirit! Please send someone over to take a look!"

"You mean, after you boiled a bowl of boiling water and put it on the ground, the bowl of boiling water froze?"

"Yes yes! And fast!"

Hearing this, the operator's expression became serious. He has dealt with too many people, so even from just a few words, you can tell whether the other party is serious or joking, and now, the person opposite him is obviously not joking .

He probably really saw the so-called "water freezing" process, but he really needs to go to the police to see what is going on.

If it's what he said, then the biggest possibility is that there was some kind of chemical leakage near his location, which caused the environment there to change - this is the first time he can think of it. reasonable explanation.

"We will send someone over immediately, please stay where you are and stay away from dangerous areas."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the door!"

After he finished speaking, He Wendi hung up the phone. After thinking for a while, he ran back to the back room and boiled boiling water, intending to demonstrate it to them later when the police came.

The fire on the stove was burning vigorously, and a long corridor separated it from the storefront in front. The outside temperature could not spread here, which made him feel a strange sense of security.

But as time passed by, the curiosity in his heart became more and more uncontrollable.

What caused the temperature to drop in that place? Is that cold zone still there? What if the police came later and the cold zone disappeared?

He had some experience with the speed of the police in this small county. Last time, his car was smashed by a drunk man in front of his house. After calling the police, it took a full two hours for the police to come.

Thinking of this, he stood up and walked into the store with the boiled water again.

He wants to do another experiment, and then use his mobile phone to record the process of the experiment.

He Wendi was holding the kettle in one hand and the mobile phone in the other. At this moment, he did not feel any danger. From what he had just experienced, the area was indeed cold, but it was not as cold as in the movies he had seen before. The extent of freezing people into ice sculptures.

Stay away, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

However, things went far beyond his imagination.

The moment he approached that area, he felt an abnormality.

The first thing that struck him was a strong sense of suffocation. He was trying his best to inhale, but he couldn't feel any oxygen being sucked into his lungs.

Afterwards, his body temperature dropped rapidly, and his nervous system began to become disordered, which made him feel abnormally hot. At this moment, he even thought that it was too late, that the low temperature zone had disappeared.

But the next second, he fell directly to the ground.

All the energy in the body has been emptied, he tried hard to move his hands, but the muscles in the whole body became extremely slack as if they were dead, and after a while, they tensed up and disappeared without a trace.

Further, the muscles of the heart also lost vitality, the blood in his body began to stop flowing, the carbon dioxide accumulated in the brain could not be taken away, and his consciousness began to fall into drowsiness.

But at the moment when he was completely plunged into chaos, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

adjacent dimension.

Yes, the only thing that could explain it was the so-called adjacent dimension invasion he had seen on the news.

They take away all energy, of course thermal and mechanical energy.

He Wendian's eyes widened in despair. It was too late. He should have listened to the operator and left the area.

Is it really going to die in such a weird way?

If he really died here and the story spread... Those customers who were superstitious would probably really think it was a ghost who killed him?

With his last breath, he took a step outward. The distance of this step was only a few centimeters, but it was these few centimeters that the police who had just entered the door could see his hand blocked by the container.


The leading policeman gave an order, and the two auxiliary policemen accompanying them rushed up immediately, but their results were the same as He Wendi's. The first time they entered the invisible boundary, they collapsed to the ground in a strange posture.

The policeman was dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. His brain almost stopped thinking under the shock of this moment, but fortunately, years of training made his hands much faster than his brain.

There is no way to assess what's going on there, so it's treated as an electric shock.

He found a rope from a pile of scraps in the electricity, threw it over the head of one of the auxiliary police officers from a distance, and then pulled him out with force, ignoring the damage to his neck.

The auxiliary policeman who had left the area suddenly resumed his breathing, and a whistling sound came from his throat, but soon, he got up again with difficulty, and dragged the rope out with the team leader desperately.

He Wendi was rescued in the end. His heart had stopped beating for more than two minutes. The three stumbled and dragged him to the road outside the store. The only uninjured team leader began to give him CPR, and at that moment The two auxiliary policemen who had been seriously injured lay weakly on the ground and called the police station.

"Send someone.... hurry up... it may be a dangerous gas leak.... it may also be an electric leakage accident, we are injured, come quickly..."

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